Whats more important?

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
One, OF course I'm leaving something behind, duuuh. Never said I wasn't. Even pulling a carpet and running it through a bath won't remove 100%.
The "KEY words" are "as possible".

Two thru Four could be said of your customers too.

there is absolutely no way you are getting them as clean as possible...............

Well Fred, don't just tell me I'm fn my custies, tell me what I should leave out? Which part of what I'm doing is not necessary?
Should I stop vacuuming and leave the stuff in the carpet that I know from experience is there?
Should I stop prespraying, or scrubbing?
How bout I sell my TM and buy some towels that I can spread the dirt around to it looks clean?
OH!! I can show them how BLACK the towels get from "removing" the soils from the carpet. Then throw it back on the floor and get it more black :roll:

Yeah, you're right Fred. I'm really fn them out of their good money by doing all that for them and charging more than the other guy that comes in, sprays it down and sucks it up and is gone in 45min. They have to call a cleaner in every 3-4mths to reclean because its looking soiled again. (the experience of yesterdays client with another cleaner that sprays and sucks)

You think I do that just to make myself feel good?? Think again. If I didn't see any results from it I wouldn't be wasting my time. But on 99% of the jobs, and many that surprised me, the results have justified my time and what I charge. I was taught from the navy that excellence is the STANDARD, not the GOAL.

I wonder just who is more obsessed here, me for wanting to do the best job I can and wanting to share it to raise the bar, or you for feeling like you have to keep telling me I need to clean like everyone else out there.


Oct 19, 2006
Brian, what is your problem? You used to be nice to people here but now you are on Ron's back every time he posts.

Give him a break. Ron does great work and really cares about both the results of his cleaning and the happiness of his customers. You assume that he screws over his customers and cheats them for extra money. I don't think you have a clue about his way of doing things.

Ron does what he thinks is the right way for him to clean and he also charges more than average to do that work. So what if you think it is overboard. His customers know up front what he will do and how much the bill will before he ever starts to clean. Give him some credit for trying to do a good job and giving people the best work that he can deliver.

Lots of guys here like to do work that is above average and they like to do it with a TM. You don't want to use (or buy) a TM but not very many people here make fun of you for doing that. Just because you think that an OP machine can do a good enough job and you think that your customers are happy with a good enoough job doesn't mean you are right nor wrong. It just means you want to do things your way.....don't look down on somebody else who is doing more than you. Ron and others do more steps than you because they believe that those extra steps are necessary to get the carpet as clean as they want to get it.

I've used OP and I've used a TM. I know which one I think does a better job FOR ME and I also know that they both work great together. You, for your own reasons, have chosen to use the OP method of cleaning. Ron and others have chosen HWE. You used to be a chem-crap cleaner also, but now you aren't. You might believe that your chem-crap days showed you what hwe and a TM can do but I don't think it really did. Maybe you have cleaned with a high performance TM system but it really seems like you haven't. Notice I wrote "TM system"......the whole system (TM, wand, hose, temp., water flow, vac power, etc.) is very important.

Ron and others like him do a great job of cleaning and have lots of happy customers. Stop assuming that you know more about Ron's business than Ron does. And those four points you just wrote about shows that even you are sometimes full of crap.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
To grow in business and in life you always need to ask "what if"....and then act on it.

Nothing changes if everything stays the same.

Anyone who has been doing anything for "20 years" has been doing it wrong for 19 of them.
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