What’s that smell???


Sep 27, 2020
Joe Gingerich
So we had a weird situation earlier today…

Last job of the day at a large senior living facility, carpet cleaning in main entrance/lobby.

About 100 ft2 in and the smell hits, a real WTF chemical, sour milk, rotten eggs, burning electric wires kind of smell that would just about knock you out of your flip flops. Super strong.

We immediately stop cleaning and quickly check the Phoenix, Kirby, and heavy duty extension cord and wall outlet. All clear.

My next thought was wool carpet…mild tachycardia and that hot flushed feeling start to set in. I was previously informed by my contact, the campus facility director of 27 years, that the campus had no wool or natural fibers anywhere. Nylon and poly stuff only.

The small area I had cleaned had a whitish look about it, a noticeable contrast to the darker colors of the carpet. You’ll see it in the pics.

I immediately contacted the director and had the receptionist bring the head housekeeper down to speak with me about SDS sheets for all carpet products that may have been used during recent cleaning attempts. Spartan Clean By Peroxy (an acid side peroxide) was mentioned.

Coffee stains on the carpet did not budge or fade with their attempts with Clean by Peroxy or my own scrubbing with Angry Lemon, Go Oxy, and a blue microfiber.

They stated that they had a similar issue during a past cleaning attempt in another part of the same building and believed that it was an issue with the glue/adhesive (CGD carpet on concrete).

A few quick fiber tests determined that all fibers were synthetic. I guess a blend might be possible, but all indications point to synthetic.

A reaction from residue left by who knows what during a careless in house cleaning sometime in the past was another theory of mine.

I have no clue what could be going on with this carpet, but figured one of you guys might have some insight and the whole experience might help someone out in the future.

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Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
It’s difficult to know for sure without being there, as smells are subjective and not easily translated into on line discussion, as are photos.

Based on what you shared, I think the use of cleaning products that contain peroxide is the culprit.

I would rinse the carpet with lukewarm water as thoroughly as possible. Avoid heat, which accelerates the activity of peroxide.
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Sep 27, 2020
Joe Gingerich
@Jim Pemberton I really appreciate you taking a moment to weigh in on this.

I had a feeling the oxidizer component was playing a big part in this as well.

I can’t express enough how strong this smell was. My nose said chemical/electrical fire. Head housekeeper was thinking rotten egg and spoiled milk. Quite a variance in sniffers for sure.

“Are we making mustard gas or something? Do we have to evacuate the residents?” Passed through my mind for a brief second…

I’ve cleaned a lot of carpet, in a lot of different situations, and the closest I’ve had were some trashy rentals where a past tenant (come to find out after the fact… gee thanks for the heads up landlord…) was busted for cooking methamphetamine. The smell there was an overpowering ammonia. Another unit with the same owner had a similar story and a 12” spot that actually started fuming/smoking after the prespray hit it.

The fact that neither Spartan’s Clean by Peroxy nor my Angry Lemon encap spiked with Go Oxy would’nt remove, nor lighten, a verified coffee stain made me wonder about the construction of the carpet/fiber type. Could that be a clue?

Also, the white kinda foamy look to the area cleaned suggests a real reaction is taking place with that peroxide. My initial thought was organic matter, the smell (to me) suggests chemical reaction. Either residue or material composition.

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