I don't stand side-by-side, associate with, speak to or deal with anyone I do not trust.
Just my personal philosphy in life...no matter who it is.
I'm also not big into drama. My path is usually to ignore until it becomes hateful/harmful.
When "things" get to that point, then, no matter the source, action should and sometimes must be taken.
Principles must stand for something, and the "can't we just all get along" depends on who the other's are that we are "supposed" to be getting along with. I was raised by a man who saw very little "gray" in the world. Things are pretty much black and white, and when you start to justify your's or other's actions your principles are gone and you live life in the "gray" areas.
I choose not to be that type of person. Things are pretty much black and white, right and wrong, kind or mean, good and bad. The more tolerance we have for gray, the more gray we are going to have in this world.
The only definition of black and white I can live by are my own, and my sense of justice and fairness and they have kept my on a path in my life that I feel good about.
That's my $.02 on the subject. I guess everyone just needs to think about who they associate with in "life" in general and make their decisions from there.