I hate it when you do business with a certain distributor for seven years, build relationships with people, love doing business with them, and then the pinhead at corporate gets himself a consultant and starts to "re-organize" the company. People get new titles (demotions), less money...not surprisingly people start to leave. The whole time it is apparent to the simple-minded rug sucker that not only have his friends been taken for granted and taken advantage of, but he himself is being taken for granted. Now when he calls his distributor he doesn't get ahold of anyone at his local place - instead, he gets to talk to a "salesperson" who he doesn't know and who is sitting several hundred miles away. Being a simple minded rug sucker, I'm starting to wonder things like..."why not try some other distributors that you've been wanting to try over the years?" I'm sure I'll forget about it all and just be a good little bundist for the pinhead.
I hate the unmitigated arrogance, the intellectual sophistry, the fatuousness of this particular pinhead. Soon, when the time is right, I will talk to him myself and achieve some level of catharsis.