DevilThomas said:
Ok I have to call bullshit....exactly how many times this year did you really use your pump out to drain into the customers toilet...or spit it out over her lawn or garden....please ...I am new... not stupid. I would suggest that most TM's use their dump...not their pump.
Honest to God, dude, it's very very rare that we're not in compliance with state and local regs on dumping.
You may not believe that, but it's true.
Here's something you may not be aware of, regs vary from state to and local municipalities.
So don't assume that every outfit across the country is dumping their waste water in the salmon streams.
Just a quick mention on how "toxic" waste water is
(it's a whole 'nother debate)
You are aware that "normal" everyday waste water acts as fertilizer, correct?
That's the major reason for the restrictions.
I understand that there seems to be an over abundance enviro zealots in your part of the world.
(you guys banned common dish washing liquids for pete's sake)
The rest of country by and large, doesn't share the same extreme view.
I am not trying to rationalize my equipment choice is rational and effective.
The extractor I use has 50' of hose, dual 3 stage vacs 200cfm, preheat, 2000 watts of inline heat...180 to 200 degree water...300psi seems very adequate, ...rotovac is the same for both of us, Op pre-scrubbing and post drying makes for a great product. On commercial grade ... OP... kicks ass. Oh...did I mention I actually own my equipment outright....not the loan company?
I never suggested that's not a wise move for "you".
I own my equipment too....It's nice not sweating a payment in winter time
We also use OP and rotary too .
I know many of us (dare I say most of us "here") use multiple methods to catch crawdads.
I did suggest that when (IF) you grow to a point you can't keep up with demand, you'll rethink your position.
and i have news for you, Bro, if you think it's as simple as outfitting a sub with a porty in the back of a Pinto to roll,
you're in for a rude awaking on the challenges of "duplicating yourself"
For the last 3 years I have been in a position to closely observe what a couple of large TM companies actually opposed to what they say they do...on rental property.
quick urine extraction, 2, sometimes 3 wand passes, once in a blue moon they might haul out a rotovac or RX 20 for a really bad spot...but I mean it is rare. Turn the heat to 70 , open a window, out the door in 1/2 to 1hr. Wet carpet...4hr dry minimum...often longer...Dump in the nearest convenient storm drain. And its all over ...except for the wick-backs. .18 per sqft.
Now for the same .18 sqft, I have stated what I do...who do you think provides a better product?
"IF" you're really doing what you "claim" to be doing as far as cleaning steps, I have have little doubt you're blowing them out of the water.
Good for you....actually, good for the prop manager, cause he's getting .40+ a sf restoration cleaning for down right CHEAP
I don't know if you're "really" making any money at .18 cents a sq doing all that though.
I know how long it takes to do a "quality" job using all those multi-steps.
If you're working along, you can't being doing much more production than 100 to 150sf pr hour when including set up time.
"IF" you're "really" doing all the steps you claim AND doing them "right"
You might "think" you're doing well with your $250 gross a day (based on average 700sf cleanable carpet in an apt)
But once you deduct taxes, ins, wear and tear, chems, and all other expenses, yada, yada, yada, you really ain't making much.
You could probably make as much slingin' joe at the Java hut and not have the headaches.
As for $70,000 for a TM ...$35,000 for TM and all the toys....$35,000 for the truck...
man-o-day, I don't know where to start.
a brand new cargo van can be bought for much less than $35K
A savvy buyer can find them in the $25K range and even less.
In fact, i paid more for my mini-van than i did for my extended cargo van (bought them both new)
Guess which one has more room?
and you know what? the fuel mileage isn't all that much different either..21mpg w/mini-van vs 18mpg with my ext cargo van
I don't know what TMs you're looking at either.
But there's a wide open market full of very nice brand new TMs for around $20K.
"all the toys" should be based on your "needs" and whether those options will make you more profitable, or give you better/as good results in less time or ease
..maybe in a couple of years I might want a TM....or maybe not
maybe, maybe not.
Time will tell.
You seem like sharp dude, it will be interesting to see if your position/thoughts change in several years
thanks for filling out your profile too