from the BBB This explains why they rubbed me way wrong especially when I asked "to many" questions.
BBB files indicate a pattern of complaints concerning sales practices, guarantees, and customer service issues. Consumers are telling BBB about high pressure sales tactics from Yodle, Inc. sales staff, who allegedly try to coerce new customers to sign up before they fully understand the services they will get. In addition, during the sales presentations, a few customers said they were told by staff about a guarantee of results from using the company services. Many of the complaints submitted to BBB about Yodle focus on the poor performance of the services they signed up and paid for, such as lack of leads, no increase in web traffic, or incorrect leads/calls routed to their company. Clients who reportedly seek a refund of the fees from the company claim that they encounter difficulty in doing so, such as having to make multiple calls and send several emails.
BBB has contacted the company about the aforementioned issues. Yodle, Inc. has responded to BBB in a timely manner and reported that they are fully committed to behaving respectfully to both their prospective and current customers, and to providing the best possible results and services to their customers. The company says that they are working on implementing additional measures to improve sales practices (such as revising marketing scripts and increasing quality controls), as well as to expand marketing offerings, deliver greater value, and enhance customer service response and resolution.