
Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
I can promise you that I know more about the inner workings of Hagopian than you do, Ofer. Ken has been a close friend of the family for the last 20 years or so... and has helped me in my business in more ways than I could count.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Now I understand a little better I think and I agree gross doesn't really mean too much by itself.

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Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
They use "NO CHEMS"..


Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
NO SOAP, NO CHEMS!! Yet again.. :roll: I am not worried about them taking over here in the least, I just hate false ads, as we all should. There isn't even a Zerorez in my state. If it is just water, I should be able to test my tap water at a 12ph??

sam miller

Able 1 said:
NO SOAP, NO CHEMS!! Yet again.. :roll: I am not worried about them taking over here in the least, I just hate false ads, as we all should. There isn't even a Zerorez in my state. If it is just water, I should be able to test my tap water at a 12ph??

I now lots if people who have their 9.5 machines making water to drink its the same process its for health purpose's
the water is actually called 9.5 had a glass once tastes like water.

tThe guy who gave me a glass had a machine this looks easier


steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett

first off thanks for stopping by, I really wish you would stay around here, there are a bunch of jackasses here that can be mean at times. I hope you have a thick enough skin to deal with it. but as you have seen there is useful info here, and mikey is always fair with everyone. I think the smart people around here enjoy having someone from a different background or potential opposing view point.

with that said my problems with Zerorez is they twist terminology. no one that I know of uses soap to clean anything, soap has lye and animal fat in it. So to claim the rest of the industry uses soap is lying and misleading the public, period end of story. this is done on purpose to scare people I don't like anyone to mislead people, if you are better explain why but don't attack my methods and imply they are something they are not. next I don't use shampoo on carpet nor does 90% of the industry to imply that the rest of the industry is using shampoos is again a lie, and its misleading people, so therefore see above as to my opinion of it. next, we even are twisting the word detergent, WHICH i CAN'T BELIEVE EVEN LARRY COBB STEPPED IN SHIT OVER, the word detergent came from the latin word deterge which means to clean, SOOOO anything that cleans can be deemed or should I say fits the definition of detergent. if it cleans it fits under the definition of detergent, and frankly a chemical supplier on this board should know that.

next, gaylord fokker, oh um caron, says that in another video that the carpet protector that we as cleaners have access to washes off. Again this is another lie, the hanks brothers who own interlink supply have a story of spilling some on a customers driveway, they could not get it off with anything they tried, I have also spilled some on steel, bare steel and could not get it to come off with anything I tried. again please keep it factual, don't lie about what my company uses and the effects of the products I use. calling my method flood and suck, again its putting down my method and distorting the truth. in the video I posted its also claimed I can't keep control of the water, wonder why they don't show the wand spraying on carpet instead of a hard surface??

lastly, mike, I remember my level of knowledge at 1 year in this business and frankly I didn't know that much. I also consider myself a student of the profession and try to learn new things all the time. I would say how long I have been doing it but that would be trying to hide behind my years of experience and at the same time implying that I know it all. I don't, I still try to learn new things after all these years. Thats my advice to you, you are fairly new to the game, thats ok. but don't fall into a trap of thinking they are the only game in town. there has also been a company called chem dry that bashed us steam cleaners for years and said we ruined carpets, guess what they now have adopted our methods and equipment. there is more out there, oh and one last thing. gaylord fokker who started zerorez also started a company called venturi. They according to them were going to take over the industry back in 1999, within 18 mos the whole thing folded and many people were left holding the bag and owed money. watch the video below and tell me if you think our wands do that.



Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
you guys get way to worked up. the only person whose opinion i care about is Jesus Christ, my wife and my customers in that order. welcome aboard.


Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Too many cocks of the walk...bla bla bla.

Time to go watch sponge bob.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Brian R said:
There's still time to get away from a life sucking job like Zeero Rez carpet cleaning and make some real money selling energy and cell phone plans.

Act now and you too can live a life of success, happiness and be the envy of all who know about you.

Sell once....and reap the benefits for years to come as you get paid month after month....Year after year for as long as they pay their bill.

AND you don't have to suck up urine and feces all day....You just get to talk to people and show THEM the business.

A dream come true.

I find there are 2 types of people.

Those that grasp onto a good thing when they see it....And those who let opportunity pass them by.

Which one are you??

I don't know Brian... cleaning pet feces looks attractive compared to reading more of your OMG-I-need-money-MLM-posts...

And of course, only you would take a thread about anything and always bring it back to you and whatever it is you are shilling.

Zerorez are great marketers, and Poulos is a good salesman, so they are a good match. But... as with most national franchises, they are trying to get fast market penetration to then sell off and go away - so in 5 years from now Home Depot or whoever will own them, and they will lose market share and position just like Chemdry has (also very good marketers).

The zerorez guys in our area are good guys, and I've heard no "horror" stories. But they are also going out and getting more education because they are being fed only limited education... especially on rugs, which interestingly enough, with that high of a pH in the solution ends up causing damage to wool rugs, so we are getting good referrals as a result because they've stop advertising that they clean Persian rugs, and just refer them to companies who wash rugs instead.



Feb 9, 2012
Steve thank you for the welcome.

I'd like to explain some of your legitimate concerns.

As far as using the term soap. We are well aware that that is an outdated method and term. Unfortunately most of the customer base doesn't know or recognize this. Lol as a matter of fact I had a customer today that referred to the cleaning several times as a " shampooing" despite hearing our ads daily. What I'm getting at is we only say soap because it's a familiar term. Same as saying chemical. We say chemical because most of our clientel WILL associate chemical with something bad. And we are simply saying what were using isn't bad. ( not saying what u have is).

And our claim of better bonding fiber protectant is based off the following.

When u spilled the guard on the driveway or the steel they were most likely relatively clean and why dirt particles there were had been naturally moved by the liquid state of the gaurd. So it was very easy for it to bond. IF there is a residue on the carpet from a cleaning and you apply the gaurd the gaurd will move some of it from the liquid state but not all. So what bonds to the residue CAN be easily removed. If there is not a residue in the carpet and the gaurd is applied it can bond directly to the carpet fiber making it like the driveway or steel. Very difficult to remove. I hope that made sense. But that is our basis for that statement.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I just get tickled as hell when Lisa quotes me.

Next time we meet, will you at least ACT like you know who I am?? :lol:


Nov 8, 2009
Ok. Mike either you drink too much kool-aid or your the lead marketing director and you found this board in order to twist more of the so call client familiar vocabulary.

Nice thread. You should start this over at ***! Would love to see you help Rob understand how bad his cleaning is ruining clients flooring.

Thanks for helping us understand we all just suck! :mrgreen:


Feb 9, 2012
Clnthred said:
Ok. Mike either you drink too much kool-aid or your the lead marketing director and you found this board in order to twist more of the so call client familiar vocabulary.

Nice thread. You should start this over at ***! Would love to see you help Rob understand how bad his cleaning is ruining clients flooring.

Thanks for helping us understand we all just suck! :mrgreen:

Iv not once said that anyone sucks. I'm making statements and they keep getting twisted. Everyone wants to throw that accusation on me yet your the ones doing it. Funny how that works. Hypocrisy sucks, lay off it.


Nov 8, 2009
Mike@Zerorez said:
Clnthred said:
Ok. Mike either you drink too much kool-aid or your the lead marketing director and you found this board in order to twist more of the so call client familiar vocabulary.

Nice thread. You should start this over at ***! Would love to see you help Rob understand how bad his cleaning is ruining clients flooring.

Thanks for helping us understand we all just suck! :mrgreen:

Iv not once said that anyone sucks. I'm making statements and they keep getting twisted. Everyone wants to throw that accusation on me yet your the ones doing it. Funny how that works. Hypocrisy sucks, lay off it.

Now your catching on. It works both ways. Twisted huh? I know you never said anyone sucks but just trying to use vocabulary that the public is familiar with !gotcha!

Don't take it so personal! After all you are the only one here that is actually cleaning the correct way :roll:

Just making a point. Marketing is great in the beginning. The hard part is you have to keep up with the results you market. Not implying you don't. But we have all seen this show before.

I'm not in the least mad at ya! Make that $$$ dog!


Jan 18, 2012
Mike, love the passion. Love the zeal. Need more young guys with that in the industry.

But you can't come into the yard with teeth bared, and not expect the resident hounds to start barking.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
You did say atleast 2 guys on this board and in your area suck. You may not have used the term outright but your explanation of fixing their works was more than enough to say it.

I like big companies. They overcharge and advertise which drives business to me, gets people thinking about carpet cleaning. Big companies in my area hate me so much they buy domain names and steal my tag lines. Heck on used all the information about my company and a similar web address to syphon off what I have taken from them.

Zerorez is a marketing scheme, same as Chem-dry etc etc. Doesn't make the people who work there any better or any worse, we all have the same tools at our disposal it is just how we choose to implement them and how much start up capital we have. Hopefully no news reporters decide to chase you with the chemical free claims or a company doesn't come after you for deceptive advertising. You may play on words but consumer advocacy groups still frown on that.

Good luck and meet waldo maybe he can get you a spot in the top 25

Also not sure if I am reading what Larry said correctly but your highest standard rating came while using his product and from reading between the lines you are not using his product any longer which makes the rating claim FALSE by the "IICRC" (when did they start doing these ratings?

and with all the talk I can not find your division on The Clean Trust website
I found these locations
ZEROREZ - DALLAS/FORT WORTH 801-995-0442 75220 Details
ZEROREZ OF SPOKANE 509-922-5326 99202 Details
ZEROREZ MINNESOTA 952-937-6739 55423 Details
ZEROREZ OF ATLANTA 770-449-1199 30075 Details

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Re: Re: Zerorez

Ken Snow said:
bdwa said:
SS is a good company.. their problem is they have to high of a turn over rate and try to do to many jobs per day per van.

They have a in house certification very similar to the IICRC, high PH cleaner with a very powerful TM. All that goes out the window with loser, drug addicted techs.

I worked at SS for a couple of years and you all would be shocked at the things that went on..
You worked for a SS location- there are good and bad in every business type, franchise or private owned. Your exp is sad if true, but does not reflect anything more than poss something about that operation.

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Very true! The one in Atlanta (franchise) is first rate! The one in Tampa (coporate owned) Not so much...

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
the SS dudes in my area of ops seem to be a pretty well run outfit .

trucks are clean and well organized (the ones I've looked in) , the grunts I've talked to have all their teefs and have a professional appearance and manner


Tom Mock

Oct 8, 2006
LisaWagnerCRS said:
Zerorez are great marketers, and Poulos is a good salesman, so they are a good match. But... as with most national franchises, they are trying to get fast market penetration to then sell off and go away - so in 5 years from now Home Depot or whoever will own them, and they will lose market share and position just like Chemdry has (also very good marketers).

The zerorez guys in our area are good guys, and I've heard no "horror" stories. But they are also going out and getting more education because they are being fed only limited education... especially on rugs, which interestingly enough, with that high of a pH in the solution ends up causing damage to wool rugs, so we are getting good referrals as a result because they've stop advertising that they clean Persian rugs, and just refer them to companies who wash rugs instead.


Lisa makes a good point there. I truly hope hope that corporate is in it for the long haul. I know that my owner wants to make them a lot of money in this area.

Also our franchise is very much into seeking education. The boss paid for a Clean Trust instructor to come and give our small shop the CCT course and test. I have been bugging Lisa for info on rug cleaning instruction as well. I bet we can find way to use our technology for fine rugs.

At our shop we strive to be highly educated and well equipped to perform outstanding service. I wouldn't work there if that wasn't the case.
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
Oh please please please

will the persons in charge here please put a bullet in this tread.........just load a round and press click....
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
I dunno, cause it's hard enough out in the field to hear my new customers freeking unload about their disappointment with ZeroService that to see it hear among the mostly sane cleaners makes it doubly painful. And please please noooooont get me wrong, I hear the same thing about 98% of the freeking cleaners out there not doing their GD job leaving a trail of destruction. I certainly don't want to zero out a magic water franchise, oh no no no, heaven forbid.

The shit I've heard from custys just the past 12 months from GD owner ops who either price hack and under deliver or the ridiculas high baller who leaves a worse trail of service destruction leaves me feeling just a weeeee bit intollerent.

Tell you what, I'll do a big industrial/business soul search and see if I need and attitude check. Maybe I'm intollerent of others to a fault. And hey, that's verrrrry possible..................


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
NobleCarpetCleaners said:
I dunno, cause it's hard enough out in the field to hear my new customers freeking unload about their disappointment with ZeroService that to see it hear among the mostly sane cleaners makes it doubly painful. And please please noooooont get me wrong, I hear the same thing about 98% of the freeking cleaners out there not doing their GD job leaving a trail of destruction. I certainly don't want to zero out a magic water franchise, oh no no no, heaven forbid.

The shit I've heard from custys just the past 12 months from GD owner ops who either price hack and under deliver or the ridiculas high baller who leaves a worse trail of service destruction leaves me feeling just a weeeee bit intollerent.

Tell you what, I'll do a big industrial/business soul search and see if I need and attitude check. Maybe I'm intollerent of others to a fault. And hey, that's verrrrry possible..................

I don't know, Scot. After you spending many years around aircraft, in which NO mistakes can be tolerated, it's gotta be tough being you! Even as a CC'er! I know I couldn't afford to make any mistakes as a munitions loader in the AF! Of course, I don't think I can blow up a carpet if I do make a mistake.


Supportive Member
Feb 27, 2011
David Reed
Mike, one point in your carpet cleaning career you will be working for yourself or doing something completely different and you will look back at your opinions about what you believed while working for ZEROREZ and say "what was I thinking". The ZEroREZ in my town went out of business and

I bet my town is not the only one.

If this what was 1994 I would be on these boards telling you Host carpet cleaning was much better than HWE because I worked for a Host carpet cleaning company and believed everything they told me. To my defense there was no internet so I get a pass on that one.
My eye opener came when a guy on my softball team hired me for a huge weekend job cleaning with a TM after that it was hard to keep cleaning with Host, I actually became a problem at my job because I could not stop talking about how much better I thought a TM cleaned compared to HOST. Now I have my owm BUsiness and the HOST guy i worked for is a painter now.


Supportive Member
Feb 20, 2012
Aliso Viejo
I'm going to jump in with my experience with zerorez. Our company has cleaned for this one lady a few times now, maybe 3 years now. To make a long story short, her sons friend went to work for zerorez and between them they somehow talked her into trying them. Well we are back cleaning for her as she was not happy at all with the results or the cost.

That being said, I am all for companies who charge a higher fee for our services, market are services to the public, etc... I don't know about your area, but mine here in Southern California I hardly ever see there vans on the road?

I also know for a fact that they are not going to be able to clean up really dirty carpets with there magic water alone. We all know you need an enzyme pre treat, boosted with citrus solv, agitate and dwell time. I know all about heat and vac. We run Apex machines with dual heat exchangers and 4 to the door setup for vac. It basically does not get any hotter or stronger vac then we run for residential setup.

I do love the fight/ love the young man has for his company/ employer though. Wish all employees had this kind of heart and drive. He will own his own company some day it sounds like. It won't be with magic water though I betcha!
Sep 7, 2008
Vivers said:
I'm going to jump in with my experience with zerorez. Our company has cleaned for this one lady a few times now, maybe 3 years now. To make a long story short, her sons friend went to work for zerorez and between them they somehow talked her into trying them. Well we are back cleaning for her as she was not happy at all with the results or the cost.

That being said, I am all for companies who charge a higher fee for our services, market are services to the public, etc... I don't know about your area, but mine here in Southern California I hardly ever see there vans on the road?

I also know for a fact that they are not going to be able to clean up really dirty carpets with there magic water alone. We all know you need an enzyme pre treat, boosted with citrus solv, agitate and dwell time. I know all about heat and vac. We run Apex machines with dual heat exchangers and 4 to the door setup for vac. It basically does not get any hotter or stronger vac then we run for residential setup.

I do love the fight/ love the young man has for his company/ employer though. Wish all employees had this kind of heart and drive. He will own his own company some day it sounds like. It won't be with magic water though I betcha!

To sum this post up the lady feels she can get the same service elsewhere (your company) a little cheaper.

It's all about price with her.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I don't think that is what his post said at all.

I think they were dissatisfied and that is when price became an issue. I paid $xxx for this crappy cleaning and I have been paying less for better, I am going back

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Actually only the lady really knows what the reason is- the most anyone else knows is what she told them, or they inferred themselves. Even if 100% true it does not mean much, it is one experience.


Supportive Member
Feb 20, 2012
Aliso Viejo
danielc said:
Vivers said:
I'm going to jump in with my experience with zerorez. Our company has cleaned for this one lady a few times now, maybe 3 years now. To make a long story short, her sons friend went to work for zerorez and between them they somehow talked her into trying them. Well we are back cleaning for her as she was not happy at all with the results or the cost.

That being said, I am all for companies who charge a higher fee for our services, market are services to the public, etc... I don't know about your area, but mine here in Southern California I hardly ever see there vans on the road?

I also know for a fact that they are not going to be able to clean up really dirty carpets with there magic water alone. We all know you need an enzyme pre treat, boosted with citrus solv, agitate and dwell time. I know all about heat and vac. We run Apex machines with dual heat exchangers and 4 to the door setup for vac. It basically does not get any hotter or stronger vac then we run for residential setup.

I do love the fight/ love the young man has for his company/ employer though. Wish all employees had this kind of heart and drive. He will own his own company some day it sounds like. It won't be with magic water though I betcha!

To sum this post up the lady feels she can get the same service elsewhere (your company) a little cheaper.

It's all about price with her.

She is not a cost lady or certainly would not have tried zerorez which is one of the priciest outfits out there! We are not a low cost company either. Most consider us kind of high end prices, but with high end results. Sometimes you DONT get what you pay for!

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