Jeff "greenie" Lydon.......WTH is your problem?????????

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Re: Jeff "greenie" Lydon.......WTF is your problem?????????

I would like to know the whole story.

Tell Greenie to quit being a pussy and post on the board already already.

Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Re: Jeff "greenie" Lydon.......WTF is your problem?????????

A simple "Thank you" would have been great.

By the way some "go off" on the board it appears they don't have either the social skills or emotional stability to be in this business.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Re: Jeff "greenie" Lydon.......WTF is your problem?????????

Lee Stockwell said:
A simple "Thank you" would have been great.

By the way some "go off" on the board it appears they don't have either the social skills or emotional stability to be in this business.

LOL Thats why I don't want to go back into cleaning. I have a hard enough time dealing with you knuckleheads no way could I handle a crazy home owner. :mrgreen:


Nov 23, 2006
Binghamton,New York
Kevin Dumas
Re: Jeff "greenie" Lydon.......WTF is your problem?????????

I would try to keep things on the down low till the check clears.

Then I would count my blessings that I got a check.

Jim Bethel

Oct 8, 2006
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Jim Bethel
Re: Jeff "greenie" Lydon.......WTF is your problem?????????

lance said:
Jim, since you are so in the know why don't you give everybody an update.

Of course, you and others who know EXACTLY what has happened to me would also know all the answers to those questions, wouldn't you????

Be quick to judge if you want to, but then also judge what Jeff did and why. What you think and what others think is not a big concern to me.

Lance, I didn't judge you at all through this situation......until you ran your mouth at me in the above post. The more you post about this situation, the more I, and others wonder about the other side of the story, as your posting style gives glimpses into your personality imho.

I am happy for you that you got your money back and wish you every success in purchasing a TM that will suit your needs and budget. While the situation could have been alot worse for you, I would consider yourself lucky that there are those on here that do talk with Greenie and/or Ray at CMS (who is a great guy to deal with) that got a positive result for you.

Now suck it up, go find your dream machine and good luck with next phase of your business growth. 8)


Oct 19, 2006
Re: Jeff "greenie" Lydon.......WTF is your problem?????????

Wonder all you want Jim. The truth doesn't change.

You really made my point when even you admit that it took other people to talk to Jeff and/or why couldn't Jeff take care of this a long time ago? Don't forget that ONE simple phone call would have been enough, but Jeff needed help in realizing that? Do his friends help him to get dressed and feed him his breakfast one spoonful at a time???

Ray is a great guy, he called me the Friday after I posted and wanted to fix the problem. Jeff did what? He told Ray that he doesn't read the board and that he didn't know that there was a problem. The week before I asked Les to talk to Jeff and see if my TM would ever be done.....Les asked him to call me and he said he would. No call came. Jeff lied to Les. He lied to Ray. Jeff knew the Friday before I posted that I wanted to talk to him.

Don't you think I had a right, since I put a deposit on the TM and was promised it would be running very well when delivered (that was in Nov. of 2010) to know what was going on? One of his friends even told me the day before I posted that I should not call the shop or his cell phone......Jeff was working on the TM....but then,again my point is made, that it took SOMEBODY else to tell me what was going on.

Is that how you do business, Jim? I doubt that very much. Remember that Jeff is supposedly a businessman and wants to run a shop some day. If you acted like Jeff did you know that your actions would hurt, not help, your business.

Ask Ray what Jeff said when Ray told him that he has to call people back because not doing so is a bad business decision......When you get the answer ask yourself this, why does Ray have to get involved and also have to tell an adult (Jeff) to use the phone to solve this problem???

And the answer is.....Jeff never called me to tell me what was going on. It's that simple, believe it or not. Remember Dave Gill had the same problem but he's now buddy-buddy with Jeff. Why would Jeff go to all the trouble to text Dave all day long when he wouldn't pick up a phone and tell me what the situation was????'s plain to see.

Jim, is this what you would want to happen to you?

I bet Jeff has contacted/made up with others so that my episode with him looks like an isolated event. But he only has to make up for the mistakes HE made in the first this is not an isolated event.

And please remember that I never wanted to get my money back until people started to tell me to do that after posting.....I wanted and waited for the TM to get done. How much easier could I have made it for Jeff?
I waited six months and it still wasn't done. And Jeff wouldn't call and tell me that.

If you don't think I waited long enough or tried hard enough to fix the communication problem, then look for the "other" side of the story....and also change your name to St. Jim.

Have a great day. :mrgreen:

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Re: Jeff "greenie" Lydon.......WTF is your problem?????????

When your in a hole stop f'n diggin' :roll: yes you HAD things go sideways but attacking people especially Jim will not make you any friends step back take a deep breathe and maybe you can still get some help here. People on this board are like your buddies in the locker room. They will kick your ass for being an ass but if you apologies they will go to war for would be a good time to apologies.....


Supportive Member
Oct 22, 2006
Re: Jeff "greenie" Lydon.......WTF is your problem?????????

Thank you to all who helped me.

I'm enjoying the hunt for a new TM and am looking forward to building my new business.

(Lance on Johnny's computer.)

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