yo TM junkies... can you tell me how this happens?


Apr 3, 2017
Bill Cheryl
This feud between vlm and hwe cracks me up... If you stand to make 100k extra per year to do vlm/compound on top of hwe while providing exceptional services and produce happy clients..would you do it? I would... Majority of clients just wants their floor(s) looking clean, and if possible sanitized so they can have a peace of mind for at least a few weeks? The arguments provided from southerndry carpet is no worse or better than the hwe is likened to washing clothes as if that is assuming that carpets and clothes are the same thing.. A lot of these arguments are subjective and based on conjectures riddle with logical fallacies... Most important thing to do is do the job right and save the world from crappy cleaner one job at a time..

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
This feud between vlm and hwe cracks me up... If you stand to make 100k extra per year to do vlm/compound on top of hwe while providing exceptional services and produce happy clients..would you do it? I would... Majority of clients just wants their floor(s) looking clean, and if possible sanitized so they can have a peace of mind for at least a few weeks? The arguments provided from southerndry carpet is no worse or better than the hwe is likened to washing clothes as if that is assuming that carpets and clothes are the same thing.. A lot of these arguments are subjective and based on conjectures riddle with logical fallacies... Most important thing to do is do the job right and save the world from crappy cleaner one job at a time..

it's kind of like this, Derick, some cueballs dog other systems/methods but have NO REAL WORLD experience of their own with them.
They simply parrot the horsechit they were fed in brainwashing skool

Many (most?) here use more than one method.
so when some knucklehead spouts dumbchit , those of us that have REAL WORLD on the job experience with multiple methods , KNOW they're nincompoops

Lots of people are stupid and don't know it

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Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
and another thing...

the VLM only guys are the worst offenders for trash talking other methods

The dumbchit's website Will link'd is a perfect example.
It's chock full-o-horsechit
every VLM only guy uses the same lines, lies, innuendo and half truths in their marketing ...they have to to compete.
cause there's just not enough prospects out there dumb enough to believe cleaning with a rag, sCampoong with a brush or fiber pad or dumping solvent soaked fairy dust and grinding it in is as good a clean as properly done HWE

so they HAVE to try to convince prospects that HWE guys will kill their kids and drown kittens on the weekend for fun



Oct 18, 2006
Ross Craig
There was an interest article by Lew Migliore about 4 years ago -Planar Instability of Carpet Tiles. The different layers of a carpet tiles expand and contract at different rates with changes in humidity and temperature. Anything, including cleaning, that changes the temperature and humidity significantly can cause carpet tile edges to curl up slightly.

Adhesive was never meant to keep the tile stuck firmly to the floor. In fact mills have often marketed the ease of removing a carpet tile and replacing it when necessary was one of the key selling features of carpet tile. Tile manufacturers are increasingly asking installers to use more and stronger adhesives which negates this selling point. But it does allow mills to blame the installers when edges curl up.

The moisture of cleaning and the quality of installation play a role but IMO the key factor is the inability of the manufacturers to make a tile that will stay flat under all normal conditions.

We have only struck this once. Manufacturers gave us the fix, which was simple - lift tile out and flex it slightly so cupping was reversed - replace with glue as necessary.


Apr 3, 2017
Bill Cheryl
Funny...vlmer to save kitten from hwe.. As if a 400 cfm vac in operation never killed a curious kitten...

*meow...(sucked in)...silence..*

Operator, "scuse me maam, i need to check the devastator filter..."

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Funny...vlmer to save kitten from hwe.. As if a 400 cfm vac in operation never killed a curious kitten...

*meow...(sucked in)...silence..*

Operator, "scuse me maam, i need to check the devastator filter..."

That would be an example of HWE not done right.

Years ago, I saw one of the guys using the vac hose to wipe/suck the sweat off his forehead.
I jumped his azz for being recklessly stupid and told him that vac hose would suck his eyeball out of his head in the blink of an eye

speaking of sucking critters up the hose .
another of my guys was cleaning carpet in a bathroom (not unusual to see carpet in bathrooms here 20 years ago)
for some reason, this lady had the parakeet in the bathroom.

I head out to the truck for something about the time James is changing to the hand tool to detail around toilet.
and I see a lump snaking/racing thru the vac hose :eekk:
Was relieved to see it was just a wash rag :lol:

Bob's the only one I know that's admitted to killing a pet
He bonked someone's little pet yapper-mutt in the hED with the wand ...and kilt it:dejection:
If I recall, he chucked little dead Fido behind the couch and never said a word...:redface::lol:

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Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L

The private "secret" forums sponsored by those internet SCAMPOO makers is proof of their brain washing.

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