Experience Manufacturers Need More Product Testing . . .

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
go cry me a river on Foster's Board Willy.

for a guy who never shook or stirred a five gallon bucket to be surprised that there was some concentrate at the very bottom, all the while using the product with no complaints, I'd have to say

just stfu.
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Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Willy , we used some prochem chemical the other day and it worked great while very consistent. We Also we used a couple of the interlink nautilus portables at the experience and they worked great.

Have a nice day buddy!!!

Good for you! Am I still a LIAR? A simple apology would work.
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Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
go cry me a river on Foster's Board Willy.

for a guy who never shook or stirred a five gallon bucket to be surprised that there was some concentrate at the very bottom, all the while using the product with no complaints, I'd have to say

just stfu.

Um, the shit was hard crystals, nothing that would mix by shaking.They were found while I was pouring the rubbish into gallon jugs
I didn't bring that slop up, I was referring to shitty portables with shitty components. Are you up to speed now?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Um, the shit was hard crystals, nothing that would mix by shaking.They were found while I was pouring the rubbish into gallon jugs
I didn't bring that slop up, I was referring to shitty portables with shitty components. Are you up to speed now?

1.you cried for six months over that yet for the six or more months you used it it was never a problem.

2. you bought that porty knowing full well how long the pump would last.

do your children and friends let you know that you're a nagging old woman?

or just us?

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
1.you cried for six months over that yet for the six or more months you used it it was never a problem.

I never had the problem before that. I had 4.5 gallons left and WRONGLY assumed that a defective product would be dealt with. If you phuck up on a job do you tell the customer to piss off? I use more money than that to wipe my ass with. It's not the ,money it's just simple principle.

2. you bought that porty knowing full well how long the pump would last.

Not at all. The pump in my Recoil lasted twice as long because Ed didn't use the cheapest and shittiest motor. Since again, I have to bring you up to speed , the first motors they used were a bag of crap.

do your children and friends let you know that you're a nagging old woman?

or just us?

I remember when pointing out what was wrong with stuff was accepted and encouraged, not shut the %uck up, they're an advertiser here. First thing to go is the plain truth.

Sorry about relating facts.

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
Mytee has the most advanced portable designs in the U.S.

The use of Electronic Vac Shut-offs is way ahead of other manufacturers . . .

The Swivel Carbon-Fiber Wand is another example (although the jet manifold was poor) . . .

The Dual 3-Stage Vacs on a single electrical cord is another first . . .

First use of the new Cat 500 PSI Pump w/AC motor . . .

Combination of Dual 3-Stage Hi-Airwatt Vacs and Cat 500 PSI Pump System on two electric cord extractor.

Two new designs coming out at ICE will also turn some heads.


P.S. There was a new 14" Swivel Wand Design at Experience

Those shutoff switches never work like they should. Because they FAIL, water gets sucked into the vac motors and it drips into the motor below it in the Escape. I've had 8 vac motors burn up because if this and now that POS escape sits in a corner of my garage collecting dust. Mytee is lucky that there hasn't been a fire in a customers house and they haven't gotten sued.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Those shutoff switches never work like they should. Because they FAIL, water gets sucked into the vac motors and it drips into the motor below it in the Escape. I've had 8 vac motors burn up because if this and now that POS escape sits in a corner of my garage collecting dust. Mytee is lucky that there hasn't been a fire in a customers house and they haven't gotten sued.

I will buy that from you for $10,000 Iraqi Denars..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Apparently Willy only reads his own threads.

There are hundreds if not thousands of threads here ragging on advertisers and for you to claim other wise makes it even more apparent of just what a whiny bitch you are.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Apparently Willy only reads his own threads.

There are hundreds if not thousands of threads here ragging on advertisers and for you to claim other wise makes it even more apparent of just what a whiny bitch you are.

Whiny bitch or the squeaky wheel? I sincerely hope the manufacturers and distributors take notice of complete stupidity of some of the utter shit they put out. The Worrier after a year or two of the little white rectified dc motors changed them out to another motor. I replaced the capacitors twice now because the new motors are still shit but a smaller turd that doesn't kill the pump head. I like sdome of the Worrior design.

When I get a complaint, I look at what went wrong and fix the problem, not send out the goon squad to tell the customer to shut up. :oldrolleyes: I value my reputation for an honest effort and the truth rather than pile up the :bullshit:
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I find it very amusing that Willy thinks he's even worthy of a Goon Squad.

it's the constant wining over shit so trivial.

The type of stuff businessMEN fix and move on.
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Oct 26, 2012
Dallas, tx
Ray Waits
Larry I think you are overlooking that none of the carpet pieces we had for demo (not true testing) were vacuumed beforehand, they were not pre-sprayed sufficiently in most cases (the sun/heat was drying it up almost instantly) and none were pre-scrubbed with a 175 or other tool.

No wand (not even your precious Bentley) will perform in those conditions, ESPECIALLY on those horrible carpets.

I have to admit I just looked at this thread today and haven't waded through every post... so if this has already been mentioned, oh well.
It is true the carpet was rough and not typical of your average job. Although it was certainly like some jobs I've run across. But so what? Are we looking for tools that only perform well under ideal conditions? All the tools were compared on the same carpet. Side by side in many cases. Larry's report is an observation, not an opinion. I don't get the feeling that any of his comments were motivated by anything other than a desire to enlighten cleaners who were not there by reporting exactly what he, we all, saw. Can we say the same about your comments Mikey? What does the Bentley not being there have to do with the comparisons that we all saw anyway? Did you feel deprived of fresh fodder for your agenda?
Any who, the demonstrations (not testing) that you organized for the Experience Mike were very helpful and eye opening. I know it wasn't an easy task and I do appreciate the time and effort you put into making this happen.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Can we say the same about your comments Mikey? What does the Bentley not being there have to do with the comparisons that we all saw anyway? Did you feel deprived of fresh fodder for your agenda?

Because I've known Larry long enough to know that he was implying that the Bentley would not have streaked those carpets.

which is laughable beyond belief..
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Oct 26, 2012
Dallas, tx
Ray Waits
A trade show isn't the place to be "testing" anything and there's no freeking real world conditions there. If I here about another rug that's been trampled on, drug through parking lot, spit on, poured coke on it I'll scream. Don't want to hear or see fresh coffee spots, mustard spots or red wine. The real battle is sitting in homes with month/years of chemical neglect. It's in restaurants that haven't been cleaned in 2+ years. Not to mention it's got structure built around it that we fight corner by corner, hallway by hallway.

Larry wants more testing from manufacturers. Try using these crappy toys day in and day out; never mind how hard it is to sell it and deal with the complaints we point out later. The manufacturers deserve everything they get whether good or bad. They don't clean day in and day out with their toys and their noise. And you distributors, are you frustrated? Well get off your ass and build and "test" the crap yourself. Nothing worse then a crack dealer complaining he ain't got no good product.

Dude seriously? These were demonstrations, not testing. If you brought a tool that you had manufactured to that demo wouldn't you have done a little extra tweaking on it first? Because in most cases, that is all that was lacking.
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Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
So far it's a liar, a whiner, a whiny bitch, and if you go back to the original thread, a lot of other names. Look at who wrote the insults in the threads. Did I make one person think about where they plunk their hard earned money? Good, I did my job. Did I make a manufacturer rethink some of the crap they were using? I hope so. You see it's not about money because I don't mind spending it, but it's all about reliability and the power.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
We love the Bentleys after fixing the manifolds, however they are like all wands with jets close to the carpet. They WILL streak like a muck on deep plush carpet if the pressure is too high (300+?).

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
as we moved from carpet to carpet, most noticed that each rotary tool shined over the others on different areas.

just like the real world, so come prepared.

I would have loved to see Guerkink out there trying to grind those carpet "clean"...

Ray and Larry were a big help outside as well and deserve a big thanks.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
We love the Bentleys after fixing the manifolds, however they are like all wands with jets close to the carpet. They WILL streak like a muck on deep plush carpet if the pressure is too high (300+?).

sure if you don't pre-vac and pre-scrub

My 3 Ti wands DONT STREAK when used properly.


Aug 9, 2012
sam miller
You know Willy was busting your chops on the Mytee hate Mike seeing as though they don't advertise here, Still a lot of advertisers here sell their products, Superior, Cobbs, I'm sure someone else.

So in a sense your being critical despite some of your advertisers best interest.

Willy just wants to say Prochem sucked because a problem with a bucket of slurry that that no one else here has ever seen went bad. Hard to sympathize with that. Because when a company has a track record like theirs one complaint can be forgiven.

Its like if Willy got 99 5 star reviews and 1 negative, would we base our opinion off that one review???

Also the Ninja he outbid me on would still be working if I got it, because I would've only used 3 times in the same amount of time.

Still he's entitled to his opinion, Its hard to say that its valid or invalid because we don't know how hard he was on the machine in the first place.

I know when we rented machines they got beat to crap and back. Vac motors filled with all kinds of crap. People don't take care of your equipment the way you do. I think Willy had a helper using that machine??? if so that could be the problem right there.

The nice thing about the internet is we can say what ever we want and its our word against theirs.

Unless it becomes libel then watch your pocket book.

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