Robert Beets

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
So I wanted to do this publicly on here because it wouldn't matter anywhere else.

Given the current situation I need to forgive Robert for tampering with my company. I'm not going to bash him for what he did even though it was unwarranted and without merit (guilty until proven innocent).
I will bounce back as always but it was either forgive him or be over ran with anger.

I feel sad for anyone who would do something like that.


Brian R said:
So I wanted to do this publicly on here because it wouldn't matter anywhere else.

Given the current situation I need to forgive Robert for tampering with my company. I'm not going to bash him for what he did even though it was unwarranted and without merit (guilty until proven innocent).
I will bounce back as always but it was either forgive him or be over ran with anger.

I feel sad for anyone who would do something like that.

I missed it brian what did he do?


Sep 3, 2009
told the truth... you come on here after milking carpet cleaning markets like DFW for jobs for your Priority Carpet Cleaning sub contractor bogus addresses to project that you are local and only use quality providers and at the same time you market under parallel sites at bargain prices thus taking jobs from companies in those markets and help lower prices. Like I said before no market has to have your services the carpets will get cleaned by locals for locals. You are not doing this to fight the large franchises- but to line your pockets and anyone here who would care enough to search Priority cc usa or network c c usa and follow the crumbs would see that you believe that it is alright to say,claim,or do anything that helps you to accomplish your agenda. I have no problem with your ingenious way of manipulation of carpet cleaners if they don't-but when you lie in my marketplace and hurt carpet cleaners I know I will call you on it. You were asked why not give a non-compete with signups on Network Carpet Cleaning and you quickly moved on to other topics,dismissed me and others as small minded because we don"t see the wisdom in what you are trying to do for the good of all.BULLCRAP And don't bother sending me anymore of you loaded e-mails.Here's a nugget of wisdom for you. When you put as many lies as you do in public print you would be better off to shut up. Ask how many of the hard working people on this or other boards believe that it is honorable to tell lies because it makes them more money. I also know some will sign on and claim ignorance of how you do what you aspire to do.And as far as what I have done don't leave any here in the dark, maybe they can learn how to discredit others like you in their markets. I not bother you on the boards because enough has been said for anyone who would like to check out. You even chimed in on another thread that you to have a stalker trying to discredit you too-really.Sue me.But you won't because what I have presented is true. I don't set at my computer as much as you do and would like to move on-but don't call me out again or I will continue to expose you.Robert Beets
To know how this all began read threads by/about Brian for the last month or so

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Robert Beets...rings a bell...aren't you the guy that screwed over Darlene Betterton a few years back, aren't you Chem-Dry?

Take care,


I have something to tell you guys. I'm really upset at Greg Crowley, but I've moved on.

I've moved on, and have gotten over it. Nope no drama here. I will not let the anger hormones seep into my muscle fibers until i am an out of control rage-aholic. Nope, I will drop it.

Even though he KNOWS I think the colors in his logo are horrible. I've let him know on two, count em, TWO separate occasions. but thats neither here nor there...

Greg, I'm not going to dwell on it any more. Nope, this is the last you guys will hear about it because I'm dropping it.

Brian knows how to manipulate this board very well.


Sep 3, 2009
No I didn't. But just because you and Darlene hate Chem-Dry makes you allies in anything related to Chem-Dry. I am not a Chem-Dry.But I have said what I have to say. I didn't
try my case in public then and I won't now. And you and her band of mistakens only know what you think you know. You should understand that after what you have been through.
If she was right she could have sued -she didn't .Of course some people always feel like a victim.
Kind of sounds like Brian.He comes here to plead his case where he knows he has sympathetic ears.Most of what he does noone here sees .You can reopen a can of worms but it will not diminish what I have said.And I don't come here to make friends or sell anything.I only clean when i feel like it now. And I believe there are those here who agree with what I have said even if they never acknowledge it. All I know there are no bogus addresses om goggle maps in DFW by Priority cc anymore, too bad when it was "pointed out to Brian he didn't take the high road and acknowledge his misjudgement instead of crawfishing.How do I know he has not seen the error of his ways-he's doing it behind the scenes. I would have left him alone at that but he had to keep mentioning me here.But maybe now that he knows others know he Will change his tactics.Who Knows.The world is run by such-but for one brief moment I made a difference. And that's that.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
truckmount girl said:
Robert Beets...rings a bell...aren't you the guy that screwed over Darlene Betterton a few years back, aren't you Chem-Dry?

Take care,

Why am I not surprised?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Justify what you did all you want but you're 10 times the dirt bag you are making me out to be.

I've never harmed anyone's business....ever...including yours.

6 million people in the DFW and you're worried about me getting one or two more customers than you?
Chem-Dry, figures.

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
Robert- I can guarantee you the guys on here are way smarter than you or Brian in picking out a lying sack of shit. I question anybody who uses only subs, ie: Greg Cole, Brian Robison. The fact that they don't actually provide the service always makes me suspect.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Robert, one word comes to mind;

I don't care about speling.
and gramer wuz never one of my strong soots
but, dude, it's harder than hell to read a post like that with no paragraphs

paragraphs.....know them, love then, USE them ...pleeze...



Dec 2, 2009
now this network thing does brian own the zip codes and you just use them when you pay and revert back to him when you don't???
then you have his company in your hood?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Burtz said:
now this network thing does brian own the zip codes and you just use them when you pay and revert back to him when you don't???
then you have his company in your hood?

The way it works, if you would like more customers then I try to get more for you. If you end up canceling, I have no way of doing jobs in your area. Those job would go to another cleaner in your area...but I'm not going to help him/her get customers unless they join the Network as well.

If someone cancels, I cancel the marketing there because there is no money to market with. I am not going to do any of my own marketing because there wouldn't be anyone to do the work....unless THEY sign up.

That made my head spin a little but I think it made sense.


Dec 2, 2009
please Sir answer my question do you own the zip code thing and does the cleaner just like rent it from you.
pretty simple question

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Doug Cox said:
Robert- I can guarantee you the guys on here are way smarter than you or Brian in picking out a lying sack of shit. I question anybody who uses only subs, ie: Greg Cole, Brian Robison. The fact that they don't actually provide the service always makes me suspect.

Well I was just going to use this thread to Let all that stuff with Robert go but I should have known.

By the way, it was for my benefit to forgive him, not his.

Doug, There is always someone smarter somewhere. I don't claim to be brilliant or anything like that, that's for sure.
When you say we don't "actually provide the service" you are putting me in the same boat with any companies that have employees or other.
Just because I don't get in a van and actually clean anymore makes me a Liar? Come on now.

I've cleaned carpets (physically cleaned them myself) for 20 years or better. I just jumped off the truck about 2 years ago.
I think I deserve respect from any cleaner out there just for that. The good thing is I don't need it and I sure don't need it from you with your stupid ass comments like that.
How long you been "cleaning"?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Burtz said:
please Sir answer my question do you own the zip code thing and does the cleaner just like rent it from you.
pretty simple question

No, I don't own zip codes.


Dec 2, 2009
if you don't own the so called zip codes or the cleaner then whats the point I guess any internet savvy person could do this with out you. Or is it more about manipulating google maps and things like that loop holes in the system

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Burtz said:
if you don't own the so called zip codes or the cleaner then whats the point I guess any internet savvy person could do this with out you. Or is it more about manipulating google maps and things like that loop holes in the system

Your right...anyone can do what I do.
I just do it for the ones who don't want to, can't or just want some extra help.

You can pay the $600.00 per month to do what they do and anyone could do a good amount of that as well.

This isn't the greatest form of advertising. It's just something extra. I keep the subscription price low and the company get's more exposure.


Sep 3, 2009
still haven't said anything abouy the non-compete because zips with calls now or in the future will end up in Brian's basket. All he has to do if no non-compete is raise prices when main zips are running volume till most pull out and slide Priority Carpet Cleaning(in unmarked subs vans of course) and never miss a beat.
Your comment that you only take a few jobs as Priority cc in DFW (you had eleven bogus addresses)sounds like your the victim.There is nothing wrong with your zip code directory except you are running a side business of carpet cleaning.Try and sell your zips in a community of 45000, Lets say Virginia Beach or Malibu. And be up front and tell any prospective buyers that if you get any high ticket jobs through your other(several) marketing or associations you have the capacity to show up in your vans.
If you do what is right noone could fault you.or if you do what is legal (non-compete), That is assuming you would honor that;some don't.Has noone noticed that this is not even brought up.
As far as this board I have read it for years and three reasons I have never posted1. Darlene 2. Chem-dry and 3. I really don't think I can hold a torch to most of the cleaners on here. I am still a bonnet cleaner and will continue to be.
Two things I believe is that bonnet cleaning is superior to encap when done properly and hwe is best in some situations but not all. And here's the kicker even though I don't do it-Chem_dry hot carbonated extraction is the best cleaning method in most casaes.And just like the cleaning industry bitched and moaned about chem-dry for 29 years (while chem-dry grew to worldwide) they now have a method that when done properly is the most marketable system again.
I am sure I may have lost some supporters on here (if I had any)by saying that .I have lost more to Chemdry than anyone that I know but I will not cry about . I am entitled to my opinion.Just because I do not like the chem-dry Home Depot franchise system does not mean I can't be objective to their cleaning system
I was a Chem-dry "hack"as you call me,but I believe so was Brian Robinson.
I suggest you read what I have said above carefully or I will continue to expose your lapses of judgement.As far as me -leave me alone and I will leave you alone . I have accomplished what I meant to do. As far as what else you do- do it somewhere where they aren't watching.(not DFW)

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Non-compete? I've said it here before...I've tried to sub out everywhere and I can't do it. I'm not going to spend money on a contact when I am only charging $40.00 a month. I'm not making money as it is.
If the cleaner cancels his area, the marketing stop because there is no money to market with.
How hard is that? You are making me out to be a huge company and it's just not the case.

I started this to help other carpet cleaners, maybe leave a good mark on the carpet cleaning industry and in the end hopefully make money doing it. I'm in the investment process still. Haven't made a dime.

Again, you are giving me way too much credit.

As far as my personal carpet cleaning company, it sounds like you are pissed at Chem-Dry and are trying to take it out on others. Get over it. Every franchise owner (including myself) got screwed by Chem-Dry.
Move on. Don't be such an ass to people.

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