Vortex replaced by a floor buffer


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
I don't know why the guys soils his under panties, I am just staring my opinion and both time I used one of his units it vibrated thru my hands and up to my shoulders very uncomfortably.

It probably shakes the dirt to the bottom of the carpet in some types of carpet but it is not for us. The stupid statement that this unit is a somehow a magic awesome cleaning machine is not so.

For the money I would buy an Orbot or vario easily as the owners of those companies does not make a fool of himself very chance he gets.

I am still waiting for the undeniable proof from the bent handle scandal he put us through.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I really wish I could get my hands on one sometime. I know it's not the sole solution to the problems of the universe, but it WOULD be nice to see if it's even within a galaxy or two of being as good as PadPrick says it is.
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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Larry before I bought the Trinity Rock I never even seen an OP machine. I researched the OP thing for almost 2 years and new that John had been working on improvements so i waited and watched. There was problems with the first batch of hyper speed OP machines so I waited hoping they would get all the bugs out. Then Bingo everything came together with the new line up of OP machines now called the Trinity. Kinda like being a good hunter Ya wait and watch and when the time Is wright ya make your move. I went with my gut feelings and bought the Rock. Did enough hand towelling to know what toweling does and new that in certain situations that an OP would make my job a lot easier and faster. I would like to ring VSs neck for making me do all that hand towelling. I did not buy it with the intension of using it as much as I am. I loved my cimex but the OP has replaced it on all levels plus it does a whole lot more. This OP machine has far exceeded all my expectations on all levels from ease of handling, quiet smooth running, low chem usage and it is built like a tank but most of all it cleans amazingly well.

The only way I am able to relate to the speed and small head movement of all other OP machines was when I set my machine on speed one which is the equivalent of all other OP machines made. That lasted about 5 min. I was shocked at how slow it was. Seemed like a total waste of time and effort.

^^^For Dealtimeman to read from a Trinity owner.^^^

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I really wish I could get my hands on one sometime. I know it's not the sole solution to the problems of the universe, but it WOULD be nice to see if it's even within a galaxy or two of being as good as PadPrick says it is.
Marty its a nice machine overbuilt and while Todds handle was bent, it must have been dropped or something very heavy dropped on it.

The spray system could look better but it functioned fine. Nice features like height adjustment without needing to bend over.

Big wheels and quiet compared to the videos. Not sure why its so loud on video but not in real life.

As far as price, its expensive but built for the long haul. Life changing? I didn't have that much time with it but it is 10-times what the old units were.

So I can appreciate John's excitement but I've yet to experience the magic.
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I don't know why the guys soils his under panties, I am just staring my opinion and both time I used one of his units it vibrated thru my hands and up to my shoulders very uncomfortably.

It probably shakes the dirt to the bottom of the carpet in some types of carpet but it is not for us. The stupid statement that this unit is a somehow a magic awesome cleaning machine is not so.

Forms the money I would buy an Orbot or vario easily as the owners of those companies does not make a fool of himself very chance he gets.

I am still waiting for the undeniable proof from the bent handle scandal he put us through.
Michael isn't the kind of guy to lie for anyone's benefit. If he says he has used a couple I believe him. Not everyone has the same opinion of it or any piece of equipment.


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
Again, one guy that went from Von foaming is the best in the universe to the trinity shaker is the best thing in the world.

Mardie you are clearly without a doubt a moron and a hack, funny you are the only idiot saying what you are spewing.

I've seen multiple trinity so for sale used all for around 2500-3000 and nobody buys them, WHY?

Why did the poeple that got screwed into buying a 4000 dollar shaking buffer selling these or trying to unload them?

Why did the guy john said was a liar and was going to prove it to us, have to go to court just for john not to be a good biz man and show up?

Mardie you are an idiot! Plain and simple!

I have operated the machine and don't like it, that is a fact. You bought one and want to justify it to yourself, just like your previous Von foamer rants - same tune different lyrics.

I don't like multiple machines and this is one of them, more importantly don't like the way the manufacturer of this machine conducts business and that will stop me from ever buying one his units new or used.

I would rather run a Cimex or a vario for sure, as customer service and decency go a long way!
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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
deltimeman Like I said you are to stupid to even know what a Late model Trinity is and you should do your homework before you start shit talking about things you know nothing about. Only MB would allow a troll like you to become a moderator.
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Supportive Member
Sep 23, 2013
Grant Baverstock
Amusing how a man of faith is using phoney science to falsely help sell his machines.

When scientific "fact" says we evolved, he says hogwash, we came from Adam and Eve. When scientific "fact", says rubbing a Q tip over a chemically laden carpet helps him profit, it's hallelujah!!, look at the Christmas miracle!!

Humans with a moral compass just have to laugh.

And rinse the bullshit away..

OMG a little bit of wee seriously came out.....

Where's the PetZone.....?

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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
I am not stupid like you and I surly am not a liar. I did make a mistake on the name of Todds early model Trinity machine but I can assure you that the late model Trinity machine have non of the negative attributes you speak off. Today is today and if you have to go into the past to find fault with a machine then portay that as being representative off todays machine, then you are talking nonsense.

dealtimeman BTW you playing to an internet audience is pathetic.
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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Too funny here is a video because you are either really stupid or a liar.

On the handle that is bent it says trinity even though you state it was not a trinity that Todd had.


That machine is called the Trinity "CM" and are no longer made. It has been replaced with an upgraded model that is now called the "Rock" I own a Trinity Rock and if your comments and opinions is based on the old CM model then your opinion is flawed as far as the performance of the machines that are available in todays market.

Like I said you should do your homework before you start shit talking about things you know nothing about.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni

telling us with authority what the greatest machine evah is, but no experience with any of the others :oldrolleyes:
You'd think he'd of learned a lessen in taking out his hat when he was a VS cheerleader (but NOW knows a shake 'n shine machine is superior) and more efficient than his scampoo box

i have little doubt a couple/three years ago he would of argued how VS was superior to OP (even though he had NO experience with them)

YES, Mardie, "another mod' telling you what a bOOb you are.
let me share something, if 10 people (WITHOUT an agenda) tell you the same thing and you're the only one saying other, it oughta be a clue....



Jul 25, 2011
Gentlemen, I think all of us in the past may have wished things had worked out better for us, on some of the decisions we have made. I know I wish that I had made different decisions, when I Monday Morning Quarter-Back myself. There is a lot of knowledge available on Mikey's Board, but I myself while checking it daily, hardly ever post, this thread is just another example of how aggressive some posters can get (hack, Low or no morals) being bandied about. I thought we were here to learn form one another, to try to help each other stay motivated and upbeat, not eviscerate someone because of a certain choice of how they have chosen to serve their clients. To each his own I say, if it is working for them, it must be working for their clients as well, sometimes it may be best to agree to disagree, and move on.

I have been full time with the company I work for over 25 years, been to many cities for classes, and even have taught some in the past for the IICRC, but I always looked forward to speaking with other cleaners, that is were I have learned the most. Even if they had different viewpoints than I, almost invariably it was interesting looking at this industry threw their eyes, and most of the time it was not a waste of my time to listen to someone with a different opinion than mine.

Yes I have done mostly HWE, but low moisture does have it's supporters, by that I have had more and more clients question me about it or some outright request a VLM process. If prospects are questioning or requesting a particular method, I have chosen not to debate with them, and provide them what they feel they want. I researched for not a terribly long time, maybe a couple of years, before I settled on Mr. Geurkink's company. I have been more than pleased with the way not only Mr. Geurkink, but his entire company, everyone has always been very pleasant and helpful. I am not trying to talk someone into purchasing one of Mr. Geurkink's machines, the people on this board are more than capable of making an equipment decision. Also I understand that the sometimes degrading speech will continue, and while a few here feel that some people are "weak" if they cannot take it, maybe some people just don't want to have to wade threw it. I would venture to guess much better men than myself have made this decision already, and while this is a fantastic place to acquire information, there is always a possibility that it could be better. Honesty may always be the best policy, but delivery has a lot to do with it. There is a big difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism (just being mean), we just have to decide what kind of professional's we want to project ourselves as. Are we willing to disagree without being disagreeable? My guess is probably not, but it is something I can hope for.
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
You do realize no one is requiring John or Mardie to post here...don't you?

They come here to market John's units. I don't believe that's a problem but they also come cocked and loaded for a confrontation.

I agree the name calling can get petty but for those that can't take it, skip the threads that involve John & Mardie.

Unless you have time to go back and read Mardie's anti HWE tirade's that have been going on for years now, you'll not understand why people come at him so hard. John likes to argue, he will tell you that himself. He's good at it and while he may not enjoy these arguments, he could just not involve himself if he didn't care to.
Sep 25, 2012
parts unknown WA state 90210
Andy McFadden
Nothing wrong with spirited debate, we are grown men here, and this isn't Mr Rogers neighborhood. I don't care for personal attacks and try to avoid doing that,

but I think most of what is taking place here is just "guy talk" and nothing meant to hurt any one. lets face it some of the comments are just plain funny.

I do find it interesting , the VLM crowd (in general) always crying foul ( "stop being mean") when ever some one points out that it has limits, as if it's some kind of hate speech to say anything contrary about the religion of vlm.

You wont find any VLM boards that allow open discussion, therefore ideas never really get challenged, SO there you have your gentle loving environment , were every one strokes each others ego. It's waiting for you if that's what you desire.

For me, I'm glad open discussion is allowed here, that's where the real learning happens , (when ideas get challenged)
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Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
We still padding these two's panties in here, lol

The things we will endure for entertainment these days : )


Jul 25, 2011
Mr. Chavez,
You are correct sir, I am not familiar with Mardie's past post's condemning hot water extraction. I can see if that is the case, how it may ruffle some feathers around hear.

Mr. McFadden,
I have yet to meet any method of carpet cleaning that at some point finds it's own limitations.
All I was trying to say (albeit not very well) is that there is more than one way to accomplish what we are all trying to achieve, pleasing our clients enough to use us repeatedly and refer our services.
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I would also agree with Andy. While there are some vicious jabs going back and forth I do believe for the most part its good natured poking.

Well......maybe! :p



Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
I would also agree with Andy. While there are some vicious jabs going back and forth I do believe for the most part its good natured poking.

Well......maybe! :p


It's a good thing we dont have to pay to post in this thread : )

Cuz it would be ded, lol

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