1/2 or 3/4 ton van

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
meAt said:
Able 1 said:
I have a 3/4 ton and with full 120 gal. fw tank, full gas tank, me and eveything I use I was around 8000 pounds... I took it to a quarry to have it weighed. Haven't done a break job and I'm at 46,000mi.. I do drive like a grandpa though because I hate when the water sloshes around and knocks of the caps off my fw tanks. I really haven't had any problems with my van yet..

one of my 3/4 tons Fords grossed out at 8500 with empty waste tank when I weighed it once

It rolled over 230K miles before it died in a violent roll over crash

the guys having problems with 3/4 ton vans much be driving Chevys or gawd forbid....a dUdge


Chevy, but with a Fresh Tank, and ur truck has HELPER SPRINGS!!!! You even told me!

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
I have a Chevy 2500. Bought in July of 04. 94000 miles (many of those on wash board dirt roads that would make a city street with pot holes look like an airport runway). Cleanco Q56 with approx 4000 hrs. Had one front bearing go out. Have had to replace pads once ( I think not really sure about that). No real problems that I can recall.

That being said when I get a new ride it will probobly be a cab over with a streamline box. Projected longevity and additional cargo space outweighs the additional cost in my opinion.

My ride is starting to squeek a little. I am thinking A frame bushings.

ps I have 100 Gallon fresh tank and I usually top off before I dump the recovery.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
c_adkins said:
Chevy, but with a Fresh Tank, and ur truck has HELPER SPRINGS!!!! You even told me!

AirLift air bladders actually, Chris.
Much better ride than an added spring and air adjustable for more capacity.
($230 at Summit Racing)
They bolt on between the frame and axle and give 5000 pound added capacity (2500 each side) at 90psi
I only keep 30psi in mine.
They're slicker than snot...

http://store.summitracing.com/largeimag ... 7125_w.jpg

The only reason I have them is cause I mount my big fat Powermatic (980 pounds dry) in the rear .
The center of gravity is actually a bit rear of the rear axle.
When the van was new I really didn't need them.
with age though, the springs start to sag a little, that's why I installed the AirLifts

If I side mounted like most dudes, I wouldn't need them at all
I still need the air springs in time with a 1 ton because the way I mount my TM


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