I have a custom filter before the truck, 1/4 millimeter mesh (thats really tiny for you imperial measuring chaps

) In my neck of the woods we are "required" to filter either before or after through this fine a mesh before dumping into the septic sewer. Since I am running a 3" line through it I have no increase in vacuum when it gets hooked up. Basically it like a shopvac cannister but with 3" abs pipe and hose.
I have those new twist cuffs, no whip, 2" wand, 2" hose right to the wand, normal run is 50' 2" vac hose then 50' of 3" hose, through the filter, 3" blower filter and 3" exhaust. Oh, its a Roots 59 providing all my nice suction. 180gal recovery tank fills maybe a 6th to 4th after a average house. My wand has 2-#2 jets at about 500-600psi, carpets are feeling pretty dry after a few hours. Have an AP to speed dry as well.
Love to show you a pic when I figure out how to post one
