Are your marketing materials filled with platitudes?????


Feb 5, 2013
Headlines such as, "Carpet cleaning experience and quality you can trust", or " been in business since 1884" or "we get your carpets the cleanest, guaranteed" these are all platitudes, words/phrases anyone company can use. If you can look at your ad, put a competitors name in replacement of yours, or answer your own question with "well, i hope so" then you fall victim to platitude filled marketing material.

You want to engage your customer with a powerful headline, and then educate them on why you are different then joe shmo the bait n switch dingle berry. Your inside reality and your outside perception need to match up, or you are no different then the $6.95 a room guy that your are battling with in your neck of the woods.


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
your post lacks examples....just quotes of, although overused, statements that DO work

did you get the second half of the newsletter explaining what the first meant?

the funniest thing is that the two people (arguably two of the more successful...and both have "updated" recently) who liked your post fall "victim" to at least two of your points in some aspect of their advertising....IF you want to consider them "points"

not saying they aren't.....just that there are a lot of opinions out there as the need for content/points grows...ttfwyw

but at least humble yourself....a nice wrap that you point at in a pic, parroting a recent blog post or "special report" you read, reaching the bottom of page one for a relatively easy term, and a visually assaulting website does not a guru make...................:yoda:

AND YOUR site has the SOS........speaking of which...what Indian (dot not feather) wrote your copy........................................? And just a friendly fyi....margins and padding are your is contrast the space bar...and spell check..........anyquestions?

AND....and I truly mean no offense here....but even if you reach #1 in Orlando that is honestly one of the shittiest sites I have EVER seen.............and while that may not mean much coming from me remember your customers probably aren't new to the internet either....................JFC.........don't let that slow you down though...............................

edit: I would have probably put this more "gently" at another time..............................
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Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
and if you want some intoxicated anti-guru advise:

The most visible saying it, within the viewers budget and slightly more, gets the new custies
The one that backs it up retains them

you're assuming you get the chance to "educate" them......................
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Feb 5, 2013
ahh gota love drunk super douches!

Your input has nothing to do with the actual post, which i appreciate greatly, even more proving my previous statement. And no the information didnt come from a newsletter that i read. Knowledge i have gained along the way, and a touch of some recent books have put this posted info in perspective for me and i thought i would pass it along. If you wanted more detailed info, you should have just asked.

Bottom of page one, no sir, but i guess that makes your drunken ego feel better! 5th and 6th from bottom for respective keywords, and we are talking about the top 6 or 7 keywords for my area here, not an easy term as u speak of, i live in Orlando, not Pensacola. another words only one actual carpet cleaners website is ahead of mine (not including YP and Angieslist)

and whats with all the fruity TWGCCF's and other bs, feel free to elaborate on these.....

Now sure ive heard my website isnt the most appealing to the eye, but i whipped it up in Jan to implement SEO that i had learned, i will work on that in time, but for now, im good with it, not sure what your talking about with all the grammatical mistakes, please feel free to help out on that too!


Feb 5, 2013
we can be friends now Fred, just had to get that off my chest as well....:D

but seriously hook me up with that last two questions i had mentioned.


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
ahh gota love drunk super douches!

Your input has nothing to do with the actual post, which i appreciate greatly, even more proving my previous statement. And no the information didnt come from a newsletter that i read. Knowledge i have gained along the way, and a touch of some recent books have put this posted info in perspective for me and i thought i would pass it along. If you wanted more detailed info, you should have just asked.

Bottom of page one, no sir, but i guess that makes your drunken ego feel better! 5th and 6th from bottom for respective keywords, and we are talking about the top 6 or 7 keywords for my area here, not an easy term as u speak of, i live in Orlando, not Pensacola. another words only one actual carpet cleaners website is ahead of mine (not including YP and Angieslist)

and whats with all the fruity TWGCCF's and other bs, feel free to elaborate on these.....

Now sure ive heard my website isnt the most appealing to the eye, but i whipped it up in Jan to implement SEO that i had learned, i will work on that in time, but for now, im good with it, not sure what your talking about with all the grammatical mistakes, please feel free to help out on that too!

I'm not THAT drunk....but I've had my "breakfast"....and I'm working on my second 24 hour stretch of designing websites and SEO..........

"Fruity TWGCCF"? That would be what you are posting on right now......The World's Greatest Carpet Cleaning Forum.......which, at least this version, is my work btw

You haven't heard it? Who would tell you? Besides some douche on you expect your customers to call you up and tell you?

4th....5th...12th....If you ain't first..............


Feb 5, 2013
I'm not THAT drunk....but I've had my "breakfast"....and I'm working on my second 24 hour stretch of designing websites and SEO..........

"Fruity TWGCCF"? That would be what you are posting on right now......The World's Greatest Carpet Cleaning Forum.......which, at least this version, is my work btw

You haven't heard it? Who would tell you? Besides some douche on you expect your customers to call you up and tell you?

4th....5th...12th....If you ain't first..............

fair enough, thanks for the info! and no i have not heard that abbreviation, or many of the others you posted, I'm still using stuff like LOL and BTW.

true on the 4th,5th 12th statement, i do get some calls but deff not enough, im sure its a combination of not being first and having a "visually assaulting" website. Any constructive criticism would be nice, not sure about the misspelled words and space bar info you passed along does me any good(especially since im not seeing it)but any information you would be willing to share would be wonderful.

Your best bud


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
and I'm just a drunk super douche....what are your (non) customers noticing


Feb 5, 2013
and I'm just a drunk super douche....what are your (non) customers noticing

thanks, though I added this new content last night and had fixed these errors this morning, well at least the grammatical stuff, not sure what to do about the margin padding and contrast..... have to start editing my content in the proper place, im the worst speller.


Feb 5, 2013
J.R. least we know im a man of my word!
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Feb 5, 2013
Fred is amazing at websites , seo, sem, and just about anything else he is interested in. Psst he once worked for the CIA.:winky:

from the way hey found my website and went to finding errors so quickly i believe it, lol

no but seriously its all good he let me know who he was..... im a a grown ass man i defend myself but don't take it to the heart its all good now, now i take what he has shown me and implement it

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Good, he doesn't intend to run you off, he is just several (many) levels above most of us when it comes to that type of work. His patience wears thin when he has to talk down to us, well me anyway. :winky:

Fred knows his sh*t!


Feb 5, 2013
Good, he doesn't intend to run you off, he is just several (many) levels above most of us when it comes to that type of work. His patience wears thin when he has to talk down to us, well me anyway. :winky:

Fred knows his sh*t!

from the conversations i have had with him so far it seems that way, i am always interested in learning new things, hence why i read all the time. I am extremely green when it comes to website stuff for the most part. Have only had web site since jan, though i would say for only being around that long i have learned and implemented quite a bit, my website (seo wise) is doing rather well for how green it is. Well at least in my opinion, i know people who pay hundreds of dollars a month for seo that are beneath me on page one. I got myself there on my own, well with help from people like Shane and books and such but you get the point.


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
he is just several (many) levels above most of us when it comes to that type of work. His patience wears thin when he has to talk down to us, well me anyway. !

nah...just sleep deprived & frustrated...............

testing some new templates for sites that are way overdue
entering the same shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....on another project.........cause stupid roboform doesn't want to replace fields.........

I'll be nicer after a nap
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Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
entering the same shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....on another project.........cause stupid roboform doesn't want to replace fields.........

Hate when that happens, and having to actually do it manually. :banghead:

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Jul 9, 2013
Thought I'd make an account just for this thread.

Since I can only assume what has happened in here is that FredC has taken advantage of Beeks lack of knowledge, I thought I'd maybe elaborate on Beeks points.

First off, these overused phrases that are being used in advertising are still generating leads because there is no other choice for the consumer.

If you open the yellow pages, and every company is telling you they're "Honest. Reliable. Ethical." you've still got to make the choice to call ONE of them.

However, say if ONE of those companies makes a statement such as, "Will respond to all emergency floods in 12 hours or less or your service is free.", who will you choose? Are you still going to choose to go with the company that is making empty claims as to their honesty, reliability and ethics? Do you HAVE to be honest, reliable and ethical to make these claims in the first place?

This gets us into the subject of conversion rates.

As FredC says, these overused statements still work, but if you're focusing on direct-response marketing, you're really focused on your ROI. So, whenever your conversion rate can increase, it's always something to be interested in, especially when it's as simple as crafting a USP. Sometimes, by increasing your conversion rate, you can get into marketing channels that were previously not viable for you due to the fact your conversion rate wasn't allowing a ROI.

The great thing about a USP, is that you can speak directly to the target market you are in fact targeting. For simplicity sake, let's say as a carpet cleaner, you're targeting hotels, and you decide that direct mail is the best way to do this.

You decide to split-test to see which results would be superior, using a USP vs. using an empty marketing slogan.

In variation A, the marketing slogan says, "The Carpet Cleaning Company You Can Trust."

In variation B, the USP says, "We help hotels get their rooms looking their best and back on the market in under 1 hour per room."

Who do you think the owner/manager is going to call back? The "me too" carpet cleaner, or the carpet cleaner that SPECIALIZES and GUARANTEES their work to the hotel.

Perhaps one of the most famous examples of a USP being used successfully is Domino's.

Instead of saying, "We deliver pizza", they said, ""You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less -- or it's free." According to Domino's that USP was worth $1 Billion dollars to them, as it positioned them in the pizza restaurant industry as the number 2 player in the game (apparently they've always been second to Pizza Hut).

With all this being said, here is a REALLY simple formula for you to use to create your own USP.

"I/We Help _________________________ Who struggle with/want to ______________________ Get __________________ in/with/without ___________"

Just fill in the blanks.

Since it's sometimes hard to see it from the consumers point of view when you're the service/product provider, let's use this formula to create a USP for a chiropractor for examples sake.

"We help car accident victims who struggle with back pain get over their pain in 90 days... 100% guaranteed!"

Once again, no car accident victim is going to keep shopping around reading the same old typical "Best in Town" garbage, when they've got a chiropractor telling them they specialize in helping people in their exact predicament.

Anyways, hope this helps.




Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
lol..."the Best Marketer Alive" signed up to respond to my post.........I'm flattered.....and amused

"Take advantage"? would be a better term but would seem to imply ill intent where there isn't any....just slowing the roll of what may be a mini-Brian Robison in the making

There are millions of "marketing truths" out there and millions more regurgitating them..............

What seems to be lacking is actual A/B testing.........even when there is mention of doing them........
Jul 9, 2013
I was wondering if you'd pick up on the blatant platitude I used for my username.

The fact you question this is interesting. But, I'm impressed with the fact you don't simply take other peoples word for it.

Obviously my example of a split test is made up and I doubt a town would have a large enough hotel base to pull any real conclusive numbers.

Based on the example USPs I've given, do you not feel you'd lean more towards the companies with the strong USPs vs. the empty cliches?

If you were hurt in a car accident, would you still opt to go with the self proclaimed, "Best Chiro in town" over the Chiro who specializes in helping car accident victims?

If you were a hotel, would you go with the "Carpet Company You Can Trust", vs. the company that specializes, guarantees and also effectively communicates their understanding of the fact the hotels most basic need is to have their rooms on the market to rent at anytime?

The basis of a USP is to find your target markets pain point and offer a solution. Such is the basis of all effective marketing.


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Why do I question?
Because I DO A/B testing.
What I don't do is read something, say to myself "that makes sense", and start parroting.
and not because the internet isn't lacking material to make me appear to be a marketing genius.

I don't think you will find where I agreed or disagreed. I said it lacked examples.

There is also no shortage of USP discussions here and if he would have said "I A/B tested different USPs and these were the results so USP definitely had an impact on my business" my response would have been different

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