I doubt they changed anything. There is always one idiot in BO/BU threads that talks about getting paid....until he doesn't...........
Congrats on being the one I guess....
We were told from the get go we would be paid when we arrived to the job before starting. Luckily our experience was different from everyone else here. I'm sure had I read this thread before the job I never would have accepted but since the job was for the next day I really didn't have the time. Actually this is the first time I've ever accepted one of those farmed out jobs. We get request all the time. Many of them are down right comical in what they offer and the terms are always net whenever if ever.
If Boss Optima continues to operate like they did with us it's actually a good model that impresses me. I don't know the pricing structure they are working with in their model and can't say whether it's sustainable or not but from our end this one case worked.
They claim to appeal and market to a premium customer so I'm not sure how we're supposed to transparently merge our operation into their model and they weren't specific about that. For example I sent my truck out with our invoice made out to Boss Optima for $200 and marked prepaid along with the customer's info on the job section. I didn't give my tech any special instructions. Normally he would have given that copy to the customer. The customers were happy and when Boss made a followup call the next day they gave us high ratings. However if he gave them a copy of that invoice which I believe he would have I can see that customer calling Boss raising hell because they were probably charged $300 or more. I'd say something has to be worked out there.
If you get another chance to do a job for them and the numbers work for you and they tell you they're going to pay when the truck arrives I'd take the job. At worst if they don't do as they said you can send the truck back home. I'm hoping they really have got there act together because there's a need for some niche players.
Personally I'm happy for anything that's not Google. The power Google has over us all is truly frightening. Here's how bad it is: I can have a customer who's been a customer for 15 years. He may have our card in his wallet, and our phone number in his phone. He may even have one of our coupon postcards sitting on the table at home from todays mail. That same customer will invariably go to Google before calling me. Chances are I'll even end up having to pay google for the click. In the mean time he'll have a hundred opportunities to go somewhere else. That's scary!