Cobbs carpet supply very bad customer service again.

Marc Imbesi

Dec 2, 2010
tmdry said:
Just because you haven't dealt with that personally, does not mean things are fine and dandy. It's up to people like us to point out things we see wrong w/ a company, and hopefully they'll work on it. there is NO reason for others to come on here to defend Larry or his supply store, when all Joey is doing is sharing the TRUTH......The bottom line is simple, if you're a supplier learn from other suppliers about TRUE customer service, instead of opening an argument on a message board w/ an existing unsatisfied client (REGARDLESS of the issue), why not just take care of it before it escalates? Do You not have any idea how many people lurk and never post yet see your reply?

My exact take on this, but I seemed to get called names and banned for stating the truth.....anyway....

When I ordered Cobb's UV flashlight, I needed to call several times b/c my CC was not charged days later, and it seemed as if the order didnt go thru (phone order). When I finally got someone, it was discovered that he was out of stock and had to "make" more. I was a little peeved at them for not communicating this to me, b/c if I was in a rush for one, I wasted valuable time. Communication is key with me.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
thats what i am talking about.. So Larry after some of these posts with people having the same problem....... its not you..... but your staff


Supportive Member
Apr 5, 2009
Oroville, ca
I am a big fan of Larry Cobb and his stuff. I have paid full price for everything I ever ordered so this is not a biased opinion. Most suppliers have issues and calling someone out on a message board is child like. I ordered product from a supplier recently that took 2 months to arive and my 3 messages and 2 emails were never returned. I still didn't call the guy out and blast him like you did. Big tip if you want to deal with a supplier, talk to only one sales person and then you will always have accountability. If you wern't happy with the product you originally ordered you should of returned it. Let me tell you my most recent interaction with Cobbs. I place my orders over email because it is much easier that way. So I order a 2 pints of rust remover and several other chemicalls. First thing the salesman did was tell me it made no sense to order 2 pints. He sold me a gallon, and then sold me 8 bottles they go in for less than the price the 2 pints would of been. He then told me by adding a couple of gallons of chemical it would actually lower my total price because of the volume pricing structure they have. Most people would of taken my order and processed it. He took the time to lower my price and give me more. I'm sorry you had a bad experience but that is my story and I have emails I can forward you to prove it.

Marc Imbesi

Dec 2, 2010
idreadnought said:
calling someone out on a message board is child like.

I disagree.....

If a BB is for the masses to learn from each other, then why are suppliers exempt from this? Dont tell me they have nothing to learn. Ive purchased many items over the years upon the recommendations of others. Some I never would order from b/c of negative comments. I look for and appreciate the honesty (be it negative) from all who have experienced.

What is child-like, is the fact that some never learn. Ken Harris comes to mind....Larry Cobb should....


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
Marc Imbesi said:
idreadnought said:
calling someone out on a message board is child like.

I disagree.....

If a BB is for the masses to learn from each other, then why are suppliers exempt from this? Dont tell me they have nothing to learn. Ive purchased many items over the years upon the recommendations of others. Some I never would order from b/c of negative comments. I look for and appreciate the honesty (be it negative) from all who have experienced.

What is child-like, is the fact that some never learn. Ken Harris comes to mind....Larry Cobb should....

yup....its a day and age where the masses come together more quickly......if we didnt have this medium, there would and could still be tons of problems....

plus look how much it has people...i know my stuff runs TONS better with the upgrades i learned about here

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009

You are still complaining after Larry gave you $75 off a demo wand? He should have charged you more because it was Factory Tested. Wa Wahhh I bet you remember when you mommy slapped your hand when you were ten because you took too much candy also.

I think you made a online post to bitch about Cobbs that should have been pm'd to Larry.

Dealing with one person at a supplier that you can hold responsible is important.

Say there is a timing problem you messed up with in dealing with one of your customers. Would you like them to write to the editor of you local paper and have their bitch printed before you had a chance to cure the problem?

Oh wait forums are for bitching....


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
i am not bitching about the 75 bucks.. i am upset about the service after that.. and i did pm larry and talk to larry on the phone..

Bill G. Martin

My dealings with Larry and his staff have always been top notch......

Good Man and a Good company.

Bill in central Florida


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I have been trying out several presprays, I use to order Powermax but they lost my order and my credit card when I really needed the stuff and it never showed up. I decided to retry because I wanted to try his tile and grout enhancer and a couple other products. I asked a couple questions and the guy had no clue about any of the products I was asking about. I told him I will just ask around on the boards and he said great just make sure when you call back ask for me, you know how commission sales work and I would hate to lose a customer.

I like powdered presprays I am much better at scooping than glugging but I did yous o2 and I use dd12 and a few other Judson products and the woman running judsons left dinner to get my order and it quickly arrived. Never had a problem. I needed leather cleaner, matrix Grout Devil and sealer in a pinch jondon was lickity split.

I am still going to try Cobbs this week because if service hasn't been top notch then the products must speak for themselves. I paid almost 4 times as much for Miracle Tile and Grout Enhancer because I needed and didn't trust it was going to come faster enough from Cobbs

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
Scott Rogers said:
unfortunately I had a similar experience with Cobb this week.

Also had similar experiences with other suppliers.

We need to face the facts they really dont give a crap about our needs. And communication is asking way too much. An emergency order whether last minute chem order or parts to get you back up and running have no urgency on their part. you get it when the send it attitude.

This is about all suppliers I have dealt from JonDon down to the small guys. With the only exception being Joe Bristor.

Jondon refuses to give shipping charges till after the order is shipped and they always seem to split the order up from multiple stores which greatly increases the shipping cost.

I could rant for hours on this subject!!!

I just received another order from Cobb's. This one arrived extremely fast and was complete with good communication. I hope this continues I would like to make them my primary supplier.
Dec 20, 2006
cape coral fl.
jack zerkie
Cobbs is all I use My truckmount and all of his chemicals are from him. Larry is only the owner and can,t do it all, but he really tries to make things work. I sent him a email last week asking a few questions and still no answer, but thts okey were both very busy.All of the things you need he has, but he is only one person GOOD help is hard to find just look around at whats out there. jz.

Bee Busy

Aug 19, 2010
Folsom CA
Bee Busy
what a headache.....I'm glad I live 5 miles from Pro's Choice and have 2 distributers within 10 miles

Ross Buettner

Nov 21, 2010
Green Bay, WI
Ross Buettner
I had one order with Cobb. I had a few concerns and he addressed them promptly. I bought a wand from him and have no issues with it.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
All I know is I would order Cobb's Acid Cleaner and his protectors/sealers from the Devil if that were my only choice.

Great stuff.


Nov 14, 2006
Kennesaw Ga.
Thomas Cermak
I have ordered from Cobbs over the years, and have always been pleased with them. My most recent order from them arrived just last week (within 2-3 days of order).


Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
Well I hate to be another complainer but I just ordered from Cobb for the first time a few weeks ago. I read about them here on the site but did not run across this post. I was looking into marble polishing and saw some of Larry’s post and he seem to know a bit. I called and he or one of his reps ( I am not sure) was very helpful. I got quoted $375.00 on a set of 20” in stock monkey pads with a set of free smaller pads. I kept telling him I preferred the 7” pads for the smaller free set and he told me that he thought he had the 7” but maybe the 5” instead. Ok but kept insinuating he may have the 7” to which I told him is was what I needed. I gave them CC number and placed the order. I would have usually got these from my reg. supplier Superior but cobb had the pads for 25 bucks cheaper and included a free set of smaller pads so I figured why not give them a try (sorry Superior you guys are great, next time). Well about 2 hrs later when I am at a jobsite I get a call from cobb telling me they made a mistake and he gave me the price for a set of 17” monkey pads and the 20” set was actually 400.00. I was kind of pist because I told him several times I needed the 20” set. I did not have the time to deal with new price at the time; I needed the pads for the following week for a job and didn’t have anymore time to deal with shopping around for the pads especially since I thought I had already handled it. I told him fine but I need them for next week I placed order on a wed. And was told to expect the pads by tues of the next week as well as a set of 7” smaller pads. That all being handled and him offering a sample of prespray I was cool.

Well come thurs of the following week I still have no pads? I called and was told the pads were back ordered an they would be in on fri. I asked why if I was told the pads where in stock. I forget what excuse they gave but he said if they came in on fri he would ship them. Well fri came and I go a call that it would cost 100.00 to ship over night, I asked him are asking me if I am going to pay 100.00 for shipping, I hope not. He got a bit quite as if he realized how stupid the question sounded. So bottom line I explained that this was no longer a sale for profit but a customer satisfaction and first impression of his business sale/issue. Well he offered to give me the pads and the 5” set of free pads (7” pads he does not have, He should have known that no 7” pads available on day one) and that he would pay for shipping. Ok what else can I do at this point I will look forward to my pads and I will reschedule my work for next week. I just checked my CC statement they billed 420.00 so if the pads were 400.00 why the 20.00. Prob shipping I guess, so much for free shipping.

Cobb if you are going to be promoting your biz online and in the forums you need to realize that the guys here are also reviewing your customer service issues. I know stuff happens we are all human. But the customer is always right, It sounds unfair but we are in a retail biz. I make every effort to impress my new custy. You guys should have however insane it may sound switched to a 100% customer satisfaction mode. 1. offered to ship over night at your cost. I know that would have sucked but it would have really spoke wonders about your biz especially when I would have posted that here instead of this. An honestly I would have not had you do that but it would have impressed that heck out of me if you would have offered instead of asking me to cover the cost of your mistake. 2. if you guy’s would have called me at anytime and told me you did not have the pads and would not be able to get them to me by tues of the following week we might of resolved the issue then.
Just some constructive criticism.


Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
I did Pm Larry earlier in the week before I called looking for my order. No reply from him
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Ken Snow said:
[quote="curt johnson":2alu77k8]jfc.......if it were Prochem or Hydramaster none of you would even have a name of the CEO to call or email and bitch to! Be lad when theres a problem you have a person to go to!!!!

If that is true that is too bad.[/quote:2alu77k8]

My nephew called mytee the other day about his portable and talked to John himself without asking for him..


Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
By the way I wrote about my experience with Cobb only to bring it to the attention of the forum as well as Larry. I did try to contact him but he did not respond. I have no doubt that all the crew at Cobb as well as Larry a great people. I will have a chance to try their product as well as some samples I was promised and I f they are useful I will prob give them another try. But after seeing how Joey Upchurch got beat up for making a comment I thought I would share my experience. Any business can get complaisant let us all learn from this. Good news spread but bad news spreads even faster. Every customer can be a blessing or a curse so we need to always keep that in mind, especially when we put ourselves out there like in this forum. The customer service issue with cobb will hopefully be resolved. And for the record I have no ill will and hope this is my last post on the issue.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Well... My post was over 1 month ago.. and as I can see the customer service issues have not been fixed. Has anyone ever been to Larrys shop? Any impressions? I may have heard a few. Just wandering if when you walk in the door if its total crazy?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I live in the same area as Cobbs but I've never been to his shop. Not because of bad press but because I am pretty loyal to Jon Don.

Jon Don has NEVER given me a problems even when I lived in CA. They always give more than I expect, customer service is out of this world and the help...that they've given me puts me in debt to them.

Nothing against Cobb....I've never dealt with them.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
I would imagine most of cobbs business is locals, I think he should have one person, perhaps his best handle all the orders that need to be shipped.


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
I buy some stuff from Cobbs, good stuff at good prices. Few things I've learned is 1. some of the staff may not know a lot about some of the products. They at times may have pretended to 2. If you're in a hurry to receive your order call the day after ordering and see if it got shipped. I know this should be done without checking up but it's the way I do it. If ordering more then one thing and I'm in a hurry for something I tell them to ship what they have right away and not to wait for the order to complete to ship.

I'll keep buying from them.


Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
as soon as my bucket hits half full..( or half empty ..which ever way you swing )........I call and order another one....if I get down to a 1/4 pail and it is still not here then I follow up....

6 "P" rule.........


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Albert Lazo said:
I buy some stuff from Cobbs, good stuff at good prices. Few things I've learned is 1. some of the staff may not know a lot about some of the products. They at times may have pretended to 2. If you're in a hurry to receive your order call the day after ordering and see if it got shipped. I know this should be done without checking up but it's the way I do it. If ordering more then one thing and I'm in a hurry for something I tell them to ship what they have right away and not to wait for the order to complete to ship.

I'll keep buying from them.

Gees Albert and Jim,
It sounds more like a police procedure than a purchase order :oops:
I'd rather spend more $ somewhere else than 'police' my supplier.

I don't get it guys.
Do your clients have to hound you to show up on the agreed day and time?
I know they don't.
Don't you expect the same from your suppliers?

I guess not. :p

Marc Imbesi

Dec 2, 2010
Ofer Kolton said:
Gees Albert and Jim,
It sounds more like a police procedure than a purchase order :oops:
I'd rather spend more $ somewhere else than 'police' my supplier.

I don't get it guys.
Do your clients have to hound you to show up on the agreed day and time?
I know they don't.
Don't you expect the same from your suppliers?

I guess not. :p

Hear, hear!

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