Nate The Great
MrSteam said:SteveC is from Steam Action Supply actually... we're best buds
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I knew what I typed looked funny.... My bad Steve!
MrSteam said:SteveC is from Steam Action Supply actually... we're best buds
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
would or would NOT.......let you post???I once typed in "Vawter" on ICS and it would let me complete the post.
Mikey P said:Yes shawn, i was being facetious
Evan does not own or run connections Steve so I don't get where you're coming from.
an' Rats Ass hair!fred boyle said:I don't think Evan has the power at all Mike...
and I think its rather cruel of you to pick on him
after all, he has the CONnections committee's hands up his keister moving his mouth for him and your hands slapping him across the face :shock:
Mikey P said:What the hell could you ever tell me of consequence Hoodledork... that olson gives away after market or stale jelly bellys?
Mikey P said:Either way, iwas was being "respectful" and professional with ~EV and was the first to whip his sassy dick out.
F him.
Mikey P said:The problem with Evan's explanation is that I created my questions with having a veried panle of speakers. Savage, sapphire, prochem, jusdson, hydramaster, accelerated.... not just six of the so called big players (3 of which most likely wont even be in biz next year) who are all going to give the same answers to Evan Flints boring questions . One of those co's should have been tossed in favour of the inventor of the truckmount if you ask me.
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Bob Foster said:These manufacturers must be really insecure about their products or their position in this very competitive market.
I would have thought the extra attention created by having an interesting personality added to that panel would have been seen by the incumbent panel as an opportunity to have more people there to hear what they had to say. That could have created more sales opportunities for them.
Wouldn't it be nice to see someone post the bios of the members of that panel?
Bulletin boards - the Achilles heel of big manufacturers...and the small manufacturers best friend.
Every time the Connections gang pulls this crap - MikeFest gets more credible.