Do You Have A Mentor Or Business Coach?

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Tom brought up a great point in another thread about having a mentor, business coach or just anybody to talk to objectively about your business. Preferably someone that can be honest and straightforward with you.

Do you currently have anybody?

I my early 20"s i bought a crummy cleaning franchise but the operations manager became a good friend of mine. He would spend countless hours talking to me about employee issues, how to deal with customers in certain situations. Of course all the hyper-technical stuff we love to talk about.

After that i became a manager for a local cleaning business with 200 employees at our largest point. The owner became my business mentor, she was a Ken Snow type {although much smaller in $$}. Super classy, great administrator and always said the right thing regardless of the pressure she was under.

This is the first time in my life i really dont have one.
Definitely miss it.

How about you?

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
I have a few, each for different things. I have an uncle who has been incredibly successful investing over the years, but I won't come to him fit advice on my cleaning business cuz he doesn't know wtf he's talking about. Ken was my number one advisor when it came to all things small biz, from employee stuff on up to advertising/ marketing.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
I don't but wish I did. I feel pretty alone. None of my friends or family have ever had their own business.

A couple years ago I looked into hiring a guy that used to post on the boards and he basically told me I needed to add another 50% in sales before I would even be a candidate. That was pretty embarrassing and devastating because I was pretty much considering that to be a last ditch effort to keep my doors open. In the end I decided to make a few changes and give it another year to see if I could get some decent growth. Obviously I'm still here so I have had enough increases to keep at it. In fact I'm right at the target that guy gave me to be a candidate for his coaching.

I'm definitely going to look into a coach this year. I really have no idea how to approach finding someone.

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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
We usually have several. Currently one from the Kansas Small Business Development Center, there are SBDC's in every state. Check them out, it's free and they can help you as much or as little as you like.

Now they won't replace someone like Check Violand but they are a good start until you're ready for someone like Chuck.

Here is yours Shane.


Supportive Member
Feb 20, 2012
Aliso Viejo
Not really, I have cheerleaders in my corner always such as my wife and my mother who pushed me to start the company but as far as getting the phone ringing and marketing and such which I knew nothing about it would have to be Joe polish.

I am a self driven perfectionist so I'm good with the work part of it but I didn't know how to market really.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Service Corp of Retired Executives (SCORE) was once available thru a program at Murray State when I was a student there. You got to pick the brains of retired managers and staff of several big I made some good friends as well.

My best mentors have been from the bulletin boards. Many are happy to take your phone calls or emails. It's usually a two-way interchange.

You are HERE in the midst of the best brain trust of our industry.

Don't be afraid to ask the "stupid questions"....we've been there.

Get to Mikeyfest, not just for the program but for all the moments in between.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Very few people have the skill set to enable them to post all day and nap in the afternoon.

I am willing to share Jimmy's number.

He's my inspiration.


Supportive Member
Sep 18, 2012
I have a mentor that has a over all view of my business. He knows my numbers and staff. He is my sounding board for industry questions and new service development. We meet about 2 times each month. He also calls me out on over commitment and family balance.

I have a mentor / accountability partner. We meet monthly to talk about how we are doing leading our companies and developing as individuals.

I have just approached and am paying for a mentor for the development of one of our services in 2014.

I also have a very good friend who owns another service company and we go to each others place to learn and share on a regular basis. I want his business to thrive just as much as he roots for our success. Lots of fun

You want people who have intimate knowledge of your company and are not afraid to say you are doing it wrong or to question you. You also need people who can help you see you are doing a good job. Some of us are so critical of ourselves and driven that we don't slow down to enjoy the success we do have.

I would never pay for a mentor that has some sort of system he is trying to convert my company to. Most of the time this just makes it easier for them to manage more accounts and profit from you and others. I have approached 2 of these in the industry both did not have strong references or when I asked for a modified service just ignored my request. My request quarterly meetings not monthly for the first year with one onsite visit.

I also only want someone who is and has been highly successful in their own business for a sustainable period of time. If they are not hitting over $1million in sales and earning $150k plus they have not run far enough ahead to be a help. Why? Only 5% of small companies beat the million mark. You want a top 5% performer. Don't pick a mentor that has not been more successful than you. If you are hiring a professional consultant and they do not have verifiable (recent last 1.5 years) successful reference's keep on walking.

There are lots of folks who would make good mentors. Formalize the relationship with time frames, expectations and desired results.

Meeting for lunch with a fellow cleaner who is just out of your service area might be a low cost way to get some help on growing your business.

When I was a young youth pastor 25 years ago one of the top leaders in the student youth arena was at a conference I was at. I was running the tech part of the conference he was the keynote speaker. He spent quite a bit of time talking with me. During the event he asked me if I had a mentor. Being young and not wanting to sound like I did not have it all together I told him yes. I did not. I now know he was probing and was moving to develop a mentorship with me. One of the biggest mistakes I ever made and one of my biggest regrets.

If you are out there and struggling make sure you are at MF10, SFS, or any event with Jim P, Bill Y, Steve T, Howard P these men and events can help you meet someone you can connect with and begin to take your business to the level you have dreamed of.

I said it before mentors, business coaches are the silver bullet.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Nobody in my family has ever been in business for themselves outside of farming. My Father-in-law is the only business owner I know. He's quite successful, but REALLY strange. I can't get any straight up advice out of the man. So, I just watch and learn.
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Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
I have people whom I ask professional and technical questions..but in the cleaning industry its a little difficult for me. I have personal friends who have their own businesses and we do talk about that kind of stuff. I get a lot of information that way even though the business may be different. I dont mind being honest..I guess I just have to find the right forum to be. I am a small company with 1 full time employee. I had started my business form fliers and a used machine 4 yrs ago and up until 6 months ago I was doing everything on my own. We did about 165k in the past 12 months. The overhead went through the roof with the addition of Van, insurance, new machines. etc. I know it was an investment..but I am wanting to take my business to the next level. I almost feel like I got tapped out but the work load became too much for me to handle on my own. Plus I got hurt so it forced me to hire someone..its an emotional control issue I guess that I have. I have to really look at my business and my life to see where I can trim some fat and move money around more wisely. I expanded but dont have a retirement plan set up yet. I am paying all of the bills on time and only really have a few G's in unhealthy debt. I guess I just need some more guidance. Anyone, feel free to respond or PM me. Thanks.


Supportive Member
Dec 19, 2006
Beaumont, Ca
My father has just retired at age 70 and is moving from the Bay Area to So Cal just 10 minutes away from me and is interested in helping me grow and expand. Since he comes from the corporate (COO) side of the world and has joined companies that were about crumble and turned them around into very profitable companies and think I'm going to listen and take notes. He will also be going to Mikeyfest with me to get some insight on our industry.


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
My father has just retired at age 70 and is moving from the Bay Area to So Cal just 10 minutes away from me and is interested in helping me grow and expand. Since he comes from the corporate (COO) side of the world and has joined companies that were about crumble and turned them around into very profitable companies and think I'm going to listen and take notes. He will also be going to Mikeyfest with me to get some insight on our industry.

Dan that is so cool for so many reasons. I love that your dad is ready to jump into a new adventure. That will keep him young and hopefully it will make you stronger. And the best part will be the great part will be the opportunity to work together. Wish my dad was around to work with. Back in the early nineties I was in charge of the Bane Clene school. One month I decided to have my father come in to teach a sales class. My father had 15 kids so he had a lot of incentive to sell. He was gone a year later but I still have the video.

Would love the opportunity to meet your dad.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Dan that is so cool for so many reasons. I love that your dad is ready to jump into a new adventure. That will keep him young and hopefully it will make you stronger. And the best part will be the great part will be the opportunity to work together. Wish my dad was around to work with. Back in the early nineties I was in charge of the Bane Clene school. One month I decided to have my father come in to teach a sales class. My father had 15 kids so he had a lot of incentive to sell. He was gone a year later but I still have the video.

Would love the opportunity to meet your dad.
I wish my Dad was still around too, Bill. And I'm glad it worked out for you working with your Dad.

My Dad and I eventually became very close. But our business partnership was a disaster! On the other hand, my son Matt and I have been successfully working together on the SFS program now for 18 years. (Even though he just started get PAID five years ago to develop and run our SFS website!)


PS so best wishes, Dan, on working with your Dad. Working with Matt is a daily pleasure for me and I trust his judgment completely. However, it will be important for each of you to have your defined areas of responsibility and be ready to yield. Once the honeymoon period is over you will find it easy to feel threatened and get defensive. so forewarned...
Oct 17, 2011
Dale Compton
My best friend is a millionaire. He is my "business coach" if you will. We are the same age, while I was growing up in sales, he started a gutter and insulation business that became super -successful. He then sold it and became even more successful in the house building industry. Now he owns two very successful car lots. He is the straightest shooter you could ask for, and he pulls no punches when telling me what I'm doing wrong, or what I should be doing. I feel lucky to have a business person that I can lean on for great advise and that is also brutally honest.


Supportive Member
Sep 14, 2008
New jersey
David Mirfin
My best friend is a millionaire. He is my "business coach" if you will. We are the same age, while I was growing up in sales, he started a gutter and insulation business that became super -successful. He then sold it and became even more successful in the house building industry. Now he owns two very successful car lots. He is the straightest shooter you could ask for, and he pulls no punches when telling me what I'm doing wrong, or what I should be doing. I feel lucky to have a business person that I can lean on for great advise and that is also brutally honest.
I would listen to him too! That is a impressive resume with tough and competive businesses to be involved in.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
My best mentors have been from the bulletin boards. Many are happy to take your phone calls or emails. It's usually a two-way interchange.

You are HERE in the midst of the best brain trust of our industry.

So true.

No individual personal mentor can match the collective knowledge found here, and the willingnes in sharing it.

The only other thing that I can say has been a positive mentoring influence on my life has been the completion of the original Personal Power 30 day program by Tony Robbins many year ago.


Jul 6, 2012
Riverside, CA
David Alonso
Most Definitely....
I have been in this industry since 99 and I always come across something new, and sometimes i just don't know what to do. That is when I call my mentor.. Something that struck me as odd is when my mentor calls me for help....... (PRICELESS)


Feb 5, 2013
How do guys feel about Ivan Turner? Hearing more and more about him and he does mentoring for restoration companies.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Good guy despite being from the state of Misery.

Sharp guy, built a good restoration business in the Jeff City area using the same principals he is teaching. He knows the routine, he's lived it. Much better than a lot of those guys that talk it but don't walk it.
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Feb 5, 2013
JR, why not ask this guy ^^^^^^.
He knows a thing or two about restoration.

Or so he says anyway :p.

Ahead of you Shane, talked to him a few days ago, great guy. I have so many question that pop in my head all the time, I don't want to burden people on a constant basis. Ill pick and choose my battles.
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Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Ahead of you Shane, talked to him a few days ago, great guy. I have so many question that pop in my head all the time, I don't want to burden people on a constant basis. Ill pick and choose my battles.

I agree, richard has given me great advice/ideas also. But at some point your right, they have a real business to run.

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