Goop free from the looks of it.

Nov 8, 2006
How long has EZ been in business anyways?

I see lots of Butler machines around here. They look nice and the company sent out a nice nice booklet.
Just not sure i want to empty my savings for it in this economy.
I need to save money for SFSuccess and a trip to a round table group.


James Cooper said:
[quote="Kevin P":4hbg31uk]James,I have to tell you having outstanding heat DOES make a difference in my world.I have had 8 different setups over the years,that was my testing ground.

Of course it does , anytime you can increase any part of the cleaning pie you will come by your results easier thus increasing your production . However it still isnt going to help you achieve any results you cant achieve with any other tm .[/quote:4hbg31uk]
Well than @#$#@ Im throwing it all away and going back to a portable,hell Im going to quit putting my whites in hot water.Thanks James,you just saved me alot of money.


Kevin P said:
[quote="James Cooper":p758n7mi][quote="Kevin P":p758n7mi]James,I have to tell you having outstanding heat DOES make a difference in my world.I have had 8 different setups over the years,that was my testing ground.

Of course it does , anytime you can increase any part of the cleaning pie you will come by your results easier thus increasing your production . However it still isnt going to help you achieve any results you cant achieve with any other tm .[/quote:p758n7mi]
Well than @#$#@ Im throwing it all away and going back to a portable,hell Im going to quit putting my whites in hot water.Thanks James,you just saved me alot of money.[/quote:p758n7mi]

Geez man , put it all in perspective ok.

I started out with a portable , I worked hard , I made money . I could do a great job , but that thousand dollar portable was limiting because no matter how great a cleaner I could become , I could only get so much done in a day . And I busted ass - in other words very labor intensive .

I graduated to a small used tm for 5 g's . Again , I could do a great job and production was much better enabling me to do more work . And the work was much easier.

Point is , with a good tm with good heat and good vac and good flow , is it necessary in your business plan to have a Vortex ?? With a machine that can produce 180 - 200 heat , you can be productive and clean anything out there and not kill yourself doing it .

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I started out with a Butler , I worked hard , I made money . I could do a great job , but that 45k single wand TM was limiting because no matter how great a cleaner I could become , I could only get so much done in a day . And I busted ass - in other words very labor intensive .

I graduated to a new dual wand Vortex . Now, I could do a greater job and production was much better enabling me to do more work . And the work was much easier.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
EZ 2045 $9,999.00 20HP ENGINE 45 BLOWER

Judson's 20/45 machine cost 13k.

I think there is not a normal person on this planet that could look at the two units side by side and not want to pay and extra 3 grand for:
Superior build quality (No Glavy,no rust and straight jigged welds)
All Stainless construction
Continuous heat, no HX dips and spikes.
Belt driven
A lot simpler (no divertors or sensors)
No rattle can BS
120 SS gallon tank vs 50 gal Aluminum,
A real vac relief valve
No Goop
and 30+ years of proven reliability.

Now Cooper how can you argue with that over 3 grand?
Jul 12, 2008
Mikey P said:
I started out with a Butler , I worked hard , I made money . I could do a great job , but that 45k single wand TM was limiting because no matter how great a cleaner I could become , I could only get so much done in a day . And I busted ass - in other words very labor intensive .

I graduated to a new dual wand Vortex . Now, I could do a greater job and production was much better enabling me to do more work . And the work was much easier.

Greater like greater payment.


C Pennington said:
[quote="Mikey P":3cj8hskm]I started out with a Butler , I worked hard , I made money . I could do a great job , but that 45k single wand TM was limiting because no matter how great a cleaner I could become , I could only get so much done in a day . And I busted ass - in other words very labor intensive .

I graduated to a new dual wand Vortex . Now, I could do a greater job and production was much better enabling me to do more work . And the work was much easier.

Greater like greater payment.[/quote:3cj8hskm]

exactly , you did the same job , your truck may have fit your head and ego better , but the final results were the same. But Im sure after years of bsing folks at coit , that big truck provided you the necessary prop to shake even more money from those unsuspecting blue haired ladies .


Lets discuss the Butler you sold - tell us a little about the options on it .

Did you have a fresh water tank , did it come with all the options ?? what size blower ? And just for the heck of it , who did you sell it to ??


Of course it does , anytime you can increase any part of the cleaning pie you will come by your results easier thus increasing your production . However it still isnt going to help you achieve any results you cant achieve with any other tm .[/quote]
Well than @#$#@ Im throwing it all away and going back to a portable,hell Im going to quit putting my whites in hot water.Thanks James,you just saved me alot of money.[/quote]

Geez man , put it all in perspective ok.

I started out with a portable , I worked hard , I made money . I could do a great job , but that thousand dollar portable was limiting because no matter how great a cleaner I could become , I could only get so much done in a day . And I busted ass - in other words very labor intensive .

I graduated to a small used tm for 5 g's . Again , I could do a great job and production was much better enabling me to do more work . And the work was much easier.

Point is , with a good tm with good heat and good vac and good flow , is it necessary in your business plan to have a Vortex ?? With a machine that can produce 180 - 200 heat , you can be productive and clean anything out there and not kill yourself doing it .[/quote]

All in good fun James,but this is really "your" perspective.


Mikey P said:
All in good fun James,but this is really "your" perspective
My perspective can easily be proven , if only we could get a Vortex owner ( hello Mikey , Jim ) to put up .

Mikey P said:
No fresh, 45 blower all other options. High heat was not available then

Thang bought it off me.

lets see , low heat , no fresh 45 blower - yea , I can see how you made more money , you up'ed the production - easily done if you aint trying to find a water source , you have higher heat and a better vac.

Glad you had the volume of work to enable your business model to squeeze out 60 more grand. But its all realative to the area you work in isn't it ?? Whats your cost of living ? Doesnt really matter because I was never argueing production rates .

Bottom line is your Vortex didnt create your loyal cheerleaders you took from coit , and more than it made you a good cleaner - it simply made you more efficient ( no fresh eh ?? were you missing reels too ? ) . Or were you doing crap work at coit for 13 years ??


that and the stress of having a crushing mortgage er tm payment - kinda motivates one to go after it a little harder I would think .

A guy with larger obligations is gonna go after it harder or hes gonna sink , real fast . Besides how much was your payment per month ? How much more in fuel and payment ate into that 60 g 's ??

Bottom line is you did more work and you spent more cash for a net of what ?? With a fresh and the motivation your large payment gave you , you went out and worked harder .

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Lets play it this way Coop.

What percentage of my monthly gross would the TM payment have to be to be labeled as "Crushing"?


Lets play it this way , how much is your monethly payment ? Remember , monthly payment is gonna be the same regardless of your demographic - in other words , having a new Vortex aint gonna translate to a good move for everyone , nor is it needed to clean as well or be sucessful .


too many variables - but whatever it is it wont translate as well in a smaller market and its DEFINATELY a larger percentage as of late. I amagine your probably feeling it lately.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Actually not.

Biz is better then normal for this time of year and last year was our best ever. Knock on wood.
I am finding lots of new customers via my website and retailer referrals.

Plenty of my regulars are hurting no doubt and many wont clean this year I'm sure but so far I'm hearing "clean rather than replace" and a fresh supply of new home owners continue to find me.

and it's all because of my Vortex :shock:


Mikey P said:
Actually not.

Biz is better then normal for this time of year and last year was our best ever. Knock on wood.
I am finding lots of new customers via my website and retailer referrals.

Plenty of my regulars are hurting no doubt and many wont clean this year I'm sure but so far I'm hearing "clean rather than replace" and a fresh supply of new home owners continue to find me.

and it's all because of my Vortex :shock:

Hmm ,thats funny , I hardly ever get the clean rather than replace crowd ( other than management companies ) . Just what demographic do you serve ?? I thought based on where you live you was cleaning higher dollar castles , not rat nasties ??

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
My client base varies from 200 million dollar homes to single wides not worth the ground they sit on.

I clean for doctors, lawyers, loads of small business owners, restaurants, clothing store employees, retired octogenarians, Millionaires, Billionaires, folks with zero savings and lots and lots of lesbians.

As long as I average $200 + an hour I dont care who or what I am cleaning


200 an hour and you cant spring for an extra c note for dear ol bawb ?? things must be a little tougher than your letting on.

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