Of course it does , anytime you can increase any part of the cleaning pie you will come by your results easier thus increasing your production . However it still isnt going to help you achieve any results you cant achieve with any other tm .[/quote]
Well than @#$#@ Im throwing it all away and going back to a portable,hell Im going to quit putting my whites in hot water.Thanks James,you just saved me alot of money.[/quote]
Geez man , put it all in perspective ok.
I started out with a portable , I worked hard , I made money . I could do a great job , but that thousand dollar portable was limiting because no matter how great a cleaner I could become , I could only get so much done in a day . And I busted ass - in other words very labor intensive .
I graduated to a small used tm for 5 g's . Again , I could do a great job and production was much better enabling me to do more work . And the work was much easier.
Point is , with a good tm with good heat and good vac and good flow , is it necessary in your business plan to have a
Vortex ?? With a machine that can produce 180 - 200 heat , you can be productive and clean anything out there and not kill yourself doing it .[/quote]
All in good fun James,but this is really "your" perspective.