Has anybody heard from Bristor?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Take a chill pill Premium.

This is just the way Carpet cleaning dOrks entertain each other on a Saturday night.

Cooper was inspirational in his co staring role in tonight's performance.
Brought a tear to my eye when he posted the pics of the Resoils.

Two thumbs up James!

Don't be a stranger.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
premiercarpet said:
First time one here ... WOW.. is it like this all the time ? talk crap about every one .. Because your having a bad day or just want to be mean ?

To be Honest I'll read a few more post and if they are the same I will not be back ..

stick around for awhile, Brother.
Don't make your decision til you've been here for a month or more.

one thing you'll find on this board compared to others, YOU can speak your mind even if it goes against the grain.
Most of the other boards will delete or ban you for speaking your mind.

It's true many of us can be brutally honest in our thoughts, opinions and evaluations.
(and more than a few of us can be wise azzes)
However, opposing views can be written just as freely.
That's rare on other boards.
The other refreshing thing is, you won't have to guess what most of us think.
That's not typical in the biz where many (dare i say MOST) will give public accolades but dog 'em hard in private.

Slithery split tongue snakes, I call them.
But I guess that's the way the game is played for the most part


Hey, Coop, glad you're here, man.
Even though we may disagree at times, I think you're genuine in your thoughts and opinions.
I'm not so sure about some of the other guys "over there" though


Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
premiercarpet said:
First time one here ... WOW.. is it like this all the time ? talk crap about every one .. Because your having a bad day or just want to be mean ?

To be Honest I'll read a few more post and if they are the same I will not be back ..

wow......if this bothers you then in a week you will be in the fetal position in a corner sucking your thumb..this is mild......


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Dude ... I'd rather be able to scroll right by DAT's like THIS, and be free to speak my mind and not have my posts deleted, than go to the other boards where I'll feel all warm and cozy, and my hemorrhoids are never inflamed.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Re: Has anybody heard form Bristor?

James Cooper said:
Actually , in these times of economic crisis , Joe has been reaping the rewards from having the best priced glide wand combos in the industry .

A lot of folks may think getting a personal call from a distibutor that is charging you 200 percent good customer service , I think its just plain stupid if you let yourself be taken advantage of .

At 99 dollars for a quality glide to fit any wand out there , and free from any pesky legal letters delivered to your home , you cant go wrong . And to top even that , he carries the 14 inch cmp wand with glide or the 14 inch westpak wand for 499.00

You might not like Joe , but even john Olson is smart enough to know business is business . He was smart enough to set aside his personal differences with Joe and carries Joes cool cuffs because he realized despite all the bs ( and friends who were competitors of Joes ) , he went with Joe because Joe is one the best innovators of products for carpet cleaners.

Hope you guys are smart too and give Joe a call for your next glide purchase . Heck , if you dont want to deal with Joe , just ask John to carry them - again , hes a smart business man .


I wasn't aware that john had put his differences aside, John gets his bristor stuff from another source, it wasn't johns desire to do so, joe just pulled one of his bipolar moves on him, james since your such a resident know it all, what do you think about bristor sending greenies glides to china to be copied?? every glide you buy from bristor is a copied green glide made by some chicom, joe had a great idea with the first original cool cuffs, they fit great and didn't need a stupid latch to stay together, now the newer ones are all chicom shit, they leak and depend on a latch to stay together, they suck so bad I took the my beat up old original cuffs off my back up truck and put them back on my primary trucks hoses.

The majority of folks think bristor is a bipolar asshole, if it was only a couple people yeah you can write that off as a fluke and personality conflict, but if the majority of people feel that way you have to believe its true and the person themselves should think to themselves maybe I really am an asshole, and maybe I should do something to change that, I pray for the day greenie makes a real american made cuff that blows joe's chicom shit out of the water

The Wizard

Nov 18, 2006
I don't post very much any longer, because of all the negative bull shit I encounter here on the boards. I am quite dissapointed in that we as an industry do not work together. I feel our industry is made up of a bunch of jealous shits and BIG MOUTHS with over sized egos whose ego's are not proportionate to what they have accomplished working within this industry !!!

I liked Greenie's t-shirt a couple of years ago, Why can't we all just Glide Along with one another?

I also feel the need to speak up here about someone who's name I see attacked on the boards on a regular basis, Joe Bristor.

I order products from Joe. I have never once had a problem with Joe, not once. I like Joe and I am happy he is a part of this great industry of ours. My wife Rebecca likes Joe. My employees like Joe's products. What is not to like about Joe? I would look forward to the opportunity in sitting down and having a nice conversation with Joe, over the likes of many of the LOUD MOUTH, jealous shits I see post here on these boards.

I also order from John Olson and Greenie, both great people too. All of these suppliers are great assets to our industry. I too look forward to the opportunity in meeting Greenie, Lisa and John Olson. All of these suppliers have made a difference and positive contribution to my life, my company and my employee's lives. My company is a better company, because of the likes of Joe, Greenie, Lisa and John. Thank you all for being great suppliers !!!

I have only ever had one real bad experience, with someone I met and associated with here on the boards. I chose to keep that to myself, and not go on a mission to have everyone else dislike him because of my experience with him.

If I can suggest to you all, if you have had a problem with someone on the boards or in our industry, you and you only, should be the one who has a problem with that person because of your personal experience with them, not because of all your board buddies experiences, that may or may not have taken place.

Have you done your part in any given bad situation to try to make amends or improve your relationship with the person you have had a falling out with?

There is a new New Year right around the corner, why don't we all adopt a new attitude over the Holiday's towards one another and see what we as an industry can do, for the better of our industry.

Mickey's board is a step in the right direction, do away with all the negative shit that is allowed to go on here and Mikey's board truly could become The World's GreatesT Carpet Cleaning Forum. Leadership starts at the top !!!

The Wizard.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
some people are just better wrapped in a bubble and feel secure with there little world and there comfort zone and some of us are man enough to hang where it all comes out.........your choice....
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
TMF has no soul. It's about everyone patting each other on the back. What good does that do?

It is all glitter and no substance. It's like a theme park. They seem fun and innocent for a while, until you get home and wonder what on earth motivated you to pay $7 for a soggy hotdog, and $4 for a watery coke. That is way more scary then the scariest ride.
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Your right of course Mike, and since the TMF crew cannot think abstractly, Lets just say it has no heart:

From the earliest of man’s history, the heart has being used in a figurative sense referring to the inner man. “Among the Semites . . . all that was peculiar to man, in the category of feelings as well as intellect and will, was attributed to the heart. It is the sum total of the interior man as opposed to the flesh, which is the exterior and tangible man.” The Metaphorical Use of the Names of Parts of the Body in Hebrew and in Akkadian, by E. Dhorme, Paris, 1963, pp. 113, 114, 128 (in French).

To dumb it down for the TMF guys: TMF has no substance or heart, it's all about the exterior and superficial things.

In contrast, this board is all substance. It has heart. It is the sum of it's individual members. Thats why it naturally weeds out the superficial and heartless (soul-less) people like how our bodies will remove a sliver all on it's own.
Oct 8, 2006
I don't post very much any longer, because of all the negative bull shit I encounter here on the boards. I am quite dissapointed in that we as an industry do not work together. I feel our industry is made up of a bunch of jealous shits and BIG MOUTHS with over sized egos whose ego's are not proportionate to what they have accomplished working within this industry !!!

Sound like a perfect fit for the Wizard that had a blow up with Rampage just few few years ago :shock:


Re: Has anybody heard form Bristor?

steve g said:
[quote="James Cooper":279dsf74]Actually , in these times of economic crisis , Joe has been reaping the rewards from having the best priced glide wand combos in the industry .

A lot of folks may think getting a personal call from a distibutor that is charging you 200 percent good customer service , I think its just plain stupid if you let yourself be taken advantage of .

At 99 dollars for a quality glide to fit any wand out there , and free from any pesky legal letters delivered to your home , you cant go wrong . And to top even that , he carries the 14 inch cmp wand with glide or the 14 inch westpak wand for 499.00

You might not like Joe , but even john Olson is smart enough to know business is business . He was smart enough to set aside his personal differences with Joe and carries Joes cool cuffs because he realized despite all the bs ( and friends who were competitors of Joes ) , he went with Joe because Joe is one the best innovators of products for carpet cleaners.

Hope you guys are smart too and give Joe a call for your next glide purchase . Heck , if you dont want to deal with Joe , just ask John to carry them - again , hes a smart business man .


I wasn't aware that john had put his differences aside, John gets his bristor stuff from another source, it wasn't johns desire to do so, joe just pulled one of his bipolar moves on him, james since your such a resident know it all, what do you think about bristor sending greenies glides to china to be copied?? every glide you buy from bristor is a copied green glide made by some chicom, joe had a great idea with the first original cool cuffs, they fit great and didn't need a stupid latch to stay together, now the newer ones are all chicom shit, they leak and depend on a latch to stay together, they suck so bad I took the my beat up old original cuffs off my back up truck and put them back on my primary trucks hoses.

The majority of folks think bristor is a bipolar asshole, if it was only a couple people yeah you can write that off as a fluke and personality conflict, but if the majority of people feel that way you have to believe its true and the person themselves should think to themselves maybe I really am an asshole, and maybe I should do something to change that, I pray for the day greenie makes a real american made cuff that blows joe's chicom shit out of the water[/quote:279dsf74]

Steve , you can parse words , doesnt really matter if he put his differences aside , or whether he hates Joes guts . The point is his customers Joes products , so it was stock Joes items or have his customers get them from a different source . John decided to give his customers what they demanded - again , a smart businessman .

Now if you dont want to support Joe because you think hes an asshole , best thing to do is put your money where your mouth is and remove his products from your trucks .

BTW , Greenie did make a vinyl cuff , I'm sure he could get you a few sets if your deadset on doing away with your cool cuffs .

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
James please refrain from using my name or assuming anything about me. We haven't spoken nor have you purchased from me. I have given my word to refrain from any Joe bashing and I intend to keep it so please leave my name out.

Ian Thank You. Your friendship means a lot to me.


You know John,who ever you are,your bitching about a little notoriety,and you are the FREAKIN EBAY KING If you dont want your name used,get off the board.


Are you objecting about me assuming you are a " smart businessman " ? Thats the only thing I can figure because its common knowledge that you sell Joes cuffs and not an assumption on my part .

I do apologize about the smart businessman comment . Sorry , wont happen again.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
ROFLMFAO Thanks Luddy. Kevin BTFU bro you don't know me like that.

Next time before you open your mouth and shove your leg down it figure out just who your talking to and WTF your talking about.

With that said i'll accepet your apology:)

Serious though call me and lets talk tomorrow so you do know what's what and who I am.

James, you used my name and reputation as some sort of defense for Joe. Please do not do that again. As I said I gave my word.Unlike some folks in this industry if I tell you something I mean it. I will not bash Joe but I will not defend or praise him either


Hey Brian,relax for one,and two"good guys" what does that mean?does he have my best interest at heart?sure if he can get a sale.Anyway dont take it hard,I was just being blunt.Not going to sugar coat it for anybody.


I said I did not know you right? DA,and here is your apology%#@%^$%$# off you$%@.Who gives a Freakin %# if he knows you or not,it was not anything bad,so dont act like a baby, and get back to work ("as always I am the fastest responder")

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Rolie Polie..lol that's funny but qouting crazy george? I think that falls under lunatics and sociopaths...

Just for shits and giggles will you be at MF09?


Why?do you want to see me?You can call me anytime.And just quit bitching so much.Your wound a little tlght there.(but I don't me the mid section :wink: ) DA


John , nobody used you , if anything you used Joe to give your customers what they want . If you wanna stand on your principles dont sell his shit.

And dont get pissed because i point out the obvious , which is smart businessman set personal issues to the side .

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
ok both you knukleheads need to stop "reading" with you personalities and read what I wrote. I never said I was pissed James. I never said anything at all abou joe so stop trying to drag me in it. Which is the only thing I said to you. Now go back and read what I wrote and not the paranoid imaginary lines.
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