its funny once you paint someone into a corner all they can do is attack you in another way that is off the subject, such as using religion, that is pretty low if you ask me, we all piss on each other, but using religion is over the line.
so john, no one came back to buy the JJ, I assume they DID come back to buy the ultrapak???
The thing most of you guys need to understand is your average cleaner is a dumbass, some of you guys may be in this group. you still have guys touting procyon as the shiznizzle, I have some tell me they tried ultrapak and it foamed up their hoses, WTF??? I have never ever had this happen and if it did, they are not even close to using it as directed. lets just say if you are not using a measuring cup or know exactly how much prespray you are putting in, you are not worthy to offer a fair comparison on anything.
I stand by what I said in another thread, someone send me some jj, I will give it a fair shake and report my results back, however I will warn that I typically don't do alot of agitation, I don't need to with ultrapak, if a prespray has to have agitation, that is not good, as IMO any prespray from just about any manufacturer can clean if you are using a 175 on the carpets.
John made the comment that JJ is a board viral prespray, lets not forget on another board in another time the recoil was a board viral portable, we all know how that ended.