Hey, Mike...
Someone starts a thread, asking about a truck mount- related topic. By starting that thread, he's inviting response.
Les responds.
Then I respond.
Are you of the opinion that whoever responds first "owns" the thread and that whoever responds afterward is "hijacking" it?
It kinda seems that way.
Les starts a thread. By starting that thread, he's inviting response. Then I come in and post on it, taking it to a new direction that suits my purposes and basically has no relation to the intent of the thread. THAT's my definition of hijacking.
Les starts a thread. By starting that thread, he's inviting response. He posts some statements that I know to be in error in some way, or, I have a different opinion of. So I post in direct response, without changing the topic. THAT's "discussion".
It's a lot like if Les and I... Tell you what, let's take the focus off of "us", because this is tedious and we're really talking in principles that apply to people in general... right?
So, anyway, the bulletin board thing is like a person standing on a street corner, talking. If no one else is there, then it's like when they start a thread. They just make a statement, ask a question, etc.
If no one responds, it's kinda weird, doncha think?
But along comes this other person, who hears what was said, and responds. It may be in agreement, or it may not. Then someone else comes by and does the same. Pretty soon you have a group of people standing on the sidewalk, having a discussion.
Surely, in the interest of dialogue and learning differing views, you don't examine the comments of all the people in the group and say, "Hey! You're not agreeing! This other guy spoke first. He has "dibs" on this conversation. So you can't disagree with what was said!".
Or do you?