joe harper
truckmount girl said:That warning tag was up for all of THREE months, over 10 years ago.
I think your timeline is a little...okay, way off here. I wasn't even on the boards 10 years ago. Your brother had already died and you were already involved with JP before the ES thing broke out. I can't log in to ICS anymore, but I'm sure someone can do a Nava Search and come up with the dates. I'd say it was 5-6 years ago at the very most. And you were quite vociferous in your defense of the project.
I remember standing in a CCT class, in which the website was brought up, while Doug Heiferman called Joe and told him he'd sue the pants off of him if he didn't get rid of that listing and he said his family was full of New York attorneys who would do it too. He was fuming for the rest of the class.
The infamous "pink postcard" mailed to all with the unfortunately chosen wording which went out a couple years ago was a barometer of how Joe sees the majority of our industry and he obviously thinks we're all idiots.
Lisa, you are doing so much good with your work on the CRI SOA issue, we can look beyond past issues. You are on a path which the rank and file can get behind. may I make a suggestion? Feel free to tell me to piss off. Instead of manipulating the timeline or facts of the past, instead of defending or making excuses, just give a sincere and simple apology, remedy the problem quickly (if not already done), learn from the mistake and move on. I don't think anyone has much issue, if any with the ES site now, the issue was (and is) the defense of the original site, changing only after the poop it the fan, etc. which bothered people most.
A leopard may not be able to change his spots....HOWEVER a cougar in the forest may look spotted, but when he moves out of the trees and into the open sunlight it becomes apparent his coat is actually clear and spotless....Joe has been your forest - so to speak. We like you best out in the clear. And, no - I'm not calling you a cougar...LOL...unfortunate analogy....
Your work on the SOA issue is priceless. Please keep it up. Your insightful intelligence and articulate writing style combined with the great team of allies you are currently working with in the IICRC has you in a position to make right a terrible wrong being played against our industry and consumers, we will always be in your debt (along with Jim P, Tony W, Debbie L.) for the work you and the rest are doing.
Take care,
I think ..I will cancel my TEE TIME.."In anticipation of Lisa W. response"