A question Lisa W asked in this thread is
"Okay then... to all of YOU here... if YOU were to design your own referral program, ala SOA (at least the "idea" of it...) or ala Ethical Services, what would YOU make the requirements be?
IICRC certified? Bonded? Certain equipment? Fair wages? Guarantees?
Pretend CRI comes to YOU with their tail between their legs... what is YOUR solution?
Eventually they are going to have to ask... so we might as well begin crafting what that would look like. Why not do it here on MB. Since you think all the other systems stink... what would you do instead?
I compiled a list of the responses and they are
1. Add oily stick components to the soils, or make 3 samples with different soil compositions
2. Continued testing of cleaning but with real old and oily dirt on old worn out carpet.
3. Chemical testing: efficacy, ph.
4. Drop the equipment altogether and simply require some basic specs.
5. Machines that meet minimum requirements for: psi, gpm, temperature, cfm.
6. Heat, Vacuum, and Pressure should be measured at the end of the wand, not by the manufacturer specs.
7. Standards and Programs that are helpful and relevant.
8. Trade associations that represent cleaners
9. Expansion of the
IICRC mission to include advocating to the industry, not just cleaners; protecting the interest of owner/operators
10. Why are we letting someone that doesn’t know cleaning tell the cleaner how to clean?
11. Training and experience are critical, not just for cleaners but also for installers, sales people and specifiers.
12. Training with a higher pass rate and more hands on.
13. Any testing being done should be approved by ASTM
14. The
IICRC Board needs to lose its “benefits and perks”.
15. New blood is needed on the
IICRC, eliminating the “good old boy network”.
These comments/suggestions were made by: “brucedeloatch”; “ truckmount girl”; “Doc Holliday”; “Ryan”; “harryhides”; “Jay DeLaughter”; “James Cooper”; “Steven Hoodlebrink”.
Dan M