Shorty Down Under said:
[quote="James Cooper":1rzsjw6k]Why is it most cleaners could smell a rat when it came to Joe P.'s Ethical Services but Lisa couldn't ? Why after 2-3 years is she suddenly on her soapbox over SOA ? Why not from the get go ? I dont have any inside information, only questions, but if I had to guess I would say with Joe out the picture, Lisa is perhaps reinventing herself and walking out of Joes shadow ? Other than that , I am basing my questions on her past defending and association of questionable marketing ventures while a member of team Joe Fish.
Jim, it's called human nature.
Why didn't you start cleaning carpets when you left school ?? Or did you ??
Why did you stay so long with tee em off ??
Why didn't you leave them before you even started with them ??
There are many questions every one of us could come up with, but in reality, they would only be a diversion to what the issue at hand is all about.
We are all entitled to do and say things as we wish, a lot of times many people may not understand why we said or did those things.
The way I see it, Lisa is trying to do something positive for our industry and has stepped on many toes that none have previously been able to do in the past with any success, with regards to this program.
She is also getting the groundswell of support that she so rightly deserves.
For those that can see the positives, give the Lady a hand.
For those that can't see the immoralities of the soa, how many years will it take you to wake up to reality. ??
The bottom line as I see it in regard to "follow the money", is that "the money" is coming directly out of your wallet and going into the coffers of the corrupt soa program.
This money will then be distributed to the Cheshire faced fat-cats that are pushing so hard for this program to be accepted.
The above line is not aimed at sellers of chemicals or equipment, rather at the bod of soa.
Fair bloody dinkum, some times I wonder, am I really in with an intelligent group of business managers that went out on a limb to start their own carpet cleaning business to support their families and their lifestyle,
am I just in a herd of ill bred sheep, each one following the other to the slaughter. ??
Rant over.

All fair questions to me , and when Im done I'll wrap this all up for you.
I did start cleaning when I left school , once I figured out what Rob and Tre were about I left . In my opinion , Lisa jumped on an issue that has been out there fore the last 3 years . Plenty of opportunites to jump out there in the last few years and champion this cause , but the reality is it will be decided in the back rooms and between the
Now , If we all know Ethical Services was a money grab , why does Lisa insist they did nothing wrong in the way it was initially set up ? Why is she not only posting on TMF , why does she have her own forum ?
Yes we all know CRI is corrupt , but why soapbox it 3 years later when letters on bulletin boards are essentially worthless ? I put my trust in Tony W. and Jim P. , and hop they have enough backup to get this derailed, because the reality is the
IICRC as a rule doesnt listen to carpet cleaners , and neither does the CRI . Again , still suspicious and can still read all the archives from ICS and ethical services to justify not jumping on the bandwagon.