Nick Nellos and the Judson



whats up waldork , just get off the mental ward ?? whats your take on muffler use for tms ??


Oct 6, 2006
O'Fallon, MO
Vincent Sapp
I recently had the opportunity to run a judson TNT, fairly new with 30 hrs and was overly impressed with the designed, layout and use.

Judson didn't get this far by being stupid.


Jan 9, 2008
James Cooper said:
meAt said:
Chads said:
I'm sorry Les I dont even think Nick knew about your machines until I was talking to my friend and he mentioned them to him, I had told them I was very impressed with them and they were better than his by a long shot. maybe he took it personal or found out that you did biz with Greenie or something..

I think you nailed it, Chad.
anyone that knows which way the wind blows, would suspect that.

It's not about TM quality and design.
Cobby knows that too.


Maybe your're right Cap , but I also seem to recall you guys hammering Nick about his use of mufflers on his tm's . Appears to me Judson has mufflers on their tm's , and evidently been useing them for what , 35 years or so ?? And just to set the record straight for you guys with and IQ higher than 70 , Nick newer machines are useing silencers ( with mufflers for the engine when the exchanger diverter valves in use ) .

Concerning Nicks comments on Judson , I didnt read them , so I cant really comment at this time , but I can say I personally prefer a direct drive unit to a belt driven , but thats all it is , my personal preference . But PTO is the way to go ( Butler and Vortex owner) .

butler and vortex are belt driven... (my v aint its hydraulic)

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Rex Tyus said:
[quote="Kevin P":eek:5qb1wok]WTF kinda name is Rex? Its my fooking dogs name,and are you not the little bitch who started a thread about "Joe Bristor dont contact me" That is what I thought,now go chase after your cousin DA! and BTFO,was having a discussion here.

It is easy to talk shit when you live in a "duty to retreat state".[/quote:eek:5qb1wok]
Time for a person's named Rex lynchin' mob....

William REX Parsons

Or we could make him sit down to a mess of cod tongues- Wood ye lyke em pickled er fresh me son?


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
James Cooper said:
Maybe your're right Cap

Hell, you know it too, Coop.

James Cooper said:
but I also seem to recall you guys hammering Nick about his use of mufflers on his tm's . Appears to me Judson has mufflers on their tm's , .

I don't know about me "hammering" him, but I've made comments about back yard builders using mufflers.
I don't like them. I think they're a cheap way to go.
I said so too and didn't change my opinion when Nick pointed out to me that Cobb, Doo-Wayne (already knew Doo did) and Les all used car mufflers.

I've never changed my thoughts on that, and had a conversation about them not too long ago, believe it or not.

One thing is for sure, I will call a spade a spade.
Les has proven to be more than helpful, and everything I've seen, heard and personally know, suggests to me that Les is a stand up guy and straight shooter that delivers top notch custy service.

Now, i do NOT think Nick is a lying cheat, (matter of fact, he's likable guy) but i do know he's a disorganized, head up his azz, slap it together, it'll be fine, kind of guy.
I also have credible info from first hand sources that he doesn't always deliver as promised.
He may have good intentions when he makes those promises, but many go undelivered none the less

I like direct coupled too.
But not if they shred every 500 to 700 hours as if that's normal.
Nick told be that's the "norm" for his TM.
His was "it's no big deal"

another back yard builder that has probs with shredding couplers are the Doo-Wayne-0-matics .
I think DooDaddy has decided to go back to belts
His older belt drive units weren't without drive issues either.
I hope he gets this ne right, cause I really do like Duane.
I just think he has his head in the clouds looking for ghosts too much

So, as an objective observer, it appears Nick is blowing smoke when he says he'd pick any unit over a Judson.
It's based on person vendetta/personality conflicts more than any sound objective reasoning

I know it and I know you know it..


The Magician

I have been using TM with silencers since 1977 and feel mufflers are the cheap way to go. Iknow Nick is disorganized cause I had a bad experince and also my dist. trying to purchase a few machine from him. Not noted for any good quality workmanship.
neve had much problems with a coulper system. Maybe replace every 4/5 years.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
CleanEvolve said:
When I bought my TM, I was very close to buying a Judson, I talked to other Judson owners and all were very satisfied with their units, some had really high hours on them (for an air-cooled). The ONLY reason I bought a Prochem was the fact that I'm in Canada and I am not interested in doing my own service... Prochem was the only local dealer with service.

Had you bought a Judson you would have figured it out pretty quick. Should try figuring out a Big Red! A LOT more complicated. If it had to do with the engine I took it too a diesel shop, the pump went to the local pump guy, other than the blower replacement it never went to the local dealer for any service.


Im not gonna knock anyone units , they all develope problems over time .

Even a well designed unit can be victimized by " gremlins " - you know , when for no apparent reason they have failures - it happens from time to time.

However , I find it hard extraordinary that they have had no engine failures due to heat .

Seems like a lot of the guys having problems with Nicks units either have never owned one or have so little mechanical ability that they think a wand o ring leak constitutes a lemon unit.
May 5, 2007


We have them available from Stoddard,Universal & Cowl.

All are options on our machines.

Why on the TNT,Dynamax Super Turbo,$53.45 @ Advance Auto Parts,
Stoddard G-31 $770.00.


El Diablo current published price. $15,995.00

TNT-SS with #3 High pressure heater. $12,995.00

For $3,000.00 you can add many options.

Good luck,Judson


Jan 16, 2007
Toms river, New Jersey
Vincent Annunziato
Talk about good TM, just try to get a used TNT you gan't find them. On the other hand I see lots of EZ and Cobb TM for sale all the time. Think about it.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Willy P said:
[quote="Rex Tyus":1mcd54w4][quote="Kevin P":1mcd54w4]WTF kinda name is Rex? Its my fooking dogs name,and are you not the little bitch who started a thread about "Joe Bristor dont contact me" That is what I thought,now go chase after your cousin DA! and BTFO,was having a discussion here.

It is easy to talk shit when you live in a "duty to retreat state".[/quote:1mcd54w4]
Time for a person's named Rex lynchin' mob....

William REX Parsons

Or we could make him sit down to a mess of cod tongues- Wood ye lyke em pickled er fresh me son?


Don't sweat it brother Willy. I have been hearing the "i had a dog named Rex" line since elementary school. It is as creative as boiling water to make tea. It has ALWAYS been from an ignorant spazz with no intellegent discussion for the debate. This is no different.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
James Cooper said:
Im not gonna knock anyone units , they all develope problems over time .

indeed they do, and some are known for less reliability and more troubles from the get go.
It's not a "personal" thing with me to point them out.

James Cooper said:
Even a well designed unit can be victimized by " gremlins " - you know , when for no apparent reason they have failures - it happens from time to time.

agreed. every manufacture rolls out a lemon off the production line every now and then.
and some new launch designs have been down right abortions
The Steamway 9100 and Powerclean Liquifier come to mind

James Cooper said:
However , I find it hard extraordinary that they have had no engine failures due to heat .

I donno, seems like there's a lot of them on the road.
I don't know if they're getting more or less hours out of the motor than any other air cooled TM engine.
I suspect "word on the street" would get out if that was so.

any TM that has been in production long enough and in use in any quantity has known "word on the street" issues.
be it the Genesis waste tank issues, or Steamways POS heater flow valve, or V/ATs leaky tanks, or known problems of the manufactures that tried utilizing a POS Kawsuckmie engine, etc
Word on the street gets around, Coop.
It's not all vendetta/personal either, it just is what it is

James Cooper said:
Seems like a lot of the guys having problems with Nicks units either have never owned one or have so little mechanical ability that they think a wand o ring leak constitutes a lemon unit.

That's where we might disagree.
The guys that are mechanical, re-engineer/fix the probs.
Lee Stockwell and Jay are good examples of that.
The ones that aren't mechanical, or don't want to re-engineer/fix right the issues, dump them and move on.

That just doesn't apply to to Nick-O-matics, that's any TM, whether a Doo-Wayne-O-matic, or Chemtex, or Spitfire, you name it.
"some" TMs just don't have a reputation of reliability or quality.

The "old hands" can figure this stuff out for themselves and decide.
The newbies or those that don't know their way around a TM can't

I'm NOT a Nick basher
I'm just trying to "keep it real"

May 5, 2007
James & Meat

This is how it works,
Engine & Blower MFGs muast aprove a installation or design before they approve the machine for warrenty.

They keep records of all claims.

We have never had a warrenty claim due to design problems.

These small engines are designed for garden tractors,under a hood and
usually are running with grass clippings clogging air intakes.

Their use on Truckmounts is easy on them compared to the above.

Good luck,Judson

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
meAt said:
another back yard builder that has probs with shredding couplers are the Doo-Wayne-0-matics .
I think DooDaddy has decided to go back to belts
His older belt drive units weren't without drive issues either.
I hope he gets this ne right, cause I really do like Duane.
I just think he has his head in the clouds looking for ghosts too much

Hey, Larry:

The only system I'm aware of that I've built that currently has coupler issues is Danny's. And the jury's out on what's up with it. I told him how to check the alignment and what to do if it's out when he first brought it up way back when. And the other day (about 2 weeks ago) when I asked him, he said that he hadn't checked it or changed it since he originally got it. So, I've done all I can there.

I've suggested that he come for a visit and let me go through it to see what's up, but he doesn't want to make the trip- and seems to be okay with the way things are.

There was another system we made that had coupler issues here in Atlanta. It gave me fits to figure out what was up, because it was in alignment, but shredded couplers. Finally one day, while it was at our shop and running, I saw the frame flexing, which it shouldn't be able to do. As it turns out, the metal for the frame was under spec, in terms of thickness. And that difference made it flex. And that flex caused the motor and blower proximity to shift continuously, which shredded the coupler. When I spoke with my fabricator about it, I was told that it was within tolerance. So, I spec'd it in with a heavier gauge and put an end to that possibility.


I mentioned the above to Danny. And I said that if that's the case with his, I'll rebuild it on a new frame for him... at no charge.

But I have to see it, in order to know. So we're at an impasse for now. Like I said, he's okay with how things are, so what else is there to do?

For the record... The new systems don't use a broken metal plate frame. I did away with that about 2 years ago. It wasn't for reasons related to coupler longevity. It had to do with ease of access to the pump- out pump, which was the one thing that was a PITA to get at when necessary. And I hate that. So, I shifted the design in order to address that.


You hear that I'm "going back to" belt drive. "Yes", and "No". "Yes", I'm building belt- drive systems now. "No", I haven't stopped with direct- coupled. But then, I never completely stopped with belt drive either. It was just relegated to the SplitSteam design, which we didn't receive an order for.

There was an issue with belt- driven systems I made for a brief period. That period was in 2000, when the V2 systems were out. There were 6 of them in all. But only two had belt issues. They were both SledgeHammers. And the problem had to do with the blower plate, which I had designed to be movable, in order to accommodate different- sized blowers on the same frame.

The plate on the SledgeHammers continued to move when it shouldn't. The reason was that the torque required to turn a 47 Roots was enough to move that plate, too, since the blower was secured to the plate. It was unfortunate, but easy to correct via having guides on each side of the plate to keep it in alignment (which is a feature on the motor plate of the direct- coupled systems I subsequently designed...). Prior to that specific design, there were zero belt issues, in the Hammer, SledgeHammer

(That's not me, by the way...)

or PowerPak systems I designed.

(That's not me, either...)

After that brief "Hammer v2" design, there were none, either.

The reason I came up with the v2 design was a preparation for the heat exchange system I was designing at the time. It was premature, all things considered, but the design itself was sound, except for the undesirable mobility of that blower plate..

The new belt drive frame, by the way, is the basis for the Nemesis, and Accelerator and Dominator systems.

The direct- coupled frame is for the Xcel, Predator and Predator Unleashed systems.

Regarding car mufflers... Back when I built Hammers, I used them exclusively. I did try Stoddard silencers (and Phillips Temro and GT Exhaust) along the way, but they simply didn't give the sound reduction I expected and they took up too damn much space on the system, making the system have to be bigger than I wanted. (In case you're not aware of it, one of my design parameters has always been keeping my systems as small as possible, yet uncluttered. (Three- foot long, 10- inch diameter and larger silencers seriously interferes with one or both of those parameters.) In addition, they cost considerably more. So, why pay that much for something that shifts the footprint so much and doesn't work as well as I'd like? Especially if I can come up with a better way.

In addition, silencers do not necessarily last as long as they should for their cost, IMO. (I had two systems with Stoddards on them in my shop in the last two weeks, rusting out, at about two and three years old. A car muffler has a similar life span at minimum, and typically more, on a truck mount. So there's no advantage there of a silencer, either, from what I've seen. (And mufflers are much easier to replace.)

At the same time, I have noticed in the larger blower sizes that a single car muffler is inadequate. So, I've come up with a solution to address that: two of them in parallel. The difference is pretty damn impressive. You'll just have to take my word for it for now, I guess.

As for being "back yard". Well, I guess you have a pretty loose definition of what my back yard must be. Because right now, by your definition, it's just over 3,000 sq. feet and has 4 walls and a roof around it... 8)

My guess is that you're referring to size or employees, etc. Well, in a nutshell, we are a small company, it's true. But there is an advantage as much as a disadvantage, I think. The advantage is that you get "Me."... Yep, you actually get me on the phone when you call or have a problem. (And I don't evade calls.) The disadvantage is that things do take a bit longer at times. But at the same time, we're actually working through that.

Hopefully, this year, I'll succeed in blowing through your misconceptions and concerns. I know we can do it, given the chance. In the meantime, feel free to call and bring them up directly to me. You don't have to keep making comments to everyone but me, when they concern me. I'm open- minded enough to listen and give you the real scoop on things. All you have to do is ask.

Enjoyed the opportunity here to respond to your umpteenth post about "coupler issues". And I hope I haven't come across too much as an advertisement in the process, since this thread really isn't about me. But I did want to respond to your post about me.


P.S. BTW... Some people have guns as a hobby. Others fish, or restore cars, or any number of things. I find the idea of ghosts pretty intriguing. So, I look into it. It's a lot more fascinating to me than other hobbies (for instance, stamp- collecting) would be. I make no excuses for it. Most people are simply too afraid to "go there". I'm not.
May 12, 2007
judson jones said:


We have them available from Stoddard,Universal & Cowl.

All are options on our machines.

Why on the TNT,Dynamax Super Turbo,$53.45 @ Advance Auto Parts,
Stoddard G-31 $770.00.


El Diablo current published price. $15,995.00

TNT-SS with #3 High pressure heater. $12,995.00

For $3,000.00 you can add many options.

Good luck,Judson









Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Hmmmm. Dunno what happened here. Looks like I did a double- post.

It wasn't intentional, so I just now deleted this second one...


Willy P said:
[quote="Rex Tyus":bnhxjwpd][quote="Kevin P":bnhxjwpd]WTF kinda name is Rex? Its my fooking dogs name,and are you not the little bitch who started a thread about "Joe Bristor dont contact me" That is what I thought,now go chase after your cousin DA! and BTFO,was having a discussion here.

It is easy to talk shit when you live in a "duty to retreat state".[/quote:bnhxjwpd]
Time for a person's named Rex lynchin' mob....

William REX Parsons

Or we could make him sit down to a mess of cod tongues- Wood ye lyke em pickled er fresh me son?

If you act like a dog ,then I will call you on it.It had less to do with his name then his butting in for some unknown reason(maybe his scroll button broke or the generator went out in the trailer)I hate whiners who bitch about something they can control,and this guy is a real whiner who tries to pass himself off as something else.I might be an ass sometimes but I am not hiding it.This isn't cause you are related is it? :D

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
judson jones said:
These small engines are designed for garden tractors,under a hood and
usually are running with grass clippings clogging air intakes.

Their use on Truckmounts is easy on them compared to the above.

Good luck,Judson

Thanks Mr Jones

I wasn't concerned with the over heat issue.
It was never thought with me.
That was someone else's thing.
i just commented that "if" it was an issue, it would be known about.

and i have little doubt you would of already addressed it.


Thanks Doo-Wayne
but you really don't expect me to read ALL that, do you????
:roll: :roll:

I'm kind of curious though, appx how many TMs have you sold?
and out of all those buyers, how many bought another when time to replace or add a van?
(repeat custys)

I wish Nick was here to answer that question as well
(especially the "repeat" custy part)



I wasnt knocking Judson either if it came out that way , just saying it was extraordinary to never have that problem.

Concerning this " reengineering " Lee may have done - To me reengineering is totally revamping useing the current components . And I dont really think Lee did that . The only thing I think he built was an electric tm . I recall him calling Nick and getting a great deal on 2 tm's - seems to me if he had the ability to reenginner he would have built his own before asking Nick .

Seems he bought Prochems after that and had problems with those 2 - coincidence that 2 sets of tms fail , or what ??

I also know guys that take care of their tms will keep them looking good. Plenty of guys like Johnny V, Kevin D. , David D and Jay D , and Raf that have kept their tms looking good .

Some guys are gonna abuse anything they use regardless. Maybe some of these guys would like to show us the rest of their equipment in their trucks - I suspect the rest of their equipment is abused too.


Remember a while back there was a pic of Nick by one of his "new" machines? There was red spray paint all over his white sneakers and he was next to the bright red blower with paint oversprayed all over the unit.....note to self, don't buy TM when paint still wet!!!!

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Kevin P, anyone that has been following this thread is aware of who posted the irrelevant info first. I have no patience to debate with a short bus drop out. You are an idiot. You can think of nothing intelligent to post so you TRY to insult me personally. You can't justify bringing a tired old WORN the F out, "vortex is not worth the money" post into a Judson clarification thread so you deflect and sling inaccurate (that means false or incorrect) post towards me.

You seem to hold on to some resentment of me making a post directed to your buddy QUITE some time back. As with every thing else you have posted you misrepresented that as well. You must have some real man crush on Bristor to hold onto that hate so long. Hell even to remember that post says much about you.

Further more Florida is not known for being an "imbred" (translation, IN BRED) trailor park haven so to continue on that line illustrates your ignorance even further.

Have a nice day. :mrgreen:


Rex Tyus said:
Kevin P, anyone that has been following this thread is aware of who posted the irrelevant info first. I have no patience to debate with a short bus drop out. You are an idiot. You can think of nothing intelligent to post so you TRY to insult me personally. You can't justify bringing a tired old WORN the F out, "vortex is not worth the money" post into a Judson clarification thread so you deflect and sling inaccurate (that means false or incorrect) post towards me.

You seem to hold on to some resentment of me making a post directed to your buddy QUITE some time back. As with every thing else you have posted you misrepresented that as well. You must have some real man crush on Bristor to hold onto that hate so long. Hell even to remember that post says much about you.

Further more Florida is not known for being an "imbred" (translation, IN BRED) trailor park haven so to continue on that line illustrates your ignorance even
Have a nice day. :mrgreen:
So you are a smart IN BRED? Move on whiner :lol: :lol:

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
You come on here all ass hurt for something I posted about your man crush victim months ago and you have the audacity to call me a whiner.... SHUT THE F^CK UP you stupid bitch.


Curt Johnson said:
Remember a while back there was a pic of Nick by one of his "new" machines? There was red spray paint all over his white sneakers and he was next to the bright red blower with paint oversprayed all over the unit.....note to self, don't buy TM when paint still wet!!!!

why dont you post those Curt - I dont remember those and would love to see them - I do remember soem overspray on a machine Nick was getting ready to deliver , but it was still in the shop and being worked on as the phot was being taken . matter of fact , some of those pics as I recall , Nicks helper was working on them while the photo was snapped.


Just what I thought . Now , how about those red sneakers Jim ? I cant recall seeing those .

I have however seen these photos of Nicks machine he uses to test new ideas . But I know you weren't possibly trying to represent these photos as an example of machines Nicks sells . So again , how bout those photos , you think you can fabricate , er come up with something ??

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
test machine..?.............who or how in anyone right mind could even begin to get any type of testing off of something like this......this is nothing but an accident waiting to happen....and we won't even get into the stupidity of welding galvanized piping....


Thats exactly what it is for testing purposes . Unlike some folks that just tell you something works and insist you believe .

I think you took Nick up on a tm challenge at Mikeyfest to pit your machine vs. his EZ then backed out . Not that it matters to me , but it did kinda make you seem skeered . Why not man up and follow through ??

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Please...... are you going to bring up that grade school play ground crap again......
man up a little....If you and Nickey want to swap spit then go right ahead....most people on here have forgotten more then both of you put together will ever figure continue to make a bigger ass out of your self being his little bitch and feeling that you have to protect him every time some brings up his name....

Nick and his machines are the bowels of this industry and you continue to bring your self down to his level with your lack of credibility and bad judgment....

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