Nick Nellos and the Judson



yeah , and that potty mouth ya got there reaally lends you tons of credibility , oh yeah plus those 6 years . Yep you are right , you got my 20 plus years trumped.

You are right though , I do defend Nick from the gutless , ball less , and general over all pussies who dont have the balls to put there money where there mouth is . You were offered a chance to enrich the charity of your choice to run your mighty Vortex against Nicks Ez for 1000 bucks to the winner - and you choked . So spin it however you want , but you blinked in the face of everything you critisized and put down .

So in a nut shell , your credibility is right there in the toilet , right next to your nice little backstep you made when you ducked out of something you previously agreed too. Down South in Georgia we call that being a pussy , what do you call it in Arizona ??


If I recall right....NN had a machine at the St Louis Summerfest. Anyone on this board attend that SF? And do you remember the arguement that went on there?? I believe Bill Calvert was there, and Bob Savage.

But I'm old, and I might be having an Alzhiemers attack. Maybe it never happened.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I have nothing to prove to you or anyone I said it just goes to show your low mentality and how much you both need to man up up and get on with things....years means nothing and if you are sitting back patting your self on the back with one hand and grabbing nicks ass with the other you are only kidding your self....the big problem is that you have your head so far up his ass that neither one of you can take a deep enough breath and figure out what is going on around you....

But let me tell you..this is real entertaining and a shit load of us are getting quite the laugh off of you...
In Arizona we call people like you a fool............


Geez Jim , that was really weak . I was expecting more .

Funny thing is , it wasnt grade school when you agreed to the challenge , I guess your buddies gave you sound advice in telling you to pussy out.

I'm really sorry you're a pussy , but I am glad you and your butties can laugh about it.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I lot more then you could possibly image...........

have at you later...........


Hey is that an open invitation James?Ill take the 1000 bucks for my favorlte charity,but I am not driving to Texas.I think it would be easier than going against Mikey.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Test machine my ass James.

That is Nick's pride and joy.

Nick was as proud of the monstrosity as could be. He could not wait for me to see it in action. Jumping up and down like a 4 year old and his new Lego structure.

He assumed that I would be just blown away with the heat and vacuum.

Which was nothing more then any old 45 HX machine puts out.

and what challenge was put to Jim Martin?

You really think Nick pos would out perform a V?


Real Life Pictures for the Arizona Pussy


Kevin where you want to meet at , call Nick 1 940 642 2503 , maybe Flagstaff Arizona , maybe Jim will grow a pair and decide to join in.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Thanks Coop

any shots of inside of the TM?
(not the tank, side and top shots of the unit)

That TM doesn't look anything like Jay's



You do know that Jays machine is 7 years old dont you ?? Some things change for the better , but its a testamony to Jays upkeep and Nicks design.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
While that is a huge improvement over Jay's it still looks like something a guy built in his tool shed. Sloppy and no originality in the design.

No customer is going to see that and say Wow! I want that to clean my home!

As a vortex owner James, you should know what that it all about.

Butlers, Bluelines, VATs create that feeling in curious homeowners.

Heck even the TNTs could use some modernizing in the perty department IMO.


you know , foks that care to look on the inside of my truck do say the butler is nice , but what the hell would they know ? All they care about is the end results.

And you know thats the truth

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
If you had a 6008 or better you would know what a impression a machine can make.

Got a walk up and do just today as a matter of fact.

My V has scored me loads of work just because of it's looks.

Honest injun

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
The only thing that is better than a Judson unit is the integrity of the Jones family themselves. They don't exaggerate, they don't lie and they stand behind what they sell. And it is no secret that Les and I are good friends.

Their TNT is the most copied unit out there. It is not a coincidence that certain other known name brands in the business look like Judson units but they aren't built to the same standard of materials or time tempered refinement of design.

Many don't realize it but the TNT I recently bought is actually a machine that is over 15 years old. The unit was refurbished by Les and converted to 2.5. It has a blower on it that has in excess of 15000 hours and it is as good as a new one. The Briggs and Stratton engine that is on it is probably it's third one (they cost $1300 to replace). It runs like a top and is easy to work on. The stainless steel frame and tank that the TNT is made out of gives it all the longevity one needs.

This unit is far superior to the Aquatec CDS I used to own. The TNT is far more reliable, has better heat and better flow and far better fuel economy.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been building out a cube van similar to my last build for Ron Werner's Judson CanAm.. I just finished re-installing the Judson TNT into it. I bet this TNT has been in 5 or 6 vans. Tomorrow the TNT starts a new adventure in the cube van in a most deserving way; a house full of wool carpets.

In these pictures the van wasn't quite finished.



Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
The challenge the boy is talking about happened on the other board on evening .......

we were talking about a wand and some how it got turned around into a tag team match and they both decided to show there level of mentality and challenge me to a clean off with our machines...

A handful of people started getting a hold of me and we were having a good laugh at there expense....
so we played along and road it out for everything it was worth...and what a ride it was....

It was funny as hell how serious they were about this... it was like dangling a fish 2 foot above a tank of hungry Parana's... they were fighting for everything it was worth to get a nibble...but the dumb asses could not figure out that all they were going to get to do was smell it....

So the best he can come up with is calling me a puss and ranting about it when things don't go his way..
or when he feels he has to defend his boy toy Nickey....

Which is fine..I have nothing to prove to them and every time he brings it up I just get to relive the memory and get a good laugh again.....


Typical pussy response . The real deal is that in 1 post Jim accepted a challenge in Phoenix , then a post later decided it wasnt in his best interest . It wasnt this grand scheme like Jim is pointing out .

So basically Jim is a pussy and a liar .

You know you must be some kinda a pussy to be called out and then cower in a corner. Here you have a mighty Vortex , and yet you quiver and shake - either your scared and a broke dick or you realize that Nicks machine can clean just as well your vortex.

Doesnt really matter if you got balls or not because Jay D. proved the point when he went over to Mikey P's dads house and cleaned up what amounted to one big nasty mess , and got rave reviews from Mikey himself. Of course the operator plays a large part , but the machine has to perform as well . So there you go .


So when you guys meet at Connections or Mikey Fest, you all have dinner together and appologize over drinks right? :lol:


James,honestly,what were you going to use against Jim,I like to dis the Vortex on some issues and that it could or should be even better than it is,but with that said it is still a component thing,and you will not touch it with just "any" machine,and yes I have run one.With that said,I dont have any work in Flaggstaff,so I cant go.
Jul 12, 2008
Ok here is my experince with Nick.

I purchased a 27/47 from Nick years back I did get a good price and it did help me get to my 3rd van.

I had the bulkly large frame model(waste of space) the coupler broke on me every 3 months, the waste tank imploded..Nick did see me a new one...good.. the dema valve went out more than I liked and the relief vave he had on there was a POS...over all It did get me through but it was more frustrating with the above problems. I ended up scrapping it and bought a HM CDS. I recently talked to Nick about 2-3 months ago for the first time in 2-3 years. In the converstion I realized I sold him my old spitfire I had...I never got paid for it and I remeber giving up on getting money for it .Nick also mentioned he owed me money but 3 months later no money.

Since Ive been back on the boards I have seen some of Nicks posts attacking people wands,machines and glides. He seems to have a vendetta and it makes him look like a jerk. Nick is a straight shooter and I did enjoy converstions with him about the CC industryand the BS that goes along with it. Im very disapointed in Nicks actions latley and I have been re-pissed realizing he still owes me money.....Im done venting..for now.

The Magician

Nick switched to black paint over the red. Very sloppy pos machine.


Kevin , we arent talking about production , which is what the vortex is set up for . I own a Butler and a Vortex , and I can tell you each will perform well enough and in the end there is no difference in the final appearance when it comes to cleaning equally soiled carpets.

In other words , you dont need 90 grand to clean a carpet , in evidance by the many satisfied customers that are serviced each year by tms other than vortex .

After all , in the end all it boils down to are does it , suck , does it squirt and does it make heat.
May 12, 2007
Bob Foster said:
The only thing that is better than a Judson unit is the integrity of the Jones family themselves. They don't exaggerate, they don't lie and they stand behind what they sell. And it is no secret that Les and I are good friends.

Their TNT is the most copied unit out there. It is not a coincidence that certain other known name brands in the business look like Judson units but they aren't built to the same standard of materials or time tempered refinement of design.

Many don't realize it but the TNT I recently bought is actually a machine that is over 15 years old. The unit was refurbished by Les and converted to 2.5. It has a blower on it that has in excess of 15000 hours and it is as good as a new one. The Briggs and Stratton engine that is on it is probably it's third one (they cost $1300 to replace). It runs like a top and is easy to work on. The stainless steel frame and tank that the TNT is made out of gives it all the longevity one needs.

This unit is far superior to the Aquatec CDS I used to own. The TNT is far more reliable, has better heat and better flow and far better fuel economy.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been building out a cube van similar to my last build for Ron Werner's Judson CanAm.. I just finished re-installing the Judson TNT into it. I bet this TNT has been in 5 or 6 vans. Tomorrow the TNT starts a new adventure in the cube van in a most deserving way; a house full of wool carpets.

In these pictures the van wasn't quite finished.







James Cooper said:
Kevin , we arent talking about production , which is what the vortex is set up for . I own a Butler and a Vortex , and I can tell you each will perform well enough and in the end there is no difference in the final appearance when it comes to cleaning equally soiled carpets.

In other words , you dont need 90 grand to clean a carpet , in evidance by the many satisfied customers that are serviced each year by tms other than vortex .

After all , in the end all it boils down to are does it , suck , does it squirt and does it make heat.
You dont have to convince me about why not,but the airflow does equate to more water removal,which in turn means more soil removal,and yes it does it quicker.

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