Not quite right james. It was not the original agreement. TRUST: Nick was afraid of getting good working parts and josh was unsure of nick doing what he said he would. I tried to help nick be the good guy he can be and I tried to help josh get a good working t.m. like nick is capable of building. Either way My wife told me not to get involved, she was right.
P.S. I lost the trust of both and I lost a friend today.
I tried to help too , but Josh wouldnt even call Nick - if someone was going to offer a free rebuild , I would think a phone call is the least you could do.
So Nick sells truck mounts internationally now,
or maybe a prankster is using a proxy server.
Nick must have made a bunch of "friends" if people are going to this extreme to slam him. Kind of weird, when you think about it.
If Josh were closer, I'd "fix" it for him for the cost of parts, but that would mean stripping it, and mounting them on a Nitro tank and belt driving it, then at least it would be a Judson.