HintHint! Don't use your APO on those jobs stupid. Better yet, don't clean any asian food restaurants stupid, again! Triple better, quit cleaning restaurants after dark, stupid again again!!!Sorry I was too tired last night to explain. I had the same issue. The plastic QD’s are crap and let in a lot of air. You need to replace them with brass fittings. Since doing this I’ve never had an issue.
Tom and I cleaned my Asian Buffet last night. I got home about 12:45am. It was a pain in the ass. Every time I clean this place they ask me if I’m moving the 35 booths. Every time I tell them no way. I move the tables, but not the heavy ass booths. I guess I can’t blame them for trying. My damn apo float and emergancy shut off float stopped working last night. I was shooting waste water out my blower. Also, Tom and I were duel wanding and the water box kept running out of water causing us to lose pressure. It really pissed me off! I may need to play with my incoming pressure regulator. Every single time I clean this place my floats go out. We’re pumping so much grease into the waste tank the sludge clogs up my floats. Every time!!!!! I love my 870 but it does have a few short comings.
You have a 100 gallon waste tank. Take a break every 2.5hrs and dump the tank. My tm rarely shuts down on a full tank. I could see the need on a job over 10k sq. ft with dual wands on carpet that has very little debris. But a restaurant? Do you just use your fancy tools because you think you need to, or because you just want to get on here and talk about how you dual wanded? LOL STUPID!
I hope the audience has enjoyed my daily Damon rant and rave. More will come when he brings up another job. Stay tuned