What's causing the streaking?
I have been in contact with a few guys about the wand that are using it, so far nobody has said anything about corn rows. I have had one suggestion, Mikey said it at Nash, but one other has brought it up and that is the grip...I went with a fairly THIN grip cover, I did this because I was trying to address this because some poeple complain about the 2" tube being to big, and so the thinner grip, well they are not saying it is bad but it is getting a little hot on the hand, mind you they have TM with very good heat. So I will look into a thicker grip to help with this issue.
The carpet in the above pic is just one of those carpets that will show a little streaking no matter what, I did hack it out a bit but when I was done there was nothing but a beautiful worn out, off white carpet left in my wake, I think you are just razzing me a bit, as you are a professional cleaner and have incountered this before.
I even got a 20.00 tip on this Living room and was not expecting it as they were not ones I wold have thought to give a tip. Hard working folks with low paying jobs so that tip was a very unexpected.