John Olson" data-source="post: 4511551" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">You have to rinse them every job not almost every day. They look like they are built like a tank but even a tank not maintained will fall apart. Blaming it on Procyon was an easy, cheap, out for Reg to take in my opinion.
No, not exactly, it was an assessment based off of two machines that had the exact same problems and both users used Procyon.
I first told Brian he needed a better maintenance effort with his machine. I then asked him what prespray he was using, he said Procyon....I told him we had another machine with the same issues he had and both users were using this.
My comment to Brian was- "If you use a salt based chemistry, you have to do a better job on the maintenance of this machine" He said they maintained it very good...
I recommended that he discontinue using it if he was going to keep with the current maintenance procedure.
Now, look at the pictures and decide for yourself what could be the problem here.
Regarding the stainless mods- Stainless side plates would be of no use. The side plates are not the issue. The issue is cleaning out your machine. When the machine isn't cleaned out regularly, hair and carpet fibers get wound around the axles. If you do not remove this mess, it will force it's way under the plates that cover the bearings. Once it gets in behind those plates, it then builds up and forces itself into the bearings. Once it does that, the bearings get exposed to the process of whatever your applying to the carpet. You can usually replace the bearings fairly easily. However in these two cases (Brian & Steve L) the bearings fell apart and left the outer ring of the bearing in the side plate which cannot be removed and at that point results in a new side plate. In both cases they needed two new side plates as a result of this situation. The bearings were seized up on all four lower gears.
It's pretty simple- Clean your machine as often as it takes to avoid this type of damage. Mark Sagar has been using his for NINE YEARS... Mike P has a spotless ten inch and uses Procyon daily. (I've seen twenty year old units still rocking) Now, they are owner operators. If you have a multi tech operation, you have to do an end of day inspection on these just like you would inspect the dump tanks on your truck mounts.