Well Rex, just to satisfy your ego, here's another one.
I did post about it previously but I may as well chuck it up again.
Level 11 & 13 in a high rise building.
Had hwe for many years.
Level 11 was going to replace carpet when the CARPET SUPPLIER told them to get ME :shock: to do a demo with my Big Yella Mex;
Four years down the track, they still haven't replaced the carpet and I'm doing both floors yearly, with 1/4 yearly entry foyer cleans.
With my Big Yella Mex; :wink:
These are high priced accountants that are very frugal with their outgoing expenses.
You can do what you want and I will do what my customer wants, which is usually giving them great looking carpet.
A lot may call this makeover cleaning, so be it.
We have a saying down under called "Mutton dressed up as Lamb".
This is when something looks nice on top, but can be pretty gross underneath.
This could also apply to a bloody lot of carpets that are cleaned by different systems with operators of varying degrees of expertise.
If it works, the cheque is good and you are asked to come back again, (in a nice sort of way), then I'm happy.
PS ::: The sky won't fall in because we all disagree on different ways of cleaning.