I've seen dozens of burned carpet cleaning vans, seldom was one HX.
I've also worked with Kero for a long time. Brutal impressive heat, until an igniter fails. Poof like a light bulb with no warning. Not fun at 4am even if you learned to carry a spare like I did. Finishing a nasty with cold water sux.
The other most common failure was when a flow switch or thermostat failed to turn OFF the burner. Once at MSU that happened. Pegged the temperature to 305 F. (all the gauge could show). Sent one of the boys running out to the truck to shut her down, while I stood with the trigger wide open in a lobby filled with thick steam.
I aged 10 years in 10 minutes that day, but I'm still alarmed when an excited newbie uses Kero. A pressure washer unit needs to modify the plumbing to trickle water past the thermostat even when untriggered.
Steam Way worked out many of the bugs, like using smaller fuel nozzles to lower btu output and adding redundant shutoff features. Not sure if El Diablo has (the diablo is in the details).
I wouldn't trust that the smaller companies make insurable units.