Welcome to MB Mr Valentine!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
That was some hit and run there Bill.

I wonder if a post like yours directed at Bristor or Brevic or Strongdry would stay up on the extortion board....?

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
First of all,

I am appalled that Ed Valentine is posting on this board from the years and years I've heard from you Mikey about his equipment, in conjuction to Damon/Rob on the porty board talking about the ice cream box..

build quality is one thing, performance is another .

I found it interesting that at Mytee Mikefest in the porty shootout, the recoil fared best .
Though there wasn't a dimes worth of difference with any of them ....as I predicted, the Recoil still won

whether in a van, or inside on the job, a porty is still a porty and will never equal the "real world" performance of a positive displacement blower .
It's unfortunate that rookies can be duped into believing such silliness ...but such is life.
It's just pure happenstance and luck I didn't buy a Bane 20 years ago when i was rookie looking to replace to beat to death TM.
Bill Bane sure sounded convincing ....so this is nothing new

Why is Ed here?
Cause this IS the greatest CCing forum in the history of the world...so why wouldn't be here?
and I'm glad he is .
Having said that, posts like yours have never been deleted .
There's been no change in that regard ...and I'll go ballistic if there ever is

BTW, Rob don't count, cause he's proven to be disingenuous... the best to "him" is whatever serves his intere$t beSt at the time .
Don't know Damon, so i can't comment

Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Ed Valentine's participation here can only make his machines better, if he TAKES a little constructive critiqueing of his products and works with it.

Several mfgs got their "feelings hurt" and ignored a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to make a few tweaks to their product and profit from their participation here.

Honesty can be brutal...but that is what they NEED to hear.

They get that on MB.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I'm sure if Ed attended a MF and one of his units malfunctioned he would be wise enough to ask the brain trust in attendance for help. I'm dead positive that between all the other manufacturers, mechanics and do it your selfer owner ops in attendance we could fix just about any electrical or plumbing issue.

No way would Ed try and turn the blame on operator error and then run and hide under the covers and security of a forum filled with raw rookies and know nothings.

Nor would he spend countless hours and a "good fortune" on a sour grapes fest just so he could have another shot at a product shoot out he so completely blew it on the first time.


Aug 9, 2012
sam miller
Thats a mighty big post ERRR Mike, Peace out Napoleon.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
All I can say is Ed V gave me the best service I've ever gotten from a manufacturer. If parts went, a phone call was all it took and it was done if, and that was rarely, I couldn't source them locally. I needed a pump during the busy season, none available here, but Ed got it out for next day delivery. None of the bufoons here even wanted to bother trying. The shipping was expensive, but better to steering the wand and making money, than to be sitting and rotating. Another time, I had a cracked tank. Parts sent quickly. Was there an upgrade like the auto dump" Just ask and I had one. But the thing that made me a fan of the way Ed did business was after my van caught fire at the mechanic's shop. I lost everything, vacuum scrubber, machine, vac booster- all toasted. I was in a hard place. Ed set me up with a full package and as I was in a tight spot because my insurance paid out shit, he gave me a smoking deal on it. Did he have too? Nope, but he did it, I like to think because of basic decency. There seems to be an understanding with Ed that he's a partner in your success as there should be.

Bob Savage

Oct 7, 2006
Dayton, Ohio
Bob Savage
After all, Ed IS one of the innovators. His work back in the 70's has paved the way for many (cleaners and manufacturers alike) to further advance their trade, and our industry.

Thanks and a hat tip to Ed Valentine and Cross American!
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