well, how about it O'Halek..

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Yep - I'm a lapsed person too. How do you wrangle all the lapsed individuals and firms back into the fold? I doubt they all are going to spew cash to re - certify, but you probably want them back. I quit paying years ago because I was told my voice didn't count. If I'm helping to pay the freight, I feel the issues and concerns needed to be heard.
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The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
So what thoughts have you had as to how you can use this brain trust here to better or industry?

I see an obvious way just in this thread. People are comfortable asking questions here, and they are questions that likely represent what a lot of other people are thinking. Real issues and misconceptions can both be addressed.

My answer to free standards books? Just buy the books Rico. See how simple that is? :razz:

That's just an opinion though. In reality, amnesty for certifications and free standards books are issues for the IICRC. The IICRC is the standards and schools organization and the IICRCA is the membership and benefits organization. If the IICRCA gave away free standards books we'd have to buy them from the IICRC and then raise the membership fee to cover the cost. Probably not in the best interests of the majority of members.
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Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
I'm lapsed as well. Not happy to have to take a class from someone who couldn't clean their way out of a wet paper bag in the real world just to get "recertified".

However I do want to support the new direction the IICRC is headed.

Fortunately Murray State doesn't require ongoing fees to retain their degrees, imagine the possibilities if Universities did that?
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Oct 7, 2006
The Standards use to be sold as one complete book which included both the Standard AND the Reference guide.
In future that will change and you can buy the Standard by itself which will presumably be cheaper but not free.
We will also be making them downloadable on-line and again presumably cheaper but NOT free.
We also intend to start translating them into different language, I hope that this will be starting next year but no promises.

As for reinstating lapsed Certification it would be best to call the IICRC office as it all depends on how long since you were last paid up until.


Supportive Member
Dec 11, 2006
Modesto, CA
I let mine go for a less than 2 years and they want over $200 to rejoin as a master cleaner. I used to be a certified firm. Not sure if I'm going back. Most of the carpet retailers don't even know what the IICRC is. Customers don't care about something they never heard of. That is a very expense sticker and card. My AAA card gives me more and cost less. I wanted to go back but I could use that money for a spinner and make more money with that. If you are going to sell something and charge a premium it needs to have value.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Toni you know I was just kiddin about Free. Well...maybe.

Cheaper is better an the electronic down load is a great idea too.

One area that I think could use some improvement is the speed in testing results. My techs hound me about their results until they actually receive them 4-6 weeks later.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Has the iicrc ever asked members, former members and prospects what information/features they want? and how they want it?
Or do they just decide...

How about the instructors? are they on a scorecard of some kind and if one falls below standard do you get rid of them?

Wing It

Supportive Member
Feb 4, 2012
John Wingfield
One thing I would like to see from the IICRC is more advanced classes. For example, there are very limited opportunities to take part in an advanced upholstery class. Maybe even classes that discuss the new technologies of our industry.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
The IICRC is the standards and schools organization and the IICRCA is the membership and benefits organization. If the IICRCA gave away free standards books we'd have to buy them from the IICRC and then raise the membership fee to cover the cost. Probably not in the best interests of the majority of members.
Well said Bryan and in absentia Mr. Wheelwright.

So let us discuss the issue of benefits to the members:

In the IICRC of old, the benefits were simple- Niel. Nada. Well, a nice patch (ugly green and a pain in the butt to wear. I never did.) and supposedly public awareness that will also land credibility to certified companies and individuals + acceptance by the mills, carpet manufacturers and some referrals.
As we all know, the public had and still has zero awareness, and if I am to count all the business I got through twenty years of membership, it adds up to a lot less than the cost of membership.

- Grade?- F on all counts.

Now granted, I am not a lawyer and not much experienced in the fine art of splitting hair. IICRC, IICRCA whatever!
What can you do for your members?
Considering all the bad will created through many years of negligence by previous IICRC regime, time is of the essence.


And by members (in case you're a 'Bishopian') I mean the cleaners.

Have you exercised the art of asking the members?

Here's one:
Create a body of official looking documents that will land credibility to our claims of 'innocense'. Like dye loss stains that appear or are visible only after the cleaning.That's just one example.

There goes another:
Explain to the manufacturers that their unrealistic claims and misleading warranty, are bad for the industry. They create unrealistic expectations, therefore setting the carpet for failure in the eyes of the consumer who's expecting a sanctified, bulletproof miracle product.

Did I mention?:
We as cleaners are in client's home everyday and created good will and credibility. I am often consulted and asked for advise (yes I solicit that) regarding their next flooring purchases. I have thousands of clients. If treated well (and there are thousands like me) I will support a manufacturer that support me. We, as a well organized group (Yea, right! Can you believe that a pack of lone wolf cleaners will ever do anything as a united group?) are quite a gate keeper and a gateway to better sales for the manufacturers. That is if they don't try constantly sabotage me (see CRI) and or to take us out of business.

I am sure others have many more suggestions.

Consider soliciting them.

If you are going to sell something and charge a premium it needs to have value.
Could not have been said better, Louis.
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Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
I'm also an ex; both member and certified firm.

And after meeting Toni, I was well and truly certified. :icon_rolleyes:

When I inquired about re-joining, the fee was phenomenal, and I thought, not worth it.

As well as having to re-sit exams as I was then told.

Will the cri be endorsed by the IICRC ??

& will I have to purchase a wug dogter if I'm to become certified again ??


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
About the only way I could see the IICRC being anything close to relevant and beneficial to cleaners, out side of education, is for their website to show up in every "city search/carpet/upholstery/WD/stone etc" with a listing of qualified companies along with a list of patches earned, industry involvement, methods offered etc..

Just don't see that happening when 3/4 of the budget is being sucked out from Toni's exotic vacations and Vegas penthouse remodelings.

At this point we have a new line up of friendly faces running the show, a new logo, an extra A at the end, the Penthouse, a divorce from the BIG show and not much else.
I see one or two energetic instructors on Facebook keeping the dream alive, other than that since the big dixie mafia house cleaning nothing of any relevance has occurred that would make me reconsider joining up again.

If Toni and Brain want old members to come back give them a short but difficult test to re-qualify, prove with out a doubt that being a member will benefit their company financially, put on or sponsor a yearly show, offer online classes, bring real awareness to the public (a nation wide Pay Per Click site or a partnership with Amazon, something so the words carpet, uph, stone, WD can not be searched with out the IICRC site coming up= hire Fred) and...

Give up on the dream of resurrecting the Associations.

All that effort so five or ten internet neanderthals can sit around at the quarterly shindig crying about the economy is a waste of time and effort.
Embrace The Boards, sure some local shops won't like it as well as some pussy manufacturers but the truth is, and B and T know it, one hour on a site like this using the Search button is worth 25 hours at antiquated CFI/CCAW, NCAA/IRRCA or BSGFY meetings or an IICRC class from some burnt out teacher who has not cleaned in twenty years or more.

All that brain power on the new BOD and only Bryan contributes here...sheesh.

Sunny Bass, Jim Pearson and Bruce Vance...come on down!

I've never heard of a one of you, You want a part in running MY INDUSTRY? Please log in and tell the 15 thousand cleaners who visit here each month a bit about how you hope to contribute and why you were picked for your position.
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Those are some sharp guys Mike, they probably don't have time to post here. Just as Oz will now be busy now. (working on Free Standards for the masses :p)

My answer to free standards books? Just buy the books Rico. See how simple that is? :razz:

That's just an opinion though. In reality, amnesty for certifications and free standards books are issues for the IICRC. The IICRC is the standards and schools organization and the IICRCA is the membership and benefits organization. If the IICRCA gave away free standards books we'd have to buy them from the IICRC and then raise the membership fee to cover the cost. Probably not in the best interests of the majority of members.
I think that would be an excellent idea. This way the cleaners have a clue about what the standard is that they are supposed to be held to. As it is only a select few buy standards (other than the attorneys that use the standard against us) and the mainstream cleaner as no idea whats contained in the standard because he hasn't purchased it.

Best way to elevate the average cleaner is by brute force! :winky:
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bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
for the benefit of all the Bawb's out there.

HOLY JEEBUS...jus to have my name uttered by one of the greatest grand-POObas in the industry
is in itsef an honour(ha)......HOWEVER never ever forget what i shared wit you in the Sheraton lobby that fateful evening.....capish?
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J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
Has the iicrc ever asked members, former members and prospects what information/features they want? and how they want it?
Or do they just decide...

How about the instructors? are they on a scorecard of some kind and if one falls below standard do you get rid of them?

During the years that I was a registrant of IICRC I was survey at least twice on what I would like to see in the IICRC. I also see comments encouraging input in the newsletters and other communications from IICRC.

During my years as an instructor, every student in every class had a form to complete at the end of the class rating the instructor in several different areas. There was also a place for written comments. If an instructor got low scores from a class, he heard about and was encouraged to correct it.

I don't know of any instructors who were kicked off the list, but that should happen by free market. If an instructor is not doing a good job, students can complain and the distributors won't hire them. They want to hire an instructor who will draw students into the class.

For comments directed to Brayn, keep in mind that he is on the board at IICRCA which is a related but different organization than IICRC. I am not sure how much pull he has with IICRC.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
For comments directed to Bryan, keep in mind that he is on the board at IICRCA which is a related but different organization than IICRC. I am not sure how much pull he has with IICRC.
Good point.

Actually Bryan is one the brighter minds we have here on MB.....I guess that just shows you how dimly lit this places is. :p

Oz, it was just a joke, please no hate mail.
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Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
During the years that I was a registrant of IICRC I was survey at least twice on what I would like to see in the IICRC. I also see comments encouraging input in the newsletters and other communications from IICRC.

During my years as an instructor, every student in every class had a form to complete at the end of the class rating the instructor in several different areas. There was also a place for written comments. If an instructor got low scores from a class, he heard about and was encouraged to correct it.

I don't know of any instructors who were kicked off the list, but that should happen by free market. If an instructor is not doing a good job, students can complain and the distributors won't hire them. They want to hire an instructor who will draw students into the class.

For comments directed to Brayn, keep in mind that he is on the board at IICRCA which is a related but different organization than IICRC. I am not sure how much pull he has with IICRC.

As Scott mentioned if an instructor gets complaints on a regular basis the distributor will not bring that instructor back for additional classes. Eventually the instructor doesn't have any classes. The IICRC also has a review panel if the instructor has complaints from students.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
I liked the classes i attended overall, the smt one we even went to a restaurant and cleaned a real job.
Used a portable and truckmount to see the difference and all the tools.

Definitely a little bit behind the times though in many areas, which is why i never joined the membership.
Good ole boy element present IMO.

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