We can only wonder how you managed to find/look for that link...
Would it be below you people to run a direct mail that sends the prospect to a landing page that has them enter their e-mail to be put into a draw for ONE free FULL HOUSE carpet clean, or something else enticing? One room and a bundle of cleaning chemicals? Or maybe even a little campaign like this..
Direct Mail Piece
"Well All Make Mistakes... Including Our Pets.."
It's Inevitable That Our Pets Will Sometimes Make a Mess On The Carpet
The Good News?
Catch It Quickly and Apply Our Top Secret Industry Trick...
You'll NEVER Have Those Nasty Stains Again!
Want To Know This Industry Secret?
Go to
www.carpetcleaner.com/TopSecret Now!
Landing Page
Video of YOU, doing a QUICK demo on the simple TOP SECRET process to removing stains.
Highlight the fact you're using the industry favorite stain remover, even though that Spot Shot CAN work.. (can it, I don't know?)
At the end of the video..
"If you'd like a FREE Bottle of this stain remover, simply enter your e-mail below this video to be put into a draw, winner will be notified and request their mailing address to have it shipped to them free of charge."
On the bottle, put a sticker of your company.
One day, they'll go to work, come home, pet made a mess, they grab the stain remover, on their hands and knees trying to get it out of the carpet, it's not happening cause it sat for too long.. BOOM, right on the bottle, your business and phone number.
Built a list, all the people on the list know who you are thanks to the video, built a bit of rapport, showcased your abilities with the demo... Keep sending them industry secrets, every once and a while shoot out a promotion, but, add value to the list, don't just blast with promotions all of the time, or the unsubscribe rate will be massive.