Who could replace Toburen @ SFS

Who could replace Steve Toburen?

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Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
Danny Strickland said:
i could present the material and make fun of Yeadon!!!

PS yeadon almost killed me 2x in Colorado! first he took me to top of the highest paved road in America, deprived me of o2, then drove down the mountain like he used to in the Bane RV back in the day! He owes me!!! :p

Hey it is not easy being Ed McMahon to the Island Boy. It does require adequate amounts of Guinness.

02 deprivation. That explains a lot.


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
Well I am getting on a conference call with Jim Pemberton (something about saving the industry or such) and I guess I should congratulate him on his victory. Thank goodness George didn't win.

The biggest thing I worry about is I hope Jim has better legs than the Island Boy. The last time IB wore shorts in class all the women called in sick the next day.

So Jim we will be expecting a pic of you in your Calvin Klein shorts.

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
I got the tentative approval last night from my CFO, She said, "IF we have the money". :p Thats good enough for me. I'll register for DallAS for march 16-20. I live there so no hotel or car rental cost. :mrgreen:

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
That is great, Jay. Big Billy and I will welcome you holding our feet to the fire. IF SFS is not everything and more that we say it is I expect you to publicly flog us here. Fair enough?

Island Boy

PS Seriously though, Jay, if your "CFO" is involved in the business I would STRONGLY recommend the two of you attend SFS together. The companies that do the best and implement the most are the ones where the "partners" (especially if they are sleeping in the same bed) attend SFS at the same time. Finances? Don't worry about it! IF you will have purchased 5K or more from Jon-Don in the trailing 12 months before your seminar the class is FREE! If you have bought 3K the seminar will be 1/2 price. And you have 3 months before the Dallas seminar to make up the difference. So Jay, seriously think about bringing the wife. (View it as a "management retreat".) If Mikey had not brought Paula to the Langhorne SFS he might have actually had to take his own notes.

PPS All kidding aside, Bill (is it possible?) we appreciate what you, Jim, Cliff Zlotnick and the others are trying to do for our industry.

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
She has a REAL job. :roll: She does the books and I do the rest. I use to do the book work and am glad she does them now. I know my limitations. :oops: I will start putting $ away for it now.

Doug D

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Spearfish SD
Doug Dimick
billyeadon said:
The biggest thing I worry about is I hope Jim has better legs than the Island Boy. The last time IB wore shorts in class all the women called in sick the next day.

beats picturing IB in a thong! :shock: Heard alot of people go ewww that day he announced that!!!! :lol: The thought of that is something I will not forget!! :cry:

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Sioux loves my thong. Almost as much as Marty liked my cute bermuda shorts and sandals with the black socks.


PS We'll have a great time in Dallas, Jay. But I still say your CFO should attend. At the very least we should sneak her in on Monday for Chuck's intense "Profit Is Not A Dirty Word" financial section. And then she won't want to miss Big Billy's "She's Not buying What You Think You Are Selling" Marketing Day on Tuesday and then she'll need to be there for my Wednesday session on Value Added Service ... Yep, ya just better sign her up!


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
Doug D said:
billyeadon said:
The biggest thing I worry about is I hope Jim has better legs than the Island Boy. The last time IB wore shorts in class all the women called in sick the next day.

beats picturing IB in a thong! :shock: Heard alot of people go ewww that day he announced that!!!! :lol: The thought of that is something I will not forget!! :cry:

Doug, What do you mean a lot of people. I think the entire population went ewww. I know you will find this hard to believe, but it almost drove me to drink.


Sep 22, 2008
Who could replace Steve Toburen?

Does it really matter? Over two months ago I inquired about SFS via PM. Below is Toburen’s response with an offer to send a free DVD regarding the seminar. I supplied the info he requested. Nothing. I had forgotten about it until I read an article regarding commercial cleaning. I sent another PM. Once again, nothing. Not even a reply. Included below that PM is yet another offer from Toburen - from this thread - to send someone free material.

What an excellent strategy for success. Tell someone you’re going to do something, don’t do it, but continue to make the offer again and again. I wonder what other strategies one learns for $700?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: 2009 SFS
Date: Sat Oct 04, 2008 4:26 pm
From: Steve Toburen
To: CapeCleaner

Hey David,

Sorry about NH as we don't do Strategies there. But SFS is worth the journey. (Two years ago Mikey came to Langhorne all the way from California and loved it.)


PS If you will send me your mailing address I mail you a free 30 minute DVD all about SFS.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: 2009 SFS
Date: Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:38 am
From: CapeCleaner
To: Steve Toburen

Thank you for the information Steve.

My mailing address is:

All Bright Cleaning, Inc.
PO Box 328
Mashpee, MA 02649

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: 2009 SFS
Date: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:09 pm
From: CapeCleaner
To: Steve Toburen

Hello Steve -

I just wanted follow up on your offer to send a thirty minute SFS cd. I had supplied my address back on 10/5 but haven't yet received the cd. My mailing address is:

All Bright Cleaning
PO Box 328
Mashpee, MA 02649

Also, I was reading an article you authored - Finding Profit in Commercial Cleaning - where you offer to send a copy of your Commercial Needs Analysis Form. I am trying to build the commercial side of my business and would appreciate receiving a copy of the form. My email address is: info@allbrightcleaning.net.

Thanks very much.
Steve Toburen said:
PS Now if ya wanna make it into rocket science then write me at stoburen@StrategiesForSuccess.com and put the phrase "upselling" in the subject line and I'll send you about 15 pages on how to dramatically increase your upsells of anything in the home but especially protectors. One very profitable way to prosper during tough economic times. BTW, I won't spam you. Just read the informationand if you want include your mailing address so I can send you the free companion DVD. No charge on this either- just please watch it.


Apr 6, 2007
I had problems with my DVD too. It's just one of those things. Tina gets a little overwhelmed or something or other falls through the cracks and it doesn't show up. Be patient man. Maybe you need to email him at his email box instead of PM. That's what I did the second time and I got my DVD a few days later.

As far as his special reports go, they are tops. Email him at his email address, give it a week, and bug him again. He gave me the price shopper phone one, the In home inspection one, and I think he gave me the upselling one too. Very valuable freebees, and they are actually freebees. He doesn't care if you ever buy a class from him. He gave me free stuff for two years, and corresponded with me by email, he reviewed my estimate sheet template and a few other things, free of charge. And I still do business with his biggest competitor. And he knows that, and he doesn't bug me about it. He knows we like his fans, and he's happy to have our air-mover business, and lets our local guy handle all our chems.

For whatever reason he got busy or swamped... It doesn't matter. Oh well. Email him, get the free stuff and use it to make you thousands of dollars. He doesn't mind. He wants you to be successful. It's just how Steve is.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Hey, David,

On December 3 I sent you this e-mail:

"From: Steve [mailto:stoburen@homefrontsuccess.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 3:24 PM
To: 'info@allbrightcleaning.net'
Subject: CCA

Hi David,
I don’t know if I blew it or if the office fell down. Either way, my apologies and thank you for writing back. Here is the CCA and to “compensate” you for our screwup I am including a Special Report on how to use it.


PS Pleas do two things for me with the DVD. IF it comes, watch it. SFS truly has been a transformational event for over 2,000 people in our business. If it does not come it- please let me know.

So anyway, David, I appreciate you following up on my request in the e-mail to "let me know". Our records say we shipped your DVD out on December 4th to your PO box. The US mail is slow this time of year but not all that slow. So Sherry Essany up in our Roselle, IL headquarters is personally sending you another one. Please let me know when it arrives.

Thanks for your patience,

PS And thanks to all our SFS members who wrote me last night warning me about our service breakdown!

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
You need to bring the boys to SFS, Lee.

Island Boy

PS You're right on your marketing analysis, Lee. No sane person wants service breakdowns to occur like they evidently did with David. (Call me paranoid but we've had enough computer glitches with the whole DVD signup site at times I ask people to verify that they have received the video.)

BUT when a complaint comes in a savvy business manager swings into action to TRY and turn a negative into a positive. In fact, if you think on it Lee, many of your best Cheerleaders probably started out as disgruntled, complaining customers. But you "dramatically exceeded their expectations" by quickly and cheerfully resolving their concerns and they therefore became "Turbo Cheerleaders".

If memory serves we did a Special Report once for SFS members on a nine (or maybe it was ten) step process how to convert an unhappy customer into a delighted Cheerleader. I'll poke around in the dusty recesses of my computer and see if I can find it. (Maybe I can try the steps out on David.)


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I get the Monday morning thingy from Chuck about once every blue moon, and got my first tips thing about a week ago.

Not complaining, mind you.

I'm used to that kind of service from carpet suppliers.

No need to respond, I.B. Just letting you know.


Sep 22, 2008
Steve Toburen said:
On December 3 I sent you this e-mail:
"From: Steve [mailto:stoburen@homefrontsuccess.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 3:24 PM
To: 'info@allbrightcleaning.net'
Subject: CCA

Hi David,
I don’t know if I blew it or if the office fell down. Either way, my apologies and thank you for writing back. Here is the CCA and to “compensate” you for our screwup I am including a Special Report on how to use it.

Our records say we shipped your DVD out on December 4th to your PO box. The US mail is slow this time of year but not all that slow. So Sherry Essany up in our Roselle, IL headquarters is personally sending you another one. Please let me know when it arrives.

Thanks for your patience,
Just want to let everyone know that Steve Toburen followed through on getting me the SFS video and the Commercial Needs Analysis form. Thank you Steve.

Doug D

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Spearfish SD
Doug Dimick
Figured that Steve would follow through. I did forget until Marty said it, but signed up for Chucks Monday morning thingy and still have not gotten it. Did get my tips though.


Apr 20, 2007
admiralclean said:
I get the Monday morning thingy from Chuck about once every blue moon, and got my first tips thing about a week ago.

Not complaining, mind you.

I'm used to that kind of service from carpet suppliers.

No need to respond, I.B. Just letting you know.
Apparently you were not the class clown in your group, as I was in mine. They send me my stuff like clockwork- 2nd or 3rd tips now and I attended AFTER you did. See what happens when you are not memorable. Steal Steve's white upholstery gloves next time and wear them in class- it works.


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
DRScrivner said:
admiralclean said:
I get the Monday morning thingy from Chuck about once every blue moon, and got my first tips thing about a week ago.

Not complaining, mind you.

I'm used to that kind of service from carpet suppliers.

No need to respond, I.B. Just letting you know.
Apparently you were not the class clown in your group, as I was in mine. They send me my stuff like clockwork- 2nd or 3rd tips now and I attended AFTER you did. See what happens when you are not memorable. Steal Steve's white upholstery gloves next time and wear them in class- it works.

I thought you were doing your Michael Jackson impersonation. You do have an evil moonwalk.


Apr 20, 2007
billyeadon said:
DRScrivner said:
admiralclean said:
I get the Monday morning thingy from Chuck about once every blue moon, and got my first tips thing about a week ago.

Not complaining, mind you.

I'm used to that kind of service from carpet suppliers.

No need to respond, I.B. Just letting you know.
Apparently you were not the class clown in your group, as I was in mine. They send me my stuff like clockwork- 2nd or 3rd tips now and I attended AFTER you did. See what happens when you are not memorable. Steal Steve's white upholstery gloves next time and wear them in class- it works.

I thought you were doing your Michael Jackson impersonation. You do have an evil moonwalk.
NO Little kids were touched during that event- I have witnesses!

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