Why dont poeple just talk subject out rather than letting



PS To date, I have spent $2,195.54 with Judson Vacuum Systems. I have been doing business with Les for about a year and a half. My lifetime value as a customer WOULD have been about $29,274, if I have another 20 years in me.

I pre-vacuum because I'm a premium pig.

So Marty, you have now decided to no longer purchase from Les because he responded with an account of the events that differs from yours?

Gary Taylor

Jul 30, 2007
Hey are you guys going to continue this over the Holiday weekend? I may need to change my plans so I don't have a backlog to read Tuesday.


Apr 8, 2010
Sounds like a small scale Venturi deal..

I really like this Les guy, he really seems to try and go out of his way to help a client out.

NO BS it seems.


Nov 14, 2006
Kennesaw Ga.
Thomas Cermak
I was at TCS CAD... and didn't see Marty there... and I was there the whole time.
I did see Moody, Jasper, Bruce and Joanne, and lots of great people there, but I did not see Marty.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Ken Snow said:
I have come to learn that in most cases disputes are because the 2 parties involved had a different interpretaion of what the other said, meant or implied.


that's essentially what Scott Rogers said.
and i agree with both of you



Nov 14, 2006
C Pennington said:
Problems is 2 southern men made a verbal agreement....and down here, that is suppose to be good as gold.

Ahhh.. those were the days. But I'm afraid they are gone forever.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
Leslie Judson Jones said:
On Wednesday Marty called and ordered a Judson C4 and accessories. I confirmed this by directly asking Marty again are you sure you don't want to buy one from Dwayne or TCS because they're closer to him. INTERPRETED DIFFERENTLY BY BOTH?

Marty said he was sure he was buying a Judson C4 and also said he was pretty sure his Vortex was sold but I hate to see you order those parts in case it isn't sold.

I said I don't care if the Vortex doesn't sell right away even if it takes longer as long as you’re going to buy a unit I’m going to be ready so I am going to go ahead and order the parts any way so I can get you back up and working right away. INTERPRETED DIFFERENTLY BY BOTH?

I even spent an extra $450 to expedite the freight. I had no problem doing this because as I felt the sale of a C4 to Marty would be a very important visible sale for my company.
Then on Thursday Marty called me to change the size of the electric reel so I made the arrangements to do this. INTERPRETED DIFFERENTLY BY BOTH?

On Friday Marty called me and told me that the money from the sale of the Vortex was being transferred into his bank account and it looked like the deal was done for sure. INTERPRETED DIFFERENTLY BY BOTH?
At this point I canceled my attendance at Connections in Clearwater to deal with the install planned for early the next week. My dad and brother were going to handle the booth at Connections without me. During that phone call with Marty on Friday I said I'll be ready for you as soon as the parts come in the first part of the week and you should be leaving here with your C4 installed on Wednesday. INTERPRETED DIFFERENTLY BY BOTH?

On Sunday night I got a PM from Marty saying the sale of the Vortex had fallen through and that he was sorry that I had ordered the parts. I THINK THEY BOTH UNDERSTOOD THIS PERFECTLY.
The parts were the propane tank, the electric reel, the Little Giant heater and the fresh water tank.

Then a week later I see on the board Scott Moody commenting that he saw on the Saturday a week before at Customer Appreciation Days at TSC one the most popular famous members of the board getting a truckmount installed. This post was only up for one hour then he edited the post and changed it. I saw the post myself before it was edited.

So to recap the events
Wednesday ordered
Thursday changed the reel
Friday confirmed that the money was being transferred for the sale of the Vortex into Marty’s account
Saturday Marty is seen at TSC getting a truckmount installed
Sunday I get my PM from Marty saying the Vortex sale never when through

I have since confirmed from another person that it was Marty getting a TCS installed that Saturday.

My word is my bond. At Judson our word is our bond and that’s the way we have done business since 1967. When a person who is well known on this board who I have also had several business transactions with over the last year and I respected makes an agreement with me I had no reason to doubt him. So, you folks can make your own judgments however I’ve already made mine.

I could understand one or two statements getting misconstrued, but in this case it is several entire conversations (according to Les), all of which show a verbal agreement between 2 people who have a long running "board and business friendship". I know taking a deposit, and signing a contract is always a better idea, but I'm sure everyone can think of some people that you would not ask for a deposit, and would not ask for them to sign a contract. Maybe handing a contract to Aunt Mable, your new Brother in Law, or your neighbor, might be perceived as being a little offensive. I understand how Les would have not asked for a deposit in this situation and I think his mistake was assuming Marty was a man of his word.
I see this as less of a legal argument, but more of just validating if Les has a reason or not to be a little pissed.
May 12, 2007
This is the last thing I’m going to say about all this mess. Ray must have been mistaken on what day Scott was there when Marty got his unit. All I’m saying is that’s how I found out my deal was off. To tell you the truth, it’s nobody’s business what Marty spends his money on, and I totally agree.

To recap this mess, I did receive a firm order from Marty for a C-4. There were several follow up phone calls to confirm the order even more. Marty can buy whatever unit he wants, and he decided to buy a TCS. It would have been nice if he would have just let me know, but it was really no big deal to me until Marty posted his disrespectful comment about his new unit being a C-4 Killer.

I also feel insulted that someone would take advantage of the fair and honest way I do business. All I can say to any of you is that buying a unit from me is totally different than buying a unit from anyone else in this industry. I appreciate people doing business with me and it shows during our entire business relationship.

One good thing has come of this. I knew that there were bargain truckmounts on the market, but I did not realize that people were actually buying these. So the good thing that has come of all of this is that if a bargain unit is what people want, then I’m willing to be competitive in that market and build a less expensive machine.

So maybe the next time Marty needs a unit at least he can get a comparable system to what he bought for $14,995. Remember, the name of this new machine is The Equalizer. My personal feelings about Marty are that he is a very nice person as far as I know. He did what all of us should do; get the best deal we can, even though I disagree with his methods.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Everyone is different Les so of course buying from you would be different from anyone else.

It also sounds like you are a businessperson of integrity, which is number one in my book. I hope, however, you were not meaning to imply that other suppliers are not. Each year I buy between $150,000-$400,000 worth of supplies & equipment from just 2 suppliers and they are specially built and/or shipped on just a simple phone call. I have never signed a contract or sent a PO to them. We can still do business with a phone call or a handshake in the midwest. :-)


rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
Ken Snow said:
Everyone is different Les so of course buying from you would be different from anyone else.

It also sounds like you are a businessperson of integrity, which is number one in my book. I hope, however, you were not meaning to imply that other suppliers are not. Each year I buy between $150,000-$400,000 worth of supplies & equipment from just 2 suppliers and they are specially built and/or shipped on just a simple phone call. I have never signed a contract or sent a PO to them. We can still do business with a phone call or a handshake in the midwest. :-)


This only works when both parties to the deal are people that can make a decision and not Miss Piggy around.......

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Ken Snow said:
Everyone is different Les so of course buying from you would be different from anyone else.

It also sounds like you are a businessperson of integrity, which is number one in my book. I hope, however, you were not meaning to imply that other suppliers are not. Each year I buy between $150,000-$400,000 worth of supplies & equipment from just 2 suppliers and they are specially built and/or shipped on just a simple phone call. I have never signed a contract or sent a PO to them. We can still do business with a phone call or a handshake in the midwest. :-)


I know how important it is for you to bOuNCe your self-serving #'s out there...(150k to 400k).
"Great Job"... :oops:

"BUT"...Your personal.."iNfOmErCiAl"...ASIDE..................................... :roll:

I believe that .."Les"..Was VERY disappointed at what transpired... :idea:

Les had discussed the situation with other members of the board WEEKS AGO..... :!:
He NEVER made it PUBLIC..... :!: He only FireD back..."When Marty slammed his product
on ICS... :shock:

"IT IS WHAT IT IS".... :(

Les is in a "NO WIN SITUATION"... :idea:

If Les had ask Marty for a "DEPOSIT"....Marty would have been "ButTHuRt".... :!:

Then Marty would have said that the reason that he purchased a TCS....because Les

Follow by a THREAD....."Judson...must be in FinAnCiAl difficulties...Because he has to have a DEPOSIT".... :roll:

"SIX OF ONE...HALF-A-DOZEN OF ANOTHER...".............. :wink: :mrgreen:

PS Marty should & did purchase the piece of equipment that works BEST for HIS business.. :!:

But we all know how disappointing...it can be to invest time & money to bid on a PROJECT.

Only to get UnDeR-BId...because we are NOT bidding .."Apples to Apples".

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
It is actually multiples of that Harpman, but I didn't want to throw those kinds of numbers out for fear that people might think I'm bs'g.

I have no idea what really happened, nor do I believe anyone else outside of Les & Marty do in this situaton.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Ken Snow said:
It is actually multiples of that Harpman, but I didn't want to throw those kinds of numbers out for fear that people might think I'm bs'g.

I have no idea what really happened, nor do I believe anyone else outside of Les & Marty do in this situaton.

I am sure the #'s ...are MUCH Higher... :wink:

You are the ONLY one left that .."I" can pick-on... 8)

Mike ...Has got me on a ShOrT LeAsE.... :(

You were NOT on the "saCrEd CoW"....LIST... :shock:

You will always be my "KOJ"... :!:

"At least.....someone does NOT take this STUFF...sErIousLy... :mrgreen:

Ps .."I can't believe ..you are NOT on that list".... :?
because I am sure.....You have worn a SkIrt...@ some point in your LIFE.... :p :mrgreen:

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Lee Stockwell said:
OMG! Yes! The picture is still stuck in my head. Ken in a (I believe) hula skirt?

I though this was the ONE.... :shock:


Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
OMG, God job Fred.

Mikey, lets remember, you had no problem ripping on Joe for a few years for Greenie, Only to just admit you were totally wrong about him. So how do you think us boys with a memory might take that? You're an ass kisser. Face it.

BTW- You're not going to help these manufacturers by jumping on their bandwagons every time you think they have been wronged.


Dec 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Scott Moody
Scott Rogers said:
As far as Duane goes, I know for a fact he knows a deal is only a deal once the cash hits the bank. He has been through this exact senerio with the Moody's when he thought he had a deal, started building the machine then they backed out and bought a El Diablo instead.


You really don't know what happened there enough to be quoting on this. But since you posted this, I will respond.

1. Duane was already committed to building the heat exchanger unit before we talked with him about building it for us.

2. At no time until he had the unit assembled and ready to test, did he give us a FINAL quote (verbally or in writing). Because of this, there was no 'deal' nor could there be without a final price.

3. When we went to see the unit fired up the first time, there were problems with it. I am not going into specific details because it isn't anybody's business.

At that point, we needed to get a unit that was working now, not at some time in the future. We looked at a few choices, made a decision and went with it.


Mikey P said:
Ask Scott Moody.

Marty had Scott remove a post he made about seeing him at TCS buying a machine a few days after Marty told Les that the deal fell through for his Vortex money.

Well, three things. One, I never mentioned Marty's name in my post. Two, I didn't say that I saw him there, what I did say was that the board that had installations listed for the next week did have a Chief II listed in 'a popular poster's name' (I don't remember exactly how I said it) to be installed on Tues. Three, I didn't remove the post or edit it, one of the moderators here did that. Marty did send me a PM, which I didn't read until at least a day later.


Nate The Great said:
Maybe I should ask Marty to tell he boy Scott Moody, have he pops Ray pay up the money he said he would. I knew he wouldn't. They jerry-rigged the Cimex tank so it wouldn't leak till later. I always thought "southern men" we men of their word, obvious not in this case.


First, I am not your 'boy'. I said I would talk to him about it, if you have an issue with me personally, send me a pm and I will give you my phone number. Fact, we did not 'jerry-rig' the Cimex period. Bluntly your accusation is insulting. You really don't know us at all to make such a statement.


There, now I hope that clears the air.

Scott Moody

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
ScottM said:
Scott Rogers said:
As far as Duane goes, I know for a fact he knows a deal is only a deal once the cash hits the bank. He has been through this exact senerio with the Moody's when he thought he had a deal, started building the machine then they backed out and bought a El Diablo instead.


You really don't know what happened there enough to be quoting on this. But since you posted this, I will respond.

1. Duane was already committed to building the heat exchanger unit before we talked with him about building it for us.

2. At no time until he had the unit assembled and ready to test, did he give us a FINAL quote (verbally or in writing). Because of this, there was no 'deal' nor could there be without a final price.

3. When we went to see the unit fired up the first time, there were problems with it. I am not going into specific details because it isn't anybody's business.

At that point, we needed to get a unit that was working now, not at some time in the future. We looked at a few choices, made a decision and went with it.


Scott Moody

I just so happened to use this story as a fact of similar events. Not to take sides between you and Duane. And I know only onside of the story any way. As the story was told to me Duane did believe he had a deal.
That does not mean a deal was made.
He heard what he wanted to hear.

He survived and in this case Les will service too.

In both cases Les and Duane heard what they wanted to hear.

A deal is not made till a contract is signed or the money hits the bank. Until then any commitment is a act in hope and faith.

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