Rotary Extraction shoot out at M9F results.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
How about head amintenance on the Hoss? I watched a Youtube video that showed a tech unscrewing the heads for cleaning...seems like a lot of work especially after a long day of pet infested houses. The Rx head is easy to clean after a rat nasty pet hair infected place.

I'm looking forward to the extended visit with the TREX and will post as accurately as I can. An RX with the additional bonnet plate ad tile and grout head has been a versatile tool. I dont notice the weigh and reliable is it's middle name.

you don't have to remove the head...I never have to remove it...I just tip it over and pressure wash the thing off.......

no felt seal to screw around with or replace.......


new and in-proved spray bars.....

May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
you don't have to remove the head...I never have to remove it...I just tip it over and pressure wash the thing off.......

no felt seal to screw around with or replace.......


new and in-proved spray bars.....


Do you know about the difference in efficiency between the 360i and the Hoss? The Hoss has a 15 inch head right? How about dry times between the two?

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I'd like to know more too....I'm sure there are reasons for wanting this setting to be adjusted to the minimum required to perform the task...not just setting it wide ass open as suggested elsewhere

what did it do the the full load amps....and the running amps on the motor when it was adjusted up...??........any one know.......?????......any one check..??

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Do you know about the difference in efficiency between the 360i and the Hoss? The Hoss has a 15 inch head right? How about dry times between the two?

I like the vac shoes on the Hoss better because of the allows the air to flow....the 360i planted itself and although it did a good job the Hoss was better....I did a commercial job...and was using both machines......the Hoss side was it removed more water from the 360i side.......

as far as was already faster to use the Hoss.....then the new staggered long jets were put on and the control valve...and that brought it up another level.....
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Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
what did it do the the full load amps....and the running amps on the motor when it was adjusted up...??........any one know.......?????......any one check..??

one of the reasons I asked.

I heard that Cobb did.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
yea but Jim I wouldnt EVER run a 360 on commercial....unless it was some high end thick stuff...

and as Boyle stated...he tried one at a Disty.....WOOP FREAKING DOOP.....

I still maintain it (or any tool for that matter) needs to be demoed out in the field....I dunno about you, but i cant afford to make a $3000 or $2400 mistake on a tool....JUST CANT..

So that leads to MY issue out here and anyone else in the Utah/S Idaho area. And I know this may sting....but you know what.....I dont care right now....

We have 2 issues out here.....

1... 1 side is at issue with the MFG over some other random BULLSHIT (and i would dare say the custys DONT CARE), and both are saying mine is bigger then yours....they both treat it like they can get by, and they have...but at what cost to each other or to the end user???

2.... the other problem is a few sales guys dont like something so they dont put it out...or care to demo it and so it sits in a warehouse and not out on the floor, or to again FOOKING THE END USER/CUSTY....

yes right now i cant justify dropping 3 or so grrrr on a machine....and so while i would love to try one out (and have had multiple types of carpet to use it on this week) I get that it doesnt make sense for ME to request one....

All I know is I am sick of the BS drama that goes on, that in turn hurts the custys....

And I may very well speak with my $$$ and choose to buy it and even more things from out of area.....just cuz i can.....if everyone else wants to play dick games....then lets get it on.....


where you going to get it mike???? no one out here HAHAHAHAHAHH

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Not sure what your talking about but he is buying it here. As for demos I've always had demos of the machines available for my customers.. So saying no one in Utah Idaho does that is crazy talk. Now since you buy everything from cobbs or joe or whoever else you think your saving a penny from it is they you should be asking to send you a demo. Calling out people you don't support is wrong in every way possible and it is flat out a lie. And for the record I have told many people to go give the hoss a demo and decide for themselves if they like it better then their current machine and if so they should buy it from the person that let them demo it. Just ask Lockahart... So hope that clears up some of the mud that was clouding your post since there Is only us and interlink in Utah.
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
Well guess what...ill maybe take back some of what i said, if you take back your last few digs....

and for the record i support you for things i need that you have...its not a ton, but its fact i wait (and forget some of the things) and buy things from you i know you have in stock...

And for the record its more then just "pennies" that is saved...added to that, it works very well for me..I have tried plenty of others (you know all them samples i try to snatch up) and they just dont work for me in a cost effective the smell on some of them...ewwww

And just because you dont get along with someone doesnt mean someone else cant or wont...which means you dont need to throw out comments...

I am in biz to make money and maybe save a buck from time to time as well...same as you....not to feed the fuel pig (driving down there every whim) or feed the ups pig...which is why i wait till i am down there....some times it is after hrs so i have to wait....

most of the jabs we have thrown at each other have been all in good fun....but questioning my purchasing practices, or implying that my equipment is shit, just plain pissed me off....

Just because I have chosen to take a machine (which was screwed up from the get go) and yank some things off of it, instead of dumping $1000s into it does not give you the right to bash it or my equipment period....

you always talk about taking care of your customers...well that works real well when you throw punches their way doesnt it???

Just like i tell my customers when they ask about "what to do" I simply lay out the different ways to do things and that IN THE END ITS YOUR MONEY DO WHAT YOU CAN OR WANT......

like i said I cant make a $3000 mistake...I dont have a wife working a FT job some where, I dont have a PT job covering my bills....So i have to watch my $$$$ so if that means i can save, more then pennies, and it works, or by buying other supplies else where for considerably less, then i will.....

if that means i cant use a demo (hell i am even said i would pay a small fee to use it) or have to wait a time for something...then i guess i will....

doesnt mean i dont get to gripe about the lack of choices here every so often.....

besides, you know as well as i do how pigeon holed we are out here....thats probably part of the reason you started the biz.....and the further north you go the further screwed you are....

So in the end we can either agree to disagree on things, or we can just go our separate ways...


Oct 7, 2006
It was really nice to see all the rotaries displayed there to compare and look at.

The harsh reality is that ANY one of the rotary units WILL set you apart from about 94% of your competition.

Of course you want to buy the one that best suits you...I am now the proud owner of the Demo Hoss...the thing rocks as far as cleaning...I am replacing a trusted RX20 which will be on the market soon...along with the regular glided also comes with a pad driver head...a stone cleaning head...and a brush head. ($1150 plus shipping)

You should buy the RX20, Doug!

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Doug I like you always have but your bitching about things that are of your own making drives me nuts. I know you really believe your smarter then everyone else and that your way is the best way. I get it but the problem is your wrong and I just want to grab you by the neck and shake the shit out of you. Not because I want your money but because I really do care. Thing is your not ever going to listen. Your post shows it. You want someone either me or interlink to let you take a $3000 machine out and put wear and tear on it knowing that you aren't going to buy it from us but Instead you will go looking for a used one or buy it from someone willing to discount it deeply.
Also Doug have you looked at how you take care of your equipment? I mean really, would YOU loan out your brand new $3000 tool to you? I really want you to be that guy but your stuck in your thinking that tearing shit up and not taking care of it is ok. I'm willing to help we all are at Superior but you have to be willing to listen. It's funny you say it cost more to buy from me yet I have dedicated customers all over the world and yet you who live 50 minutes away and think it cost to much to buy from us? I don't understand your math but that's ok. I'm not mad at you for supporting cobb's I truly am not but don't get mad at me because I'm not going to let you take out a $3000 tool. Ok?


Jumbo is absolutely correct

You can get away without rotary extraction in your tool kit but it cleans better


My demo of the HOSS was with a specific search in mind and it included cleaning plush, CGD and 3 area rugs ( 1 oriental ) I would have purchased it but thought it was too big and heavy to use in homes... I own an RX20 and was looking for a residential tool

As far as demo, I bought the 360i quad sight unseen with a 7 day money back guarantee (minus shipping )

I don't blame you one bit for hesitating on purchasing a $2 grand plus machine without a guarantee, but I think you're experienced enough to be able to demo a unit for an hour or two and make an informed decision

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Jumbo is absolutely correct

You can get away without rotary extraction in your tool kit but it cleans better


My demo of the HOSS was with a specific search in mind and it included cleaning plush, CGD and 3 area rugs ( 1 oriental ) I would have purchased it but thought it was too big and heavy to use in homes... I own an RX20 and was looking for a residential tool

As far as demo, I bought the 360i quad sight unseen with a 7 day money back guarantee (minus shipping )

I don't blame you one bit for hesitating on purchasing a $2 grand plus machine without a guarantee, but I think you're experienced enough to be able to demo a unit for an hour or two and make an informed decision

I used a RX for years..and I would use nothing else but the Hoss on gets under the edges of have less area to cut in with the don't have that big head like the RX to worry about getting close to things and either tearing them up or flinging water on them....

3 or 4 jobs a day....5 or 6 days a week...I do 95% residential and it comes out every job....both trucks.....

do this with a RX......


or this......


or this.....


and you will never edge this close..........

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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
If I didn't clean carpets and see how they look year in and year out and how long (very long, if you wish to know) it takes them to re-soil, I would have bought all the hoopla.

It may set you apart in your head (which is important.) However, clients don't care what machine you use. As long as it dries fast enough, looks good after the cleaning and stays clean.

If it makes you work less hard, if it makes you feel better, If your body aches less, if it helps production, if you clean a lot of trashed carpet, or hell- whatever strikes your fancy, than great- use it.

Just don't give me that crap about separating one from the competition because one spent, drum roll please! - The whopping grand total of $2600.00.
If that's what really separates one from the competition, my condolences. Your competitive advantage is........... $2600.00 deep.

Better plan a second career :eekk:
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Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
I disagree Ofer. the reason it sets us apart is because you will never be able to get the carpet as clean as we can with a nice rotary. Our clients may not care what we use, but they do notice that we got it cleaner than the last person, which is one of the comments I hear the most. Essentially every cleaner in my town uses a wand. You can only do so much with a wand. I've had clients of mine tell me that during the bid process other cleaners told them that "there is no difference in the cleaning ability in any tools". "they all clean the same". If I was a cheap hack I'd say the same thing.
Oct 10, 2006
Ann Arbor
Steve Lawrence
Nice pics, Jim. Thanks for that. I can see why you love the Hoss so well.

I can't say that I've ever seen any of our RX's sling water, though, unless there was a clogged jet or damaged brass tube.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Nice pics, Jim. Thanks for that. I can see why you love the Hoss so well.

I can't say that I've ever seen any of our RX's sling water, though, unless there was a clogged jet or damaged brass tube.

no more of this heat loss........


this is the only rotary that can sit this low to the ground....maintain its heat...move at a good speed with out streaking....and still flush the hell out of the carpets and give you a great dry time...



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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Wow nice work Jim!

With more mills wanting a CRB to clean their carpets, wouldn't you think that would be the next big thing. A CRB with spray bars or jets that we can hook up to our TM's? Is it too difficult to build or is ther no demand?

At least on commercial carpets I could see where an machine of that type 18-20 inces wide would be of little fatigue and would clean like a monster. A Zipper with agitation???

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
If I didn't clean carpets and see how they look year in and year out and how long (very long, if you wish to know) it takes them to re-soil, I would have bought all the hoopla.

It may set you apart in your head (which is important.) However, clients don't care what machine you use. As long as it dries fast enough, looks good after the cleaning and stays clean.

If it makes you work less hard, if it makes you feel better, If your body aches less, if it helps production, if you clean a lot of trashed carpet, or hell- whatever strikes your fancy, than great- use it.

Just don't give me that crap about separating one from the competition because one spent, drum roll please! - The whopping grand total of $2600.00.
If that's what really separates one from the competition, my condolences. Your competitive advantage is........... $2600.00 deep.

Better plan a second career :eekk:
"Homeowners make most of there value decisions based on their relationship with your employees" Steve Toburen SFS

I want to deliver the best cleaning we can but if their is not enough connection between you and the client they maybe not call you back. It is more than just cleaning, its the experience. You can't have great cleaning and leave them indifferent about the experience.

So some of y'all with little or no personality.....yer fooked! This includes you Ofer or Over or what ever your name is. :p

J/K you might have enough to get by! :winky:

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
If I didn't clean carpets and see how they look year in and year out and how long (very long, if you wish to know) it takes them to re-soil, I would have bought all the hoopla.

It may set you apart in your head (which is important.) However, clients don't care what machine you use. As long as it dries fast enough, looks good after the cleaning and stays clean.

If it makes you work less hard, if it makes you feel better, If your body aches less, if it helps production, if you clean a lot of trashed carpet, or hell- whatever strikes your fancy, than great- use it.

Just don't give me that crap about separating one from the competition because one spent, drum roll please! - The whopping grand total of $2600.00.
If that's what really separates one from the competition, my condolences. Your competitive advantage is........... $2600.00 deep.

Better plan a second career :eekk:

Of for God's sake. I thought this argument was settled 40 years ago at the dawn of steam cleaning. A rotary prior to ( a 175) or during
( a rotary extractor) will outclean a wand only cleaning on every carpet that has impacted lanes or hundreds of heavy spots. 35 years ago I was a subcontractor working for a company that did the wand only thing with portys. I was called and hired by them because of their receptionist who knew me from another company she worked for. I was told by management to not use my Clarke C15 (rotary with brush) because "we are steam cleaners not shampooers". I ignored them and would clean with the 175/wand combo. I would get no redos, only calls complementing my work, whereas they would have a high (10-20%) redo rate with their mostly company owned wand only crews. They eventually had to concede that 175/wand combo was vastly superior and bought 9 Clarke C15s like I had.
Sadly (to use Cole's favorite term), the onset on super high powered high heat TMs did not remove the need for a rotary machine.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
So many ways to go back and forth with the end we will just continue on down the same road...

because there are times i wanna choke the hell out of you to, because you are just as hard headed as me about being right (that janitorial contract we went back and forth on for 1, to recap.....the supply issue was a none issue as the job paid for most, everything else hrs, what to pay was pretty much laid out by the base....yet they were 50k lower??? anyway what ever)

and as far as the auto scrubbers are 15 and 9 yrs old, and work just fine....i picked up a 360 for dirt cheap, and took off the shroud and it still runs fine, the rx was used, and i cleaned it up....i still have 3 mops from my original dozen i bought 17 yrs ago....the Everest was already beat and abused...Just because I choose "modify" does not mean i ruin it....I fix it and work on them so i know how to do it in the field when no one is there to help it go.....

I agree i am a very different type person in those things...I read that people buy this or that and turn around and buy something else...makes me run it, fix and run it some more....quit just throwing crap away, like most do....

anyway....same ole same ole....

hows the weather


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
So some of y'all with little or no personality.....yer fooked!
Exactly why I thought you should consider a second career!
Of course, besides your first one. Which rumor has it, has to do with horses, like being stepped on and something else not to be mentioned in this very family oriented board.
If we are to keep our G-13 rating :lol:
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