You have to admire Bristor's passion..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Monday, February 2, 2015 4:23 AM, Joe Bristor
> <> wrote:
> Good
> Morning Vietnam
> VT14
> represented a glimpse of the future
> of wanding. A true beginning. Now it’s being taken away so
> others, other than
> you, can profit.
> Hundreds
> of VT wands have sold at
> $599, but I took production away from Vietnam Tony and went
> to US Production
> instead and passed savings on to you.
> At $499
> these are the best value in
> wands today.
> Tony went
> behind my back to the guy
> who hates me most, the guy saying I’m banned from all the
> boards. The guy who
> says I stole the filter idea.
> Are these two guys
> honest people or
> are they liars and cons? Tony Dang has
> already
> admitted to be a copy-cat manufacturer, copying my
> VT, making it cheaper,
> then underselling me
> at tradeshows put on by the same people who knocked off my
> cuffs.
> Some of you even buy
> these knockoffs.
> By doing so, you are supporting the cheapening of us all.
> You realize that don’t
> you?
> Likewise, my PMF Ti 15
> wands are a top
> seller, with better parts than the ‘stock’ Mach15 being
> sold by ‘regular’
> suppliers.
> The difference really is
> knowledge.
> Those who know will pick my version every time. Why?
> Simple... same price
> + better parts = more Value.
> Have you recommended my
> PMF Ti15 to
> any other cleaner?
> The established boards
> have done their
> best to silence me, and even prevent you of free speech.
> Just like what happened to
> the café, these boardlords make money for
> nothing by preventing what used to be open, free discussion,
> now speech
> controlled for their monetary benefit only; the greedy few.
> And there you are
> supporting these boards. Right?
> Me and my products have
> been eerily silenced; replaced with lesser
> quality aluminium (instead of
> stainless) while
> selling for more money back to $599
> (with no
> justification).
> No mention of the lesser
> quality. No need to since the higher
> quality option has been eliminated.
> Not much different than if you were
> prevented from
> advertising your cleaning services.
> What would you do but go to your loyal
> customers and ask for
> their support & referrals.
> I used to get a good
> portion of
> my sales from the boards.
> If I have to go back to
> paid advertising it will cause my prices to go up.
> I’m thinking I would
> rather pay you to promote me rather than pay some
> magazine.
> It works better coming
> from you anyway, but it needs to happen.
> At this point what are you
> doing to help?
> What are
> you willing to do in the
> future?
> Or ...
> are you even helping?
> I’ve made it possible
> for you to help prevent all this deception by
> speaking up; I’m even paying you to do it.
> Or you can let the value
> I’ve brought to this industry get swept
> under the rug while the boardlords get paid with money from
> your pockets. This
> is what’s happening you
> know?
> The same guy who’s
> saying I’m banned from all boards is the same guy
> paying these board owners, secretly, for my silencing. You realize this is what’s going on
> correct?
> These are questions I
> expect you to reply to, OK?
> Are you talking up the VT
> wands you own?
> Really?
> Where?
> Tony Dang is from Vietnam.
> Tony has always been a
> knock off artist; a promoter of cheapened goods. Now, many are the
> goods made by the
> x-husband of the owner of CMP, a guy who
> can’t even reside in the US because of his back child
> support issues.
> So he makes aluminum wands
> and sends them to Tony who sells them
> through Tom Conway.
> Do you approve of
> this?
> These are the people you
> are supporting, encouraging. Did you know
> any of this?
> Selling Vietnam through
> Conway… get
> ready to stock completely different gear, trigger valves,
> rebuilds, kits,
> glides, etc. ready?
> You
> see Tony Vietnam Dang hates Westpak.
> He spent years trying to
> knock off the
> Westpak trigger valve – and failed.
> There it was, right
> there in his hand
> yet he couldn’t even copy it.
> So he went with a cheap
> Chinese
> knockoff.
> The whole reason Westpak
> was born,
> they innovated a better valve, is being taken away in the
> name of
> cheapness.
> Are you a part to this?
> You definitely
> are unless you are speaking up against
> it.
> So are you speaking up
> against it?
> Really?
> When?
> Where?
> In place of the
> soft feel of the Westpak Soft Touch you are
> silently being slipped a different trigger. Are you
> aware of this? Do you
> care? Non American made QDs?
> Lesser quality
> strainers, etc.
> Of course none of this
> is being
> mentioned is it? Instead, they
> are
> marketing this aluminum wand as a Prochem Replica and
> actually paying liars to
> say it’s better than the Prochem Titanium.
> Am
> I the only one speaking up against
> this?
> Or are you
> too?
> Where?
> Show me?
> Not exactly happy about
> this new
> Vietnamese standard issue?
> Takeover?
> Back to the low quality
> that I’ve stepped up to squash over the last
> 10 years?
> What do you plan to do to
> prevent it?
> ‘Customized’ will be
> replaced ‘mass
> produced in Vietnam’ ... but only if you let it.
> You simply won’t hear
> ‘custom’ or
> ‘Soft Touch’ anymore.
> Ready & willing to
> accept
> it?
> Fact is YOU are all there
> is from stopping it.
> Will you be proud to say
> you were part of the demise of Wanders’
> Products, opting for militarized-like, standardized issue
> instead?
> Weren’t you liking the
> idea of being able to change heads at will?
> Stock one rebuild kit for all your tools? Call one guy to solve all your
> accessory related problems?
> If so, prove it.
> Please make me aware of your
> response.
> Learn how to do a screen
> capture if you don’t already know and do it fast because
> the most deceitful will
> erase your words or change them as fast as they can.
> Since I’ve been blocked,
> it is up to you to keep these things you’ve
> grown to like alive.
> What do you plan to do to
> help in this matter?
> Joe


Feb 20, 2013
San Diego
Tom Patnode
sounds like he wants others to fight his battle.
i dont have a issue with tom conway.
no issue with tony dang. Dont even know who he is.
funny both the big forums are talking about joe bristor. If not for that i wouldn't know him either
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Wow....I mean WOW...If you guys that have dealt and or continue to deal with him my suggestion for you is, if you do not currently have a carry permit go GET ONE and carry at all times. He is not far away from going full postal...I am going to copy and print that out and hand it out every time someone ask me what do I think about...

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
You gotta love Joe.

He embodies the term "Rage against the Machine". He will never be assimilated.

You guys forget our whole industry was founded by a bunch of guys who just didn't give flip what anyone thought. In many ways Joe reminds me a little of Ed York. I think they would have got along well.

Take care,

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
he had a few actually.

All are gone or not associated with him anymore.

He should be HERE if for nothing else to piss off those facebook fags Olson and Cobb..

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
the guy has more personalities then Sybil and is his own worse enemy....

Take all that away and he has/had this industry by the man...and has good stuff...
stuff that people will need for years to come...but he spends more time shooting him self in the foot then growing what he has...

I like Joe...but he is a difficult person to get along day he will agree with you and work with you and the next he will cut you off at the knees.....

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Take all that away and he has/had this industry by the man...and has good stuff..
I agree but he has get over that profit is an evil thing. He should also stay behind the scenes until the time comes that he can control his tirades. He has the smarts and can offer a lot to the industry if he could just control himself.

Joe I kid a lot with you but I do wish you well. Seek help so you can better help the cleaners of our industry.
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Jan 16, 2015
A.J. Hodges
Glad you posted this. He has the most informative write up I have found about choosing a new wand.

Looks like he knows a thing or too. Smart people often are a little strange and possibly abrasive in my experience....
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Joel D

May 23, 2007
Oakfield, NY
Joel Darker
Many many people need meds, therapy etc. for mental, emotional problems nowadays. There is still such a stigma associated with it though. But its no different then getting treatment for cancer. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Joel D

May 23, 2007
Oakfield, NY
Joel Darker
Just look at long Marty and Chavez have needed help. Even after so many people saying they're just not right in the head. They just wont listen.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Many many people need meds, therapy etc. for mental, emotional problems nowadays. There is still such a stigma associated with it though. But its no different then getting treatment for cancer. Nothing to be ashamed of.

I would like to step up and offer to be Joe's shoulder to lean on.


I purchased from Joe for awhile, liked his shutoffs, QDs and cuffs

Then he went ballistic on me and tossed me from his bulletin board... He'll claim. I turned on him but it was really one of his voices impersonating mine inside his head :biggrin:

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