2.5 Hose..finally



harryhides said:
James Cooper said:
get over the epiphany and learn to read and comprehend.
I will make it simple for you - me do tests .

me give results .
me tell brainwashed they pay extra for same results as 4 2 door.
me laugh at lemmings .
lemmings stupid jump off cliffs.
Greenie laugh at lemmings.
Greenie count money .
stupid lemmings.

So let me get this straight:

Games Cooper who hates Greenie and has promoted Joe Bristor and Nick Nellos who also both appear to hate Greenie is going to get some 2.5" vac hose because he has never used any to prove to dozens of people who have used both 4td and 2.5" that he is right and they are wrong. After providing this "proof" they are all going to revert to using 4td and sing his praises and thank him for showing them all what stupid lemmings they are.
He is going to disregard the PITA factor in his "tests" which is the whole reason most of these lemmings changed to 2.5".

That about it ?

Hate is such a nasty word Tony . I dont hate Greenie , I dont hate Mikey . I dont hate MB . I do however hate folks making stupid asumptions . Tony , you make stupid asumptions.

Why would you take it so personal when I ask greenie a question concerning performance ?? He couldnt give me an answer so I volunteered to do testing . I dont beleive he got upset or pissed , I dont see Mikey crying about it , so whats your problem ??
Jul 12, 2008
James Cooper said:
harryhides said:
[quote="James Cooper":2hu8knxe]
get over the epiphany and learn to read and comprehend.
I will make it simple for you - me do tests .

me give results .
me tell brainwashed they pay extra for same results as 4 2 door.
me laugh at lemmings .
lemmings stupid jump off cliffs.
Greenie laugh at lemmings.
Greenie count money .
stupid lemmings.

So let me get this straight:

Games Cooper who hates Greenie and has promoted Joe Bristor and Nick Nellos who also both appear to hate Greenie is going to get some 2.5" vac hose because he has never used any to prove to dozens of people who have used both 4td and 2.5" that he is right and they are wrong. After providing this "proof" they are all going to revert to using 4td and sing his praises and thank him for showing them all what stupid lemmings they are.
He is going to disregard the PITA factor in his "tests" which is the whole reason most of these lemmings changed to 2.5".

That about it ?

Hate is such a nasty word Tony . I dont hate Greenie , I dont hate Mikey . I dont hate MB . I do however hate folks making stupid asumptions . Tony , you make stupid asumptions.

Why would you take it so personal when I ask greenie a question concerning performance ?? He couldnt give me an answer so I volunteered to do testing . I dont beleive he got upset or pissed , I dont see Mikey crying about it , so whats your problem ??[/quote:2hu8knxe]

Man up brother your on a mission of hate, admit it...go clean some carpets..or simply STFU....your pointless bablins are getting old even to me...and thats bad.


STFU is such strong words Curtis . Now that sounds like hate to me . If you are bored , tired , upset , feeling hateful , perhaps its time to step away from this thread for a while .


Rex Tyus said:
I don't hate you James. I just see you as a raving lunatic.

I know you dont Rex . wait til you meet me in person , you'll see Im really a nice guy .


Rex Tyus said:
[quote="James Cooper":39dykp2b] I know you dont Rex . wait til you meet me in person , you'll see Im really a nice guy .

Most short bus kids are.[/quote:39dykp2b]

Spoken from experience Rex ??

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Yes actually my best friend is a special needs teacher. I see them all the time. That is how I can pick someone as "special" as you out of a crowd.


Oct 7, 2006
James Cooper said:
Hate is such a nasty word Tony . I dont hate Greenie , I dont hate Mikey . I dont hate MB . I do however hate folks making stupid asumptions. Tony , you make stupid asumptions.

Why would you take it so personal when I ask greenie a question concerning performance ?? He couldnt give me an answer so I volunteered to do testing . I dont beleive he got upset or pissed , I dont see Mikey crying about it , so whats your problem ??

Looks like James is getting ruffled poor deary.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Keep in mind James I roll up 150' of hose, 100' of 2.5 and 50' of 2" in 30 seconds. When I was converting my TM to 4td Greenie never pushed me to get the 2.5.. I did tell him I HATE to run hoses and I didn't make it more then a month before I went with the 2.5 and have been loving it ever since.

My set up and break down has never been as quick as it is now and really can't think of any way to make it faster... I have my solution line mounted to the top of my TM and my 50' inside line strapped to the front of my TM.. So I walk to the door with enough sol. line for any job and my HF. I also have a shut off on my sol. reel hose so when I'm done(or black death issue) I can carry my lead hose out with the wand. I peel off as much vac. line as needed, and I'm good to go. I really don't think there is any more efficent way to work.. If anyone knows anything that could help time wise I would like to hear it.

As being an O/O there is some reason I like things easy...you know? I will have everything I have on the van I have now on every van I have in the future even for my employees.


Keith glad it works for you . Guys need to continue to work out new and better ways of doing things and report.

Tony , whats the latest on your take over the IICRC project ?? When I saw you and Ruth Travis in that photo together I figured that was your new angle . Any success there or are you currently doing consulting work with Rosie ??
Jul 12, 2008
James Cooper said:
STFU is such strong words Curtis . Now that sounds like hate to me . If you are bored , tired , upset , feeling hateful , perhaps its time to step away from this thread for a while .

Your right I take that back(STFU) I had a rough day yesterday and I was a little crabby, your still annoying though and I actually started this thread...lol


Oct 7, 2006
James Cooper said:
Keith glad it works for you . Guys need to continue to work out new and better ways of doing things and report.

It's comments like this that remind me why these guys ride your ass Coop. THEY are doing it daily, THEY are working out new solutions and putting them to work in their business, and frankly, have been for years, you are late to the game, and for some reason see yourself as the savior for the comman man. Maybe you should sit back and learn a bit and ask some questions of those who have paved the road ahead of you.


Greenie said:
James Cooper said:
Keith glad it works for you . Guys need to continue to work out new and better ways of doing things and report.

It's comments like this that remind me why these guys ride your ass Coop. THEY are doing it daily, THEY are working out new solutions and putting them to work in their business, and frankly, have been for years, you are late to the game, and for some reason see yourself as the savior for the comman man. Maybe you should sit back and learn a bit and ask some questions of those who have paved the road ahead of you.

I been at this a lot longer than you have , probably even before your window washing career.

I asked some questions and your goon squad of loyal waterbuffalos decided asking for numbers to substantiate claims was blasphemy and and a personal attack .

I think its good that you try to look outside the box , but dont shoot the guy that asks questions when you dont have the answers .

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
OMFG here we go again. The "questions" you asked had been discussed IN DETAIL 2 years ago. The complaint then was that 2 2" to a Y was NOT worth the trouble. The critics said a single 2" was enough.

For the ease of the operator 2.5" became available. The critics were still stuck on 2" all the while.

Now out of the blue the 2" forever guys are promoting 2 2" as the way to go. You know this is the case yet you keep making the same dumbass comments every opportunity. If you actually have a question ask it for **** sake.

Did I ever tell you you are like a 4 year old kid asking "are we there yet? How much further?" You can't comprehend the answer even after it has been given.

I will not be able to keep repeating my self on this topic tonight. Could some one else TRY and explain it to the 4 year old in terms he can understand.


May 19, 2007
Rex Tyus said:
I will not be able to keep repeating my self on this topic tonight. Could some one else TRY and explain it to the 4 year old in terms he can understand.

I have a 5 year old and you're not able to correct them when they are wrong when they think they are right, by means of posting on a BB.

You're wasting your time. I have already given up on this DAT, there is no reason to go on just because one man can't seem to get what's going on here. However I do get a kick out of watching it.


Hey Rex,haven't got that scroll button fixed yet?To bad,cause when Coop starts rambling on and on I just scroll on by.


To all the dumbasses with ADD or whatever name they give to the chronically stupid , read my first post on this thread. It has not changed 1 iota from the beginning , unlike you Fred Aistaire wanna bes.

To all you pussies on this board that have tried 2.5 and no longer use it BUT was too afraid to post on the subject , KMA !

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Kevin P said:
Hey Rex,haven't got that scroll button fixed yet?To bad,cause when Coop starts rambling on and on I just scroll on by.

Just go into the user control panel and block his name....he can ramble all he wants and any thing he says does not come up on my computer..........


Jim block all you want , you cant avoid the wake I create .

In all seriousness , you aint still sore cause I busted on ya are you ?

I thought this was the big boy board . Rex aint no baby and can hold his own quite well.


Oct 7, 2006
I don't like the block list, it's a bit painfull to see EVERY post, but I'd rather give it a shot, never know, might be a newbie that reads something and without opposing information to balance it, how would they know it's wrong, would be like cleaning solely with OP back in the day.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
He has nothing to offer to anyone ..some people are just not wasting time over..not like he is offering advice on anything just rambeling on about things that he has no clue over....personally I could care a less what he has to say about me....just goes to show his childish side and I won't waste anymore of my time dealing with with him.......I have more important things that need my attention...so no matter what he says I can't see it...

2.5 is not for everyone..and you sure as hell aren't going to throw 50 foot on your truck and come here tomorrow with results..I tested that filter for almost 6 months before I really said to much about it...
Is he going to use his broken down 777 or his butler....how is each one set up...how is each one piped...
way to many variables for one to go on...one would think that after 20 years in the industry he should be a bit more knowledgeable about things then he put himself out to be...

Personally everything has to be balanced for the equipment you are using and the application for your set up....

If you are going to put it down ..you damn well better be able to pick it back up...if you can use 2.5 and you find it works for you them fine..it does not make you wrong...same as using 4 to the door..it is just what ever your balance is and which direction you want to put your company....

when I had this set up I did not test it...I could not tell you which on was better or worse...I can not tell you if one dried faster or not...for me it was not user friendly for my set up....so I never took it to the testing stages....I have a few jobs that take every inch of my 2 inch vacuum hose and with the 2.5 on the reel I lost some distance....so it stopped there..It was just not efficient enough for me to continue using..Dry times are not a issue where I live.. .If some one has put the 2.5 on there machine and found it is a good balance for them then that is all that matters......not what everyone else has to say about it.........


Jim Martin said:
He has nothing to offer to anyone ..some people are just not wasting time over..not like he is offering advice on anything just rambeling on about things that he has no clue over....personally I could care a less what he has to say about me....just goes to show his childish side and I won't waste anymore of my time dealing with with him.......I have more important things that need my attention...so no matter what he says I can't see it...

2.5 is not for everyone..and you sure as hell aren't going to throw 50 foot on your truck and come here tomorrow with results..I tested that filter for almost 6 months before I really said to much about it...
Is he going to use his broken down 777 or his butler....how is each one set up...how is each one piped...
way to many variables for one to go on...one would think that after 20 years in the industry he should be a bit more knowledgeable about things then he put himself out to be...

Personally everything has to be balanced for the equipment you are using and the application for your set up....

If you are going to put it down ..you damn well better be able to pick it back up...if you can use 2.5 and you find it works for you them fine..it does not make you wrong...same as using 4 to the door..it is just what ever your balance is and which direction you want to put your company....

when I had this set up I did not test it...I could not tell you which on was better or worse...I can not tell you if one dried faster or not...for me it was not user friendly for my set up....so I never took it to the testing stages....I have a few jobs that take every inch of my 2 inch vacuum hose and with the 2.5 on the reel I lost some distance....so it stopped there..It was just not efficient enough for me to continue using..Dry times are not a issue where I live.. .If some one has put the 2.5 on there machine and found it is a good balance for them then that is all that matters......not what everyone else has to say about it.........

Jim , Jim , Jim I dont care if you read this , in fact for your state of mind and health its probably best you didnt .

First , if dry times isnt a motivation for trying to add extra vac , what the heck is ?? You seem to be a walking contradiction. But one thing is clear . You picked your words very carefully when describing your use / non use of 2.5 . Either you loved it and its the cats meow or it sucked ?? Didnt you feel the thump ?? I thought that was one of the most obvious characteristics of 2.5 ?? Besides the no hassle setup / breakdowns of course .

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Coop, I'm kind of curious, have you ever run 4-2-dr?

You mentioned you have 2.5 "coming"
So it's safe to presume you never used 2.5.

but am curious if you've run 4-2-dr




meAt said:
Coop, I'm kind of curious, have you ever run 4-2-dr?

You mentioned you have 2.5 "coming"
So it's safe to presume you never used 2.5.

but am curious if you've run 4-2-dr



You know why I like you Cap ? You cut through all the bs and get to the heart of the matter .

So I will too - yes I run it daily if needed .

I have tested it vs. 2 inch at various lengths and with the y in various positions within hose runs.

This whole thread was pretty much over before the first page was done. The rest was strictly entertainment on my part and attempted slight of hand by the goon squad .


Oct 7, 2006
James Cooper said:
This whole thread was pretty much over before the first page was done. The rest was strictly entertainment on my part and attempted slight of hand by the goon squad .

Pretty much sums it up don't it - entertainment for us all watching Coops dancing for days.

Look dear, all the boys are marching out of step except for our James says Mom to Dad.


Supportive Member
May 17, 2007
Prove it coop show us your hoses and Y 's , show us some reason you actually have any credibality to your name.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Chads said:
Prove it coop show us your hoses and Y 's , show us some reason you actually have any credibality to your name.

Cooper has no intention of proving anything or doing anything useful here. He came to the hate board to stir up crap and make a stink and ridicule Greenie. That's a shame because it would be nice for the 99% of TM users to actually see evidence of a performance increase from their standard 2 inch vac hose they use to a 4TD or 2 1/2 conversion Greenie has been recommending. He and Damion68 (whoever that is) can go back to the hipocrite board and chuckle about kicking some ass. Pathetic.


Art Kelley said:
Chads said:
Prove it coop show us your hoses and Y 's , show us some reason you actually have any credibality to your name.

Cooper has no intention of proving anything or doing anything useful here. He came to the hate board to stir up crap and make a stink and ridicule Greenie. That's a shame because it would be nice for the 99% of TM users to actually see evidence of a performance increase from their standard 2 inch vac hose they use to a 4TD or 2 1/2 conversion Greenie has been recommending. He and Damion68 (whoever that is) can go back to the hipocrite board and chuckle about kicking some ass. Pathetic.

First off , myself and one of your own members have already done the 2inch vs. 4 to the door at lengths of 100 , 150 , and 200 ( with the y at the truck , at 50 , 100 and 150 ) .

I have also done wand testing . Would you be surprised to know they all flow about the same air ??? Do the testing yourself if you want to find out . Or if you would like to give me a call I would be glad to help you .

harryhides said:
James Cooper said:
This whole thread was pretty much over before the first page was done. The rest was strictly entertainment on my part and attempted slight of hand by the goon squad .

Pretty much sums it up don't it - entertainment for us all watching Coops dancing for days.

Look dear, all the boys are marching out of step except for our James says Mom to Dad.

You like watching boys Tony ???? Kinda puts things in perspective , doesnt it ??


May 19, 2007
James Cooper said:
First off , myself and one of your own members have already done the 2inch vs. 4 to the door at lengths of 100 , 150 , and 200 ( with the y at the truck , at 50 , 100 and 150 ) .

I have also done wand testing . Would you be surprised to know they all flow about the same air ??? Do the testing yourself if you want to find out . Or if you would like to give me a call I would be glad to help you .

Like I said before CFM alone doesn't tell you anything. But you can't seem to understand that simple concept.
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