I know its hard to repair over the internet and i haven't ran a V but i used to be a diesel mechanic yrs ago.
If i can be of any help 252-237-4058
Shawn York said:Marty, If that's NOT the problem I'm sure we can find out what it is. It really is the most simple TM in the industry next to a Bane.
Fred Boyle said:[quote="Shawn York":3mzi2rbo]Marty, If that's NOT the problem I'm sure we can find out what it is. It really is the most simple TM in the industry next to a Bane.
Bob Foster said:Not being too familiar with the setup but I have to ask a question. On some trucks equipped with a PTO it is very hard on them if the truck is driven while the PTO is engaged.
Marty is there any chance you have done this by accident?
A better machine has an interlock on it to prevent this from being possible but I don't know about this one.
admiralclean said:It could very well be a pto gear issue. In fact, if I get the solenoid on it and it fixes the problem I will be surprised. The thing is, without any way of detecting it, short of tearing it down and looking, who can say?
If the solenoid doesn't work, then off to some kind of farm equipment or dump-truck repair place I go.
admiralclean said:Admit it, Curtis. You can't scroll by a thread of mine, can you?
harryhides said:This thread has been most satisfactory, may it continue for months.