How many of you will NET 250k next year?

Net 250 or more

  • Total voters


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Dave Yoakum said:
Right on Greenie!!

Anyone that thinks that Pelosi, Reed and Obama will look out for the best interest of anyone except themselves or their own party, need to get their head examined!!

And W did, Right? He truly cares about the small guys.
And MC and the Alaskan fundamentalist they are all heart. They don't care about their party at all. They are practically saints!

Now, compared to W, McCain is a good guy. And I believe that like Obama he truly cares about people.

However, if you don't want 8 more years like W. If you want change, vote Bama, at least he'll try and he does care.

Vote the right thing Dave- Yes you can.

Larry B

Jun 23, 2008
Pigeon Forge, TN
Larry Burrell
kolfer1 said:
Dave Yoakum said:
Right on Greenie!!

Anyone that thinks that Pelosi, Reed and Obama will look out for the best interest of anyone except themselves or their own party, need to get their head examined!!

And W did, Right? He truly cares about the small guys.
And MC and the Alaskan fundamentalist they are all heart. They don't care about their party at all. They are practically saints!

Now, compared to W, McCain is a good guy. And I believe that like Obama he truly cares about people.

However, if you don't want 8 more years like W. If you want change, vote Bama, at least he'll try and he does care.

Vote the right thing Dave- Yes you can.

Watch who you vote for I was reading on the net that Obama is the antichrist.


May 15, 2008
kolfer1 said:
Dave Yoakum said:
Right on Greenie!!

Anyone that thinks that Pelosi, Reed and Obama will look out for the best interest of anyone except themselves or their own party, need to get their head examined!!

And W did, Right? He truly cares about the small guys.
And MC and the Alaskan fundamentalist they are all heart. They don't care about their party at all. They are practically saints!

Now, compared to W, McCain is a good guy. And I believe that like Obama he truly cares about people.

However, if you don't want 8 more years like W. If you want change, vote Bama, at least he'll try and he does care.

Vote the right thing Dave- Yes you can.

Anybody who supports McCain must love the way this country has turned to mush. He is Bush and things will continue to worsen if he is elected. I'm not saying Obama will fix anything or make it better, but we need something different. Obama is getting my vote this time around.


Oct 7, 2006
Brian Robison said:
MikeD00019 said:
Kinda weird how everyone voted for the old man in the last poll on here,
but its the black man that is gonna give everyone making under 250k a tax break...huh!
A lot of us ain't making more than 250k a year. Just an observation. :?:

Dude, Think about what you just said.
I don't want to make under 250k a year but because I do I still don't want people making over that to have more taxes...why?

Because I plan on being one of those people who make over 250k.
Get it?

He's too young to remember Jimmy Carter and how bad things were. He doesn't know that Obama's policies are simular to Carters but much more extreme. He doesn't know that since World War II, the USA has been fighting against the same Socialist Ideals/Policies that Obama brings.


May 19, 2007
If you ask me Bush is a freaking democrat in republicans clothing.

Look at him hopping on this stimulus bill that pelosi brought up. Spend spend spend.....the democrats way.

McCain is not Bush....doesn't even look or act like him him. Policies are different too.

The youth can truly be ingnorant. I don't like bush so i hate all Republicans. :roll: So I want a democrat to increase taxes and spending....increase government because I think the government does a great job running things so they should run everything. :roll:

Government workers are usually the laziest most inefficient group of people there are. Look at our education system.....they can't get that one right and it's one of the most important institutions the government has something to do with.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Obama is a poverty pimp. He wants to "help" the poor feel better about being poor without trying to get out of being poor. Most people in the world are content with poverty and very content complaining about it without doing a damn thing.

Anyone hear about Hawaii dropping it's state sponsored health plan after only 7 months???
This is the same program Obama wants to model HIS program after.

And Obama did Cocaine back in the day.
Nothing hurts this guy because the people voting for him have done some of the same things.

Birds of a feather.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum

You are a young whipper snapper so you might want to use a little logic and not just platitudes and bumper sticker good feelings to make a sound political judgement.

As far as the economy collapse. With a little investigation you will see that Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Barry Obama, ACORN, Carter, Clinton the liberal run fanniemae, freddiemac and blocking of votes by the entire Democrat Congress are the root of the problem.

The republicans have been trying to avert this pending crisis for years.

They were blocked and rebuffed at every turn.

Did you notice how thing changed for the worse the last 2 years since the Dems have been in control?

The only real change will be if we can limit liberal policies. Not to give them absolute control.

Carter was bad. He gave us,High gas prises. His energy plan was to put on a sweater. High unemployment, Higher tax rates, Very high interest rates and inflation.

Obama and both houses of congress with their very extreme left wing agenda will be devastating!!!

Barney Frank is already shouting that we should not worry about deficit spending and tax rates will have to have even higher than projected. Just a small sign of what may come.



Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Dave Yoakum said:

You are a young whipper snapper so you might want to use a little logic and not just platitudes and bumper sticker good feelings to make a sound political judgement.

As far as the economy collapse. With a little investigation you will see that Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Barry Obama, ACORN, Carter, Clinton the liberal run fanniemae, freddiemac and blocking of votes by the entire Democrat Congress are the root of the problem.

The republicans have been trying to avert this pending crisis for years.
They were blocked and rebuffed at every turn.

Did you notice how thing changed for the worse the last 2 years since the Dems have been in control?

The only real change will be if we can limit liberal policies. Not to give them absolute control.

Carter was bad. He gave us,High gas prises. His energy plan was to put on a sweater. High unemployment, Higher tax rates, Very high interest rates and inflation.

Obama and both houses of congress with their very extreme left wing agenda will be devastating!!!

Barney Frank is already shouting that we should not worry about deficit spending and tax rates will have to have even higher than projected. Just a small sign of what may come.

Talking about the pot calling the kettle black.
What have you been smoking?
And no, I am not going to ask if you inhaled as it is pretty much self evident from the piece above.

Sometime young people know better then old jaded ones.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Dave Yoakum said:

You are a young whipper snapper so you might want to use a little logic and not just platitudes and bumper sticker good feelings to make a sound political judgement.

As far as the economy collapse. With a little investigation you will see that Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Barry Obama, ACORN, Carter, Clinton the liberal run fanniemae, freddiemac and blocking of votes by the entire Democrat Congress are the root of the problem.

The republicans have been trying to avert this pending crisis for years.

They were blocked and rebuffed at every turn.

Did you notice how thing changed for the worse the last 2 years since the Dems have been in control?

The only real change will be if we can limit liberal policies. Not to give them absolute control.

Carter was bad. He gave us,High gas prises. His energy plan was to put on a sweater. High unemployment, Higher tax rates, Very high interest rates and inflation.

Obama and both houses of congress with their very extreme left wing agenda will be devastating!!!

Barney Frank is already shouting that we should not worry about deficit spending and tax rates will have to have even higher than projected. Just a small sign of what may come.




Supportive Member
Oct 22, 2006
kolfer1 said:
Dave Yoakum said:
Right on Greenie!!

Anyone that thinks that Pelosi, Reed and Obama will look out for the best interest of anyone except themselves or their own party, need to get their head examined!!

And W did, Right? He truly cares about the small guys.
And MC and the Alaskan fundamentalist they are all heart. They don't care about their party at all. They are practically saints!

Now, compared to W, McCain is a good guy. And I believe that like Obama he truly cares about people.

However, if you don't want 8 more years like W. If you want change, vote Bama, at least he'll try and he does care.

Vote the right thing Dave- Yes you can.

What makes you think Obama cares?


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
John La Rue said:
kolfer1 said:
[quote="Dave Yoakum":2dh4xtne]Right on Greenie!!

Anyone that thinks that Pelosi, Reed and Obama will look out for the best interest of anyone except themselves or their own party, need to get their head examined!!

And W did, Right? He truly cares about the small guys.
And MC and the Alaskan fundamentalist they are all heart. They don't care about their party at all. They are practically saints!

Now, compared to W, McCain is a good guy. And I believe that like Obama he truly cares about people.

However, if you don't want 8 more years like W. If you want change, vote Bama, at least he'll try and he does care.

Vote the right thing Dave- Yes you can.

What makes you think Obama cares?[/quote:2dh4xtne]
The same thing that makes me think McCain cares.
I think that both are decent honest, good people. I think that both want to serve the country well. They have a different way to do it. There are many ways to the mountain top.

I may not agree with McCain's political view but I do not need to demonize him to feel good.

He's a good guy and so is Obama.


May 15, 2008
I'm a independent. Reading what people post on here is amazing. A LOT of people (and you know who you are) on here are very uneducated and sound completely off course. I don't even know how to response to any of it. Just in the future don't repeat what you type on here out loud to anyone. They will think your retarded and lose respect for you, as a carpet cleaner and a person.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
MikeD00019 said:
I'm a independent. Reading what people post on here is amazing. A LOT of people (and you know who you are) on here are very uneducated and sound completely off course. I don't even know how to response to any of it. Just in the future don't repeat what you type on here out loud to anyone. They will think your retarded and lose respect for you, as a carpet cleaner and a person.

Don't be so hard on yourself. We all know you are young and naive. We know you will come around when you mature a bit.



May 19, 2007
Rex Tyus said:
MikeD00019 said:
I'm a independent. Reading what people post on here is amazing. A LOT of people (and you know who you are) on here are very uneducated and sound completely off course. I don't even know how to response to any of it. Just in the future don't repeat what you type on here out loud to anyone. They will think your retarded and lose respect for you, as a carpet cleaner and a person.

Don't be so hard on yourself. We all know you are young and naive. We know you will come around when you mature a bit.

Well said Rex

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
MikeD00019 said:
I'm a independent. Reading what people post on here is amazing. A LOT of people (and you know who you are) on here are very uneducated...

not to mention uninformed and downright unscrupulous...


May 15, 2008
Thanks, my buddy here said "the people your referring too will come out themselves"
I lost $20 bucks but it was funny.

Oh, I forgot that c_adkins thank you


Oct 7, 2006
Anyone that thinks Obama or McCain are "good people" is way off base, no normal logical human with a healthy psyche would run for an office like President, I don't trust either of them by nature, the folks you want for Pres. won't even consider taking the job, there is a message there somewhere.


May 15, 2008
Greenie said:
Anyone that thinks Obama or McCain are "good people" is way off base, no normal logical human with a healthy psyche would run for an office like President, I don't trust either of them by nature, the folks you want for Pres. won't even consider taking the job, there is a message there somewhere.

Amen. I like my father said to me, "who the hell would want the job anyway?"

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
MikeD00019 said:
I'm a independent. Reading what people post on here is amazing. A LOT of people (and you know who you are) on here are very uneducated and sound completely off course. I don't even know how to response to any of it. Just in the future don't repeat what you type on here out loud to anyone. They will think your retarded and lose respect for you, as a carpet cleaner and a person.

How about you respond by telling us in detail about obama Husseins' tax cuts. Since you are an educated voter. Also, INDEPENDANT is another word for LIBERAL!


May 15, 2008
Mikeyxj8 said:
MikeD00019 said:
I'm a independent. Reading what people post on here is amazing. A LOT of people (and you know who you are) on here are very uneducated and sound completely off course. I don't even know how to response to any of it. Just in the future don't repeat what you type on here out loud to anyone. They will think your retarded and lose respect for you, as a carpet cleaner and a person.

How about you respond by telling us in detail about obama Husseins' tax cuts. Since you are an educated voter. Also, INDEPENDANT is another word for LIBERAL!

Obama hussein's? independent is another word for liberal? Are you for real with this crap? Read the quote you quoted, Don't repeat that unless your in your Klan meeting.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Mikeyxj8 said:
MikeD00019 said:
I'm a independent. Reading what people post on here is amazing. A LOT of people (and you know who you are) on here are very uneducated and sound completely off course. I don't even know how to response to any of it. Just in the future don't repeat what you type on here out loud to anyone. They will think your retarded and lose respect for you, as a carpet cleaner and a person.

How about you respond by telling us in detail about obama Husseins' tax cuts. Since you are an educated voter. Also, INDEPENDANT is another word for LIBERAL!

Hey Im just curious why you make it a point to call him by his middle name? I know that is what it is and we all know about Saddam's last name. So are you trying to call him a muslim or a terroist? Or ????????. I am curious because I have heard others do the same in the media and this BB and I am just wondering why? I have my own ideas why some people do it, but just curious to hear yours. McCains middle name is Sidney but that is *never* brought up, like Obama's. Kinda odd huh.


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I wonder why he tries to hide it.
Tom Sullivan and other have been instructed to NOT use it by the powers that be IE. Lib he just uses everyone elses middle name to make a point.

Not sure it does anything either way.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Brian Robison said:
I wonder why he tries to hide it.
Tom Sullivan and other have been instructed to NOT use it by the powers that be IE. Lib he just uses everyone elses middle name to make a point.

Not sure it does anything either way.

Obamas middle name isnt exactly common for an american and when you first hear that name what is the first thing that comes to mind? That is why he is not yelling it from the top of buildings. Its funny that someones name can invoke so much fear and hatred.


May 15, 2008
when you call out obama and use his middle name we all know what kind of person you are and even the mccain camp disapproves of that kind of stuff. Anybody with any common sense knows why they don't say it. And Obama does not hide it, his is in fact very proud of his heritage.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
MikeD00019 said:
when you call out obama and use his middle name we all know what kind of person you are and even the mccain camp disapproves of that kind of stuff. Anybody with any common sense knows why they don't say it. And Obama does not hide it, his is in fact very proud of his heritage.

McCain camp has many different fronts, some do approve and will do or say anything to get McCain win. McCain camp is a train wreck.


Oct 7, 2006
The name thing is silly, this IS America, now let's get on with the rest of the chaos that folks are calling an election year.

ps: I'm very "independent" and I'm a far throw from liberal, in fact I know lots of conservative independents, they are usually the same ones that think for themselves and aren't strangled by the myopia of religion.

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