Hydramaster CDS 4.8 Clutch Pully


Boy Sprout
Feb 4, 2016
I tried to tell you to buy new
Marty, this is all an experiment. I upped my marketing and hired a guy. If it works I'll buy another van and TM new. So far it seems to be working. I went to order a new van and they don't have any. I talked with Rick Aranda about putting an AeroTech DDS in a new van and all he can get ahold of is 6 cylinder vans. Butler has nothing in stock and the used vans are selling fast. Once the shortage snafu is over, I'll be buying.

I have my eye on an extended Chevy van that has a White Magic direct drive installed. The guy wants $14k for it. I might pick that up also.


Supportive Member
Jan 5, 2007
East Peoria Illinois
Kevin Leach
Well, my 1998 Lima Bean Special makes a screeching sound from the clutch pulley for the PTO that is mounted on the engine. To quiet it down I sprinkle a little Bar Keepers Friend on the pulley and that works for a day or two. I'm not going to keep sprinkling this stuff on there, I need to fix this. I'm not sure I got the correct part but I ordered a new electric clutch pulley from NAPA online Part #TEM 948435. It was $179. SteamBrite wanted double that. Anyway, I'm kinda guessing that this is the correct part. Can anyone help me out for sure? My van is a 1998 RamVan 2500 with a CDS 4.8 installed. @anon , @Pioneer Floorcare

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Don't forget to break in that new clutch properly. It will last a lot longer.
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