Ok. Here’s my gripe list for the Devastator.
1. It bugs me that PMF has anything to do with it. I’m just not a fan. I would choose Westpak over PMF.
Westpak is an importer, not a manufacturer
2. I prefer to use a vinyl cuff at the wand. It would be nice if the tube had a 3mm bevel at the cuff end.
Buy a grinder weirdo
3. The Mytee handle is OK. It serves it’s purpose. But, I have on several occasions laid the wand down flat to go under a bed, the wand heads go under but then the handle does not. These are instances where I need to go all the way under the bed to the opposite wall. The handle is wider than the head is tall.
So. I’m not excited about having the Mytee handle in the first place. I would prefer something like a suicide knob. Again. You asked. This is just what I would like.
4. The big chunk of metal for the the hose splitter is ugly and it catches on things. I’d like to see two smalller diameter hoses coming from the trigger to the manifolds.
Agreed, a Westpak Brass Y would be my choice, and Tom's I imagine
5. The manifolds. A true example of PMF phoning it in. Ok. First, can the manifolds be tucked under the spray shield. Can the solution fitting be a 90 also under the spray shield. So when you wand back against something you only come in contact with the shield. Not the hose. Not the fitting. Not the manifolds.
Move the manifold, you **** up everything, fail.
Second, can the manifolds have an offset instead of being straight. So that the jets can be set to fire straight to the
glide instead of the outside jets being turned.
6. The swivel. The swivel is solid. The swivel doesn’t need to be changed. But, could it be a smooth bore internal bearing. Yes the internal diameter is reduced but when connected at the vacuum chamber which is so narrow, does it truly matter.
Stop while you're ahead.
7. The vacuum chamber. I don’t care for the machining on the faceplate. Anyway, there is no real technology in the chamber other than a small rounded edge leading to the swivel. Have you ever seen the inside of a teardrop breather on an S&S carburetor. It has a cone directing airflow through the carb body. This has to be there for a dynamic reason. A cone could be added to the back of the faceplate for even crazier CFM’s. I know, minds just blew.
Best chamber in the industry. it does not need to be anything other than what it is. Or would you enjoy complete lockdown?
8. The glide. Glide is fine. Maybe a green glide would be better. Who knows. But my gripe is that I would prefer the spray shield to come down further behind the glide. Similar to an un-glided wand. To prevent overspray in sone situations.
The Glide sucks, but I wont tell you whats wrong it it
9. Should I mention the wand buying experience. Never mind
Like I said...
So that’s it. Let me have it.