I have something I need to tell you guys. I was going to wait to see if I won first, but I figure fair is fair and I'll let you know now.
I am not going to switch to Jon-Don for my regular Chem purchases. After the final number crunching, there is only a $300.00 difference on orders of $4,000.... I can see how you guys would probably do better for orders between $350-$700 than my distributor does, on bulk orders you guys are in a dead heat. Don't get me wrong, $300 is $300 any way you slice it, but it's not enough of a discount to offset the hassle of using different chems, ordering a minimum order of $350 every time, and waiting 2 days for delivery. (Good delivery time though)
Initially it looked like we were going to save $1,000 plus the $700
SFS seat... That would have done it for us.... But there was a math error made, and once it was corrected there was less than 10% savings through Jon-Don. On the quantity we do it's not quite worth it. Besides, Express shoves people out of the way to work on my truck... I don't think it would work that well for me to drive to Chicago or Seattle to have you fix something.
I think if we plan our purchases more carefully taking full advantage of bulk discounts, we will be just fine. Besides, after looking at the numbers the owner said there is no way we are going through Jon-Don... That's the final say.
Earlier that day before I straightened out the math error with Jeff and it looked like we were going to save $1900 on our first purchase, we were ready to make the move to Jon-Don.
We like those air-movers you have. All the employees love them too. If we needed another 20 or 30 of those (Which I think we do) We would probably get them and snag the free seat at
I don't think Marty realizes he has employees that will pull 36 hour shifts during storms.... If he understood that we would double our equipment... But we only have enough for 10 guys to set for 18 hours and then we run out....
Wow, I'm rambling.
Long and short, I am indebted to Jon-Don for all their hard work helping me make my decision, and Jeff Sienna is a stand up guy. I really don't like the
Matrix SC's smell, but it works well. Still need to test it at proper dilution for a restaurant carpet. If the fragrance free turns out to be anything special I might grab a few cases of that.
Thank you.