Who the Fork cares what a portable carpet cleaner looks like?Mikey P said:I figured the two of you were selling each others stuff for profit.
Bad ASSumption on my part but how could a person not think with that the way you had your site.
Other than Terje ripping off his booster box what other designs were "stolen" from Ed?
OK< you didn't like his machine, COOL, So many DO, so what makes YOUR view so darn important?
It's important to ME that people see what they are buying rather than rely on BB hype John.
I was snookered into buying a way over hyped machine because SO many BBrs were shilling for him back then.
You can't find up close photos of Ed's machines online, you wont find one in any supply shop and you certainly wont find them at a CAD or any trade show.
I believe Ed is relying on rookie broke dick larry lunchpail carpet cleaners to just keep the machine because returning it would be too much hassle.
Why the heck does he not just put a few more bucks into that design and make it legit?
Stand it next to a Masterblend, Mytee, Us Products, Prochem or Ninja and it looks ridiculous.
Udderly ridiculous.
Like I said if his new machines are all that, I and many others would love to see one in Nashville.
I haven't heard you boosting that $80,000 oh wait $100,000 Vortex peanus truck lately. Any regrets? Anybody else have an $80,000 truckmount that they are replacing with a Lunchpail? Oh wait they wouldn't say anything bad because then maybe it would be harder to unload their Vortex now that they want out.
You don't agree with his marketing but that is his business. You market your underpriced tile repair to car dealers one way he markets his stuff another. There are only a couple of others on the boards that do not like the machine.
I have never heard anyone say he did not stand behind his product. Are you saying that? Your lame comment about water running out of the wand when you laid it down doesn't stand up. You forgot to mention you had turned it off or you had taken a hose off or you didn't tighten something properly.
About being a Junior high Science Class project. Didn't you say you worked on yours all the time--And you couldn't keep things together?
All the Portables look like a Junior High science project when you open them up. In fact most of the truckmounts you seem to like (Post Vortex) are simple designs.
In Fact Mikey I have no dog in this fight but I agree with OP Mike ---Leave Ed alone and you are the one full of fecal matter on this one.