A few more words then I"m putting this thread to rest.
Angelic Ed is held up to be a saint by some of you.
You've been snookered my friends.
I take it you never saw him with out his duct taped card board angel wings off when he was posting under the name The Rock on Cooper's old board.
He acted like he thought none of the BBs regulars could see him (he was right, the board sucked) and we got to see his true colors.
He was as despicable as they come, vulgar, rude and hardly a businessman. A true asshole.
IMO it was a refreshing change from the phony we get to see on ICS.
Don't believe me?
Ask Fred Boyle, Brevik, Foster, Danny AND Cooper.
Poor Ed my ass, he started his latest "feud" with his Guilt By Association thread on ICS last week.
Ricky dude, you're OK spending $3200 on a machine that looks like shit?
You sound like a phony with something to sell dude.
The machine I bough was huge hunk of shit.
End of story.