Mr Ed Valentine

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rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
Mikey P said:
I figured the two of you were selling each others stuff for profit.
Bad ASSumption on my part but how could a person not think with that the way you had your site.

Other than Terje ripping off his booster box what other designs were "stolen" from Ed?

OK< you didn't like his machine, COOL, So many DO, so what makes YOUR view so darn important?

It's important to ME that people see what they are buying rather than rely on BB hype John.
I was snookered into buying a way over hyped machine because SO many BBrs were shilling for him back then.

You can't find up close photos of Ed's machines online, you wont find one in any supply shop and you certainly wont find them at a CAD or any trade show.

I believe Ed is relying on rookie broke dick larry lunchpail carpet cleaners to just keep the machine because returning it would be too much hassle.

Why the heck does he not just put a few more bucks into that design and make it legit?
Stand it next to a Masterblend, Mytee, Us Products, Prochem or Ninja and it looks ridiculous.

Udderly ridiculous.

Like I said if his new machines are all that, I and many others would love to see one in Nashville.
Who the Fork cares what a portable carpet cleaner looks like?

I haven't heard you boosting that $80,000 oh wait $100,000 Vortex peanus truck lately. Any regrets? Anybody else have an $80,000 truckmount that they are replacing with a Lunchpail? Oh wait they wouldn't say anything bad because then maybe it would be harder to unload their Vortex now that they want out.

You don't agree with his marketing but that is his business. You market your underpriced tile repair to car dealers one way he markets his stuff another. There are only a couple of others on the boards that do not like the machine.

I have never heard anyone say he did not stand behind his product. Are you saying that? Your lame comment about water running out of the wand when you laid it down doesn't stand up. You forgot to mention you had turned it off or you had taken a hose off or you didn't tighten something properly.

About being a Junior high Science Class project. Didn't you say you worked on yours all the time--And you couldn't keep things together?

All the Portables look like a Junior High science project when you open them up. In fact most of the truckmounts you seem to like (Post Vortex) are simple designs.

In Fact Mikey I have no dog in this fight but I agree with OP Mike ---Leave Ed alone and you are the one full of fecal matter on this one.

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
Danny Strickland said:
Rick, do you work at that bike shop??? we went through Montana in august, nice country you live in.

I've owned it for 30 years. My son has taken over and is buying it from me. Montana is great country, great people too. I am semi retired and I am now in travel mode.


John G.

Dec 29, 2008
It's important to ME that people see what they are buying rather than rely on BB hype John.
I was snookered into buying a way over hyped machine because SO many BBrs were shilling for him back then.

That like most things Mike are OPINION, In MY opinion anyone who spends a 100k for cleaning carpets is NUTS... but that is MY opinion, and if you have an opinion on Ed's machines, post them, but to have a vendetta is totally different. OBVIOUSLY he has a following because of something he is doing RIGHT..

You can't find up close photos of Ed's machines online, you wont find one in any supply shop and you certainly wont find them at a CAD or any trade show

So what? Is that somehow now a requirement? Forget the fact that a few years ago NO ONE had any photos online, and in those years Ed DID GO TO TRADE shows. Heck I spent many years doing trade shows and doing demo's all over the US, but I got TIRED of it and TIRED of being away from my wife whom I married to spend TIME with.

I believe Ed is relying on rookie broke dick larry lunchpail carpet cleaners to just keep the machine because returning it would be too much hassle

HUGE ASSumption, while "some" don't like it, "some" dont' like Mytee, "Some" don't like Ford some don't like Chevy, but what good where there be in trashing what others like and you don't? It is pointless and after a time it becomes painfully obvious it is about a vendetta not even about the opinion that may have started it at all.

Why the heck does he not just put a few more bucks into that design and make it legit?
Stand it next to a Masterblend, Mytee, Us Products, Prochem or Ninja and it looks ridiculous

But run it against manyof those and you will find MANY that prefer it, just NOT YOU. Cool, that is YOUR opinion which each of us is entitled to. But it is JUST THAT, and Opinion and nothing to keep harping on year after year.

Like I said if his new machines are all that, I and many others would love to see one in Nashville

Why would I demostrate a HWE machine when I am an OP guy? I have no point to prove and in most cases don't even care what
many peoples opinions are about things? No reason for me to be involved in another man's business. You want me demo'ing your vortex to people to SHOW them how it works and what its capabilities are? I think not!

Seeing how Nashville is a hop and a skip from Kentucky how abut you bring a new Recoil down with you?

I'm sure Ed would ship you one

Don't know if he would, but wouldn't be interested anyways, not my thing.

I don't trash you for talking up your vortex, just like I could care less when someone comes a long and tries to trash what I do,
I KNOW what I do and my customers LOVE IT. That is what makes MY business work, I expect each to have his own business built the way THEY want it, it is THIER business. I am not a one size fits all type person. I am not a follower who cares what others are doing, I am only concerned with what works for me and understanding WHY it works for me,

I am not trying to cause grief here either, this is YOUR playground, I just can not for the life of me see why you have a NEED to trash Ed and do so repeatedly,

I know the man, he is a good man, I trust him, I respect him and know a LOT of people who feel the same as I do that USE his equipment daily. Must be a reason for that, and a lot of them are not NEWBIES that are easily persuaded by POPULAR (contrived) opinions either.


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
John, you lose a lot of credibility when you push OP as your cleaning method. Come on man, I was slightly brain-washed too...but i broke free. HWE kills OP...any/all day!!

Jim, damn dude, did Ken Snow let you borrow his cape n tights??

Don't know much about the history of this "fued", but if the guy makes a quality product (portable) then why NOT bring it where cleaners will be to show it off...i'd love to see it also. But to not have pics on line??? huh? This is 2009 right? And if this is the same machine that moron Ricky used to talk about, it can't be that good.

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
royalkid said:
And if this is the same machine that moron Ricky used to talk about, it can't be that good.

That was my first thought as well.

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
we seem to be glossing over the customer service issue, does Ed have a warranty/guarantee in place and what is the policy on returns/refunds?

John G.

Dec 29, 2008
John, you lose a lot of credibility when you push OP as your cleaning method. Come on man, I was slightly brain-washed too...but i broke free. HWE kills OP...any/all day!!
What is OP Peter? Seriously, explain to me what it is...LOL We have a " standard" GUARANTEE to all customers, "if we can't outclean ChemDry or SS you owe us NOTHING. Never has happened, so I KNOW you don't know what you are talking about.

Don't know much about the history of this "fued", but if the guy makes a quality product (portable) then why NOT bring it where cleaners will be to show it off...i'd love to see it also. But to not have pics on line??? huh? This is 2009 right? And if this is the same machine that moron Ricky used to talk about, it can't be that good.
Again, commenting on something you know little or nothing about, first off he brought them to shows for YEARS, now he is enjoying his family time and doesn't travel all the time. Don't blame him, I traveled for years proving guys like you to be full of more opinions that any knowledge, and got tired of not being home.
Love to see it? Without seeing it, using how can you comment like, "It can't be good". ROFLMAO

Basically if what you consider credibility comes from talking about things with a huge lack of what knowing what you are talking about, then WHO cares about what you call credible? Don't mean to come off as a knowitall, I am not that, however, I can spot BS a mile away.

we seem to be glossing over the customer service issue, does Ed have a warranty/guarantee in place and what is the policy on returns/refunds?
Ed is known for GREAT customer service, always has been.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Listen PadPrick ... if we want to hate Ed Valentine, then let us do it with a clear conscious!

We don't need both you and Cooper making us feel bad about ourselves.

John G.

Dec 29, 2008
Look Swine Flew, you would have to HAVE a concsience to have a clean one....

How is the son working out?

Has he quit working for you yet?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Yes John I decide how much profit someone is allowed to make off me.
and this being America, land of the small business owner AND free speech, I am free to express my opinion.

Tell Ed to grow some balls and post here, going through you and Willy is getting old.

Have you ever seen and taken apart a resoil John?


Mikey P said:
Yes John I decide how much profit someone is allowed to make off me.
and this being America, land of the small business owner AND free speech, I am free to express my opinion.

Tell Ed to grow some balls and post here, going through you and Willy is getting old.

Have you ever seen and taken apart a resoil John?

Just curious Mikey - do you know wholesale price on a feathertouch valve ?? If not , guess .


John G. said:
Now you decide PROFIT?

How cautious are you about how much YOU make?

Actually the free market will often determine what someone is able to charge for their product or service.

However, once upon a time a few guys were the manufacturing board darlings. They all steered customers to each other and raved about each others products and services... they may have shared a beer in a hotel parking lot and made a cleaning pass with the others merchandise ... but other than that, they didn;t have a clue nor cared how much of a value each was delivering.

Soon other lemmings came along and endorsed the board favorites and rarely had any knowledge of what they were talking about either.

Sure some will call Mikey a board bully but I'll take the word of a cleaner over a BB recommendation anyday of the week until I can try it myself.

and before Cooper chimes in yea it goes for Greenie as well. I didn't buy from him until I tried the Greenhorn wand and with a 100% money back guarantte , I had nothing to lose.

BTW ...I was told by "good fortune to all" that there would be a 20% re-stocking fee if I wanted to return plus shipping

WOW! I just went to his website he has a NO RETURN policy now :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Does this look like $3200 worth of engineering to you John?


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Go to love the one single automotive hose clamp fastening the lamb vacs down.

I'd like some parmigiana to go with my Spaghetti :shock:


fred boyle said:
[quote="John G.":1rkzwihx]Now you decide PROFIT?

How cautious are you about how much YOU make?

Actually the free market will often determine what someone is able to charge for their product or service.

However, once upon a time a few guys were the manufacturing board darlings. They all steered customers to each other and raved about each others products and services... they may have shared a beer in a hotel parking lot and made a cleaning pass with the others merchandise ... but other than that, they didn;t have a clue nor cared how much of a value each was delivering.

Soon other lemmings came along and endorsed the board favorites and rarely had any knowledge of what they were talking about either.

Sure some will call Mikey a board bully but I'll take the word of a cleaner over a BB recommendation anyday of the week until I can try it myself.

and before Cooper chimes in yea it goes for Greenie as well. I didn't buy from him until I tried the Greenhorn wand and with a 100% money back guarantte , I had nothing to lose.

BTW ...I was told by "good fortune to all" that there would be a 20% re-stocking fee if I wanted to return plus shipping

WOW! I just went to his website he has a NO RETURN policy now :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:[/quote:1rkzwihx]

Heres the way it really works , although Im sure Fred is sincere in his beliefs .

Mikeys recommends Andrachelle ( sp ?) and MArk Cermak as the best website designers . Nothing wrong with that , He probably recieved a great value , deal , etc . , and is pleased to do his part to see that they do well .

The problem is when he comes on here and uses his influence to convince everyone that anyone else but his friends and associates products are shit .

He does it on chemicals , Truckmounts , suppliers , manufacturers , etc .

There are no gray areas with Mikey - if you arent kissing his butt or sending him free stuff ( anyone remember how Clark was treated BEFORE he sent Mikey an OP ??) your getting slammed .

So waiting with baited breathe for a MIkey recommendation means your waiting to see which product he recently recieved for free .


Oct 7, 2006
for one thing we have no problem calling mickey out on this BB for being a Whore and if your correct of doing so the posts stay up.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Roomy and just the place to keep the in laws overnight.( No scraped knuckles!) I have no problem with a machine that's easy to get parts for locally and simple to work on. Burst vac? I'm a klutz with a wrench, but it took me less than 15 minutes to swap out a vac motor.

Or is it better to wait 2 weeks for UPS to get a proprietary part? :roll:


John G.

Dec 29, 2008
I see Mikeys showed a hackjob, not the workmanship that is being done by CA. LOL

That is the crap that gets to me. Why is honesty such a fricken problem for some?
Yes John I decide how much profit someone is allowed to make off me.
and this being America, land of the small business owner AND free speech, I am free to express my opinion.

Tell Ed to grow some balls and post here, going through you and Willy is getting old.
Sure ya can, but over and over and over again shows vendetta, not opinion...
Plus I seldom talk to Ed, so I wouldn't be talking FOR him, just giving MY OPINION.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
The problem is when he comes on here and uses his influence to convince everyone that anyone else but his friends and associates products are shit .

He does it on chemicals , Truckmounts , suppliers , manufacturers , etc .

I'm going to disagree with you on your point about Mike and his favorites as well James.

I've worked closely with Mike here since the start of the board, and I do consider him a friend.

But also Mike has a fairly clear antipathy for the largest supplier that I represent, mostly recommends products that I do not sell, and has more than once talked a mutual acquaintenance out of purchasing something that might have been in my selfish interests for that person to purchase.

In no case have I tried to influence Mike to change his positions on those matters, nor would I in the future. I'd say Mike and I disagree over more than half of what serves my business interests, yet I still support him here, and as a friend.


Jim Pemberton said:
The problem is when he comes on here and uses his influence to convince everyone that anyone else but his friends and associates products are shit .

He does it on chemicals , Truckmounts , suppliers , manufacturers , etc .

I'm going to disagree with you on your point about Mike and his favorites as well James.

I've worked closely with Mike here since the start of the board, and I do consider him a friend.

But also Mike has a fairly clear antipathy for the largest supplier that I represent, mostly recommends products that I do not sell, and has more than once talked a mutual acquaintenance out of purchasing something that might have been in my selfish interests for that person to purchase.

In no case have I tried to influence Mike to change his positions on those matters, nor would I in the future. I'd say Mike and I disagree over more than half of what serves my business interests, yet I still support him here, and as a friend.

Jim , have you sent him his " gift basket "?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Cooper is conveniently forgetting that I would not recommend the Sapphire Wand that I got for free, nor the filter box that I got for free.

I refused to sell BP a banner until they dealt with their Marketing Mishap. (notice no banner up YET)

When people ask me what OP machine to buy I tell them they will get far better service form Hruby who never gave me a machine.

I paid for my Vortex
I paid for my Judson.
I trade for my 02.
I pay for my Cobb's products.
I trade for my Masterblend products
I paid to have the Cermack optimize my biz site and to host this site.
I trade and pay for my Vac Away stuff.

Coop, you're way off base on those claims.

Find me a post where I state the the Cermaks are the greatest web designers.
I have only commented on Mark's ability to optimize a site. That is the only experience I have with them.

If you want to start making shit up like this then I'm gonna toss ya.

You're riding a very thin line as it is so I would suggest you keep to the facts.


Jim Pemberton said:
Jim , have you sent him his " gift basket "?

Don't be shy Mr Cooper. Explain your meaning.

to bestow favor you have to give favor .

Actually it was meant in jest , but Mikey has proven to be a bit of a shill when it comes to the free chit .
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